Strictly speaking, their destructive power is more terrifying than that of terrorists.

At most, terrorists carry out terrorist attacks, cause some destruction and create terror.

The killer actually kills people and harvests lives!

"After thirty years of contact, you should know more or less about the killer, even if he keeps it mysterious, right?"

Zhou Chen looked directly at her, "Tell me everything you know."

Sun Qimei said everything.

I have to say it too.

According to her confession, every year for thirty years, someone came and purchased a child from her.

The cost of a child has increased from 10,000 in the past to 50,000 in recent years.

The child must be healthy and not have any physical disability.

Every year, there is a different killer who comes to buy children.

The reason why I know they are killers is because they cooperated for the first time.

That year her husband died in a car accident and the driver was not found.

At this time, the killer came to her door and said that he could help her solve the 'problem'.

From then on, Sun Qimei began to cooperate with the killer and sold her children for more than thirty years...

"Every time they contact me, they will call me in advance, but the phone number is different every time. They will inquire on the phone, and if there is a suitable child, they will agree on a transaction time, and they will come to the orphanage to take them away child."

Sun Qimei finally said: "Just last night, they just bought a child!"


Zhou Chen's eyes were as sharp as razor blades, and he stood up quickly, preparing to leave.

"You promised me."

Seeing Zhou Chen about to leave, Sun Qimei suddenly shouted, "You promised me to let them go."

They are her descendants!

Zhou Chen stopped and turned to look at Sun Qimei with a calm expression.

"I never promised you anything."

"You..." Sun Qimei was stunned.

"However, I can promise you one thing now."

Feilu Novel

Zhou Chen said word by word, "Let your descendants die completely!"


Sun Qimei collapsed.

Zhou Chen's words were like a steel needle stabbing her heart.

The old face was instantly distorted, trying hard to suppress the grief.

But despair and helplessness caused tears to burst from the sockets of his eyes.

Sun Qimei suddenly covered her chest, her heart hurt so much that her whole body twitched in pain.

She opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

Unfortunately, she could only look at Zhou Chen with a sad face, unable to say anything.

"Retribution is actually very magical."

Zhou Chen looked at Sun Qimei calmly, "It's not that it doesn't exist, it's not that it doesn't exist, and it's not that retribution only falls on individuals. Because retribution likes to appear where you care most. Even if retribution doesn't come to you, it will still make you feel To the heart-breaking pain...please savor it."


A strange sound came from Sun Qimei's mouth.

His expression was desperate, his eyes were painful, and he was in tears.

Then, she breathed her last...

Zhou Chen turned around and walked out of the room.

Dragons never care about the death of ants.

What's more, it's a disgusting reptile! ten.

Chapter 108 Orphan, this is a killer (4 updates)

"All of Sun Qimei's suspicious call record numbers in recent years have been screened out."

"These numbers have one thing in common. Most of them are not real names, or they are numbers handled by real-name personnel without their knowledge."

"Through analysis and positioning through signal base stations, these suspicious calls will almost only be made twice, without any call records. The first time will be in S City, and the second time will appear in Bincheng."

"It can be inferred that the first time was when the other party asked Sun Qimei if he had a suitable child. The second time was when he showed up in Bincheng to take away the child. There is a certain probability that the headquarters of this killer group should be in S city."

"The place where the suspicious call was made last night was four kilometers away from the welfare home. Due to the investigation through the signal base station, we can only lock the location with a high probability, but cannot confirm the identity of the other party."

"The police are now starting to screen and investigate any suspicious persons who have recently arrived in Bincheng from City S and appear near the welfare home. The three-line transportation of sea, land and air are also stepping up dispatch and investigation, but it will take time..."

After Yang Xu finished telling the information the police had, he looked at Zhou Chen who was smoking a cigarette.

"Planes, ships, railways...impossible."

Zhou Chen shook his head, "Children do not have ID cards, and they need a household registration book to ride on these means of transportation. After all children are adopted, their identity information will be settled in the 010 welfare home. Those killers will not be so stupid. It is easy to buy tickets with the child's household registration. Expose the child, expose them along with it.”

"You mean..."

Yang Xu suddenly realized, "He wants to take the child away, but he can only take the land route!"

"Even if you take the land route, you won't take taxis or online ride-hailing services because it's easy to expose your whereabouts. You can only use private cars."

Zhou Chen nodded, "Assuming that he drove from City S to Bincheng, his license plate will most likely be from City S. The expressway toll station has surveillance, and you can screen the license plates and suspicious persons traveling to and from City S in Bincheng. Especially vehicles with children on board. Check the area around the orphanage to see if there are any suspicious vehicles with S city license plates."

Yang Xu took a deep look at Zhou Chen, then turned to look at the policemen on the side.

Two police officers left quickly and started investigating according to the 'tips' given by Zhou Chen.

"The chances of finding him through these things are slim."

Zhou Chen frowned and looked at the national security special agent beside him, "Is the Skynet surveillance not ready yet?"

The welfare home has surveillance, but since the suspected killer took the child away last night.

The surveillance was deleted, and the technicians are forcibly repairing and restoring it.

People who understand surveillance video know that surveillance video files are the most difficult to restore.

But fortunately, there is Skynet surveillance outside the welfare home.

When the special agent retrieved the Skynet surveillance, everyone frowned.

See the blind spot of surveillance again!

From the Skynet surveillance video, it can be seen that it was dark last night, and a staff member led a child into the surveillance blind spot.

A minute later, the staff member came back with a bag, and the child was gone.

It goes without saying that the child was taken away by someone in the surveillance blind spot.

And this blind spot is a real blind spot.

The welfare home is in the suburbs, and even the Skynet surveillance in the city has not achieved full coverage, let alone the suburbs.

There are surveillance, but not many.

In addition to the surveillance camera that captured the welfare home, the nearest Skynet surveillance camera is 20 meters away.

There is also a road in this 20-meter blind spot.

If the other party leaves from the road, it cannot be tracked!

"This killer group seems to know everything about the welfare home."

Zhou Chen sneered, "But what's the use? As long as you show up, you will definitely leave traces."

"Found it. A suspicious vehicle with a license plate from City S was found in a public parking lot four kilometers away from the welfare home."

A special agent looked at the director, "Through surveillance, a man took a boy into this car at 10:21 last night."


Yang Xu frowned, "The girl was taken away by the other party last night. Makeup?"

In order to evade tracking, it is very likely that the girl is dressed as a boy.

"Just look for it and you will know."

Zhou Chen threw away the cigarette butt and walked towards a police car.

The car model, license plate, and suspected target are locked and exposed to surveillance.

The itinerary of this car can be fully checked through Skynet surveillance.


In the business car.

"The surveillance at the toll station confirmed that the suspect vehicle entered Bincheng from the toll station intersection at 9 am yesterday."

"It was confirmed again that the vehicle did not leave Bincheng last night, but was parked at a daily rental apartment building. This type of daily rental apartment can be booked online in advance using identity information, and the room can be entered with a password."

"The identity information was found, and it was a 42-year-old woman, who did not match the suspect target..."

A special agent reported.

Zhou Chen and others arrived directly at the daily rental apartment building.

The area and Skynet surveillance were retrieved as soon as possible.

The target was locked!

In the surveillance, around 7 o'clock this morning.

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