It’s obvious that the killer’s purpose in leaving the IP is to kill people!

"Why so arrogant?"

Hu Li couldn't understand, "Killing a chicken to scare monkeys, the killer wants to scare the police?"

"No, it's more than that."

Zhou Chen shook his head, "Are killers really stupid? Are they being impulsive and dare to fight against a country's violent machine? They don't dare!"

"What's that for?" one of the agents asked.

"Stupid, there's a cordon."

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "The killer group must be afraid of being targeted by the country, so they set up a cordon in advance. And this IP is the cordon. As long as it is touched by someone, it can detect who is targeting them. If it is a group Ordinary police, they will directly kill these policemen and the middlemen who betrayed them, and then do whatever they have to do. If it is the police force, special police, or armed police, or even special forces... the killer group will be eliminated immediately. They will disappear completely and hide until the country no longer pays attention to them, then they will come out and continue wandering! "

"I see!"

Hu Li and others suddenly looked at the police uniforms worn by Zhou Chen, and then at the police uniforms worn by everyone else.

Everyone raised their thumbs in submission.

Police uniform, Zhou Chen asked Yang Xu to borrow it from the police system.

When everyone was asked to change into police uniforms, the special agents didn't know why.

Now finally what Zhou Chen is going to do.


Twenty or so ordinary police officers go to hunt down killers. If the killer group is powerful, will they care?

Absolutely not, maybe 010 will really make dumplings for these twenty or so policemen.

If there are fifty or one hundred police officers, there may even be SWAT, armed police, and special forces personnel.

Do you think the killer dares to come out?

This is bullshit. The killer is not an idiot who just comes out to die.

Will definitely run!

If these forces are really deployed, the killer group will also know that they have been exposed and alarm the country.

Not only can they run away, but they can also hide.

So this IP address is the warning line deliberately left by the killer group!

Maybe the killer group wouldn't even think of it.

Their plan was not only discovered by Zhou Chen, but also exploited.

Deliberately disguised as bait to lure these killers out.

Follow this line and follow the clues.

The number of these killers should not be small.

When there are more people, there must be a higher-up command to control the situation.

Otherwise, everyone is a killer, and who listens to whom?

And Zhou Chen's goal is this high-level person.

The killer doesn't know the group's headquarters, the middlemen don't know, and the top management doesn't know?

As long as this high-level executive is captured, the entire killer group's ties will be completely exposed.

With the methods of the Ninth Division, no one from the killer group can escape.

Speaking of killing people.

No matter how powerful the killer is, can he be more powerful than the killing machine cultivated by the country?

Isn't this funny! .

Chapter 112 Here comes my brother (1 update)

A semi-abandoned plastic steel factory.

It contains an office building, a factory, and a large warehouse.

There is a gate post in front of the courtyard, and there are two watchmen inside the gate post.

Five police cars parked in front of the door, the doors opened, and twenty-one police officers stepped out.

Two men in security uniforms came out.

A young man, about thirty years old.

"You two are the security guards of this factory, right?"

Hu Li, wearing a police uniform, came to the two of them with a cold face.

Hu Li was the older one in the Nine Divisions. He was wearing a police uniform and had the rank of police inspector, the highest among them all.

He also deliberately acted like a 'big brother taking the lead'.

The two security guards looked at each other and nodded quickly.

The older security guard said, "Officer, what do you want?"

"We need to check out this factory."

Hu Li took out a "search warrant" like a magic trick and handed it to the security guard.

The security guard didn't know anything like this. When he saw the words "search warrant" and looked at the more than 20 police officers in front of him, he opened the door with a very nervous expression and said, "Please come in, please come in."

Everyone entered the factory compound.

"Leave two people behind, and the others will follow me to search."

Hu Li ordered coldly, and the two special agents stayed behind to watch the security guards.

The others followed Hu Li and walked towards the factory.

When Zhou Chen passed by two security guards, he wrinkled his nose.

The expression remains unchanged.

When everyone arrived at the factory, Hu Li glanced at Zhou Chen, who had an indifferent expression, and whispered, "I don't see anything wrong with them."

Not only Hu Li, but also other special agents did not see any problem with the security.

"I didn't notice it either, but I have a good nose and can smell something."

Zhou Chen said two more words, "Gun oil!"

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed.

Gun oil, also known by many names.

Such as gun water, gun cleaning oil, gun spray agent, and daily firearm maintenance oil.

It is a three-in-one gun-specific oil for wiping, washing and maintaining.

In the past, diesel and No. 30 engine oil were generally used instead.

With the development of the times, gun oil has also begun to improve, changing with each passing day.

With the ability to double his sense of smell, the smell Zhou Chen smelled was 'phosphate', which is also the main component of modern gun oil.

Why do the two security guards smell like gun oil?

"The killer's disguise ability is a bit strong."

Hu Li was frightened, "If we don't pay attention, we might all capsize."

"It's normal."

Zhou Chen nodded, "You don't necessarily need brute force to kill. Sometimes brains are better than brute force."

Everyone stopped talking, and two special agents walked towards the factory gate.

Pulling the bolt and opening the door.

It was dark inside, but it became a little eerie when illuminated by the light outside the door.

Two more special agents quickly entered the factory gate.

When they walked into the factory, they stopped.

One special agent put his hands behind his back.

He made a few gestures that only people from the Ninth Division could understand.

Surveillance, traps, danger!

He put his hands behind his back to prevent the surveillance from detecting his movements.

You have to know that they are "playing" police.

If the killer finds out that these policemen are fake, the plan will be ruined.

Zhou Chen's mouth curved up.

A glimmer flashed in Hu Li's eyes.

The other special agents looked normal.

It seemed that their expressions did not change at all, just like a group of ordinary policemen.

The two special agents who entered the factory first looked around.

It was as if they hadn't noticed the camera working in the corner, the big oil drum hanging from the ceiling, and the oil stains on some lathes, shelves, and objects in the factory.

Not to mention the camera.

There should be some dangerous items in the oil drum on the ceiling, as for the oil stains in the factory.

Based on the experience of the special agents, they should be some highly flammable dangerous goods that can catch fire instantly when encountering sparks.

The two special agents pretended to take a rough look at the factory, turned around and shouted to Zhou Chen and others behind them: "Nothing unusual."

This was not shouted to Zhou Chen and others, but to those who could hear.

Then, the two special agents left the factory and closed the door...

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