Murong Shanshan raised a smug smile towards Murong Wuwu.

"Not bad, it seems that there has indeed been a lot of progress recently."

"It seems that it is indeed possible to fight against me."

Murong Wuwu smiled and said not to be outdone.

"Of course, I have to train hard recently, but you probably haven't trained well recently, otherwise how could you be compared to me?"

Although the two are indeed good sisters in reality, they are in a competition after all, and everyone wants to win, so in fact, it is good to have a little more competitiveness.

After Murong Shanshan heard what Murong Wuwu said, her complexion turned a little bit bad, and she said with a muffled snort.

"Aren't they just two monsters more than me?"

"I'll see how long you can talk about this matter. Really, I will never let you over me again. This is just the first time in your life."

When Murong Wuwu heard Murong Shanshan say this, she hummed and said with a smile.

"That's not necessarily the case, we still have to come up with facts to speak."

At the same time, the two of them radiated their own attacks in the direction of the sea monster dragon that was rushing toward them.

I saw that Murong Wuwu summoned a huge water dragon, which passed directly through the body of the sea monster wolf, and suddenly a big hole directly appeared on the body of the sea monster wolf.

With a bang, he was actually instantly killed by Murong Wuwu.

Murong Shanshan, Gen is very fast and directly stabs Haiyang's huge back with a knife, this kind of his weakness instantly kills the last half of his HP.

This time, everyone ended it in the fastest time. This 4th wave of major events, everyone also felt that this 4th wave was not like "the 4th wave, this one has to apply for waves.

The boss is really too weak. Although it is indeed a boss, it is just an ordinary boss.

Murong Wuwu came to Lin Feng's side, looked at him curiously and asked.

"You saw my fight just now, how much do you think I can beat Murong Shanshan?"

"I don't want to lose to her this time, otherwise she will definitely keep talking about it.

When Murong Shanshan saw Murong Wuwu coming, Lin Feng's side also came to Lin Feng and asked.

"Did she just ask again what percentage chance you have than me? Let me tell you, even if you ask, they won't answer you."

"Because in fact, in general, you are still weaker than me, or else you obviously have a weakness just now, why don't you directly attack its weakness?"

Murong Yiyi and Murong Er'er also quickly dealt with the Siren Giant Wolf and came to Lin Feng, looking at Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan who started to quarrel.

"What's going on? Why do the two of them feel like they're about to fight?" Murong Yiyi asked.

Murong Er Er saw Murong Shan Shan and Murong Wu Wu who were arguing at a glance, and they said it as if they were used to it because of something.

"Just get used to it."

"In the past, it was Murong Shanshan and Murong Sisi who were arguing, but now they have changed, and it has become a quarrel with Murong Wuwu."

Murong Sisi said with a smile as if she was eating her own melon.

"Oh, I don't think there's any need for you two to quarrel over this kind of thing, let's talk about it."

"Isn't it still waiting to find out which of you is better than the other?"

"Anyway, you only see that there is still a difference of two bigs. Why don't you be happy and wait for the fifth wave to start before starting PK."

Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan took a look, at this moment Murong Sisi, who was talking sarcasticly, both of them said to her at the same time.

"No, now we just want to make a comparison.

Murong felt extremely wronged in his heart, it was none of his business, he was just reminded.

There was absolutely no need to hurt the friendship of the sisters because of these things, but Kang Shi was treated in such a tone by the two of them.

Alas, it is too difficult to be a human being, especially it is even more difficult to be a good person, so I should not talk too much.

Lin Feng watched the two of them arguing, but thought it was very funny, and didn't say much.

After all, the families of two girls will always quarrel over little things.

This is also normal, sometimes it is not good for everyone's relationship if you don't quarrel.

Besides, according to Murong Shanshan's character, if someone else is stronger than him.

She will definitely try her best to force that person down, she will not let others step on her.

This is also the strangest thing about their five sisters, she is the most face-saving among them.

Murong Yiyi didn't take Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan seriously at all, and said to Lin Feng beside her.

"I feel that this 4th wave can't end so easily. The ordinary boss just now is really, you are too weak."

"...It's even weaker than the bosses of the 3rd wave and 2nd wave just now. I feel that this is a trap that the officials have dug up. Let us relax our vigilance."

Lin Feng also nodded, this time his thinking was indeed exactly the same as Murong Yiyi's. Murong Er'er was listening to them beside them, and in fact, his thoughts in his heart were in agreement with them.

Li Yuan is the same as Murong Sisi, he doesn't take other things seriously at all, but looks strange, looking at the current Murong Shanshan and Murong Wuwu, he still doesn't forget to whisper in Lin Feng's ear road.

"Which of the two of them do you think has the better personality? I used to think that the sad personality was better, but now I don't think so."

Lin Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Li Yuan, patted his shoulder with his hands and said miscellaneous.

"Can you stop such gossip?"

"Whoever has a good personality, you think whoever has a good personality between the two of them has a better personality."

Li Yuan silently rolled (are you okay) Lin Feng a roll of his eyes, he has long been used to Lin Feng's character of ignoring everything.

No wonder I can't find a girlfriend, alas, I feel that all five of them are pretty good, and I don't know which one Lin Feng likes...

Looking at the smile on Li Yuan's face, Lin Feng already guessed what was going on in his heart, so he couldn't help but raised his hand and patted him on the head, and said again.

"Okay, put away your unrealistic ideas, and those boring questions, now we have to think about how we will fight next


"Little monsters, I killed more than everyone else, and now I have killed 730 little monsters, and now everyone needs to allocate how to make everyone's number even.

Li Yuan nodded helplessly and said.

"All right, all right, you can say whatever you want, alas, I thought I could eat melons.".

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