"If you want to ruin my affairs today, then don't blame me for killing them."

While speaking, Qin Mingtian directly attacked Su Yu.

One after another, the rays of light hit Su Yu's body like this.

When these things fall on Su Yu's flesh and blood, it can be said to bring Su Yu an inexorable pain~Chu.

But even so, - so what?

The pain he suffered was only one-tenth of his own. Thinking of the torture that those people treated him, Qin Mingtian's face instantly became extremely ugly.

After that, Qin Mingtian gritted his teeth and took out all the magic weapons and props. It seemed that he was venting his anger, but the people next to him did not dare to approach.

They all knew that Qin Mingtian was going to kill Su Yu, but what could they do? Everyone was an ordinary person, so it was impossible for them to come and save Su Yu right away.

What's more, they are really powerless.

The feeling of powerlessness pressed down on them deeply, making them feel unable to breathe.

Now, looking at Su Yu, they couldn't help but grit their teeth.

"We really want to save you, but there is no way, I hope you can understand us. 99

"If we can save you, we will definitely not stand idly by."

"This guy is really scary.""

The crowd chattered.

Those gamers really wanted to help, but when they saw Su Yu's tragic situation, they all stopped. Even though Su Yu was a former idol and god to them, some things must be in their own interests after all.

Su Yu was also used to it, not taking these things seriously at all, but looking at the surrounding environment, and then waiting for a more powerful force to come.

But while waiting, Su Yu didn't want to be tortured here.

At this moment, Su Yu just closed his eyes and looked at everything around him indifferently.

As time disappeared, Qin Mingtian's attacks were gradually beaten back by Su Yu, and at this time Su Yu also used his true strength.

The crowd watched from the side, and their eyes widened for a while.

I didn't expect Su Yu to have such power.

They all stayed where they were, and Su Yu saw the expressions on these people's faces and just smiled slightly.

With the passage of time, soon, the power from the distant horizon appeared in front of everyone, it turned out to be a huge unicorn, a golden unicorn.

When Qin Mingtian saw it, his heart subconsciously moved, he felt that this thing was a treasure given to him by God.

Even if he doesn't fight Su Yu, you and I will soon be beaten by Su Yu.

But what about that? Could it be that he has to back down, or even surrender? Of course not.

At this moment, looking in the direction of the unicorn, Qin Mingtian simply shouted.

Just after shouting such a voice, Qilin said loudly to Qin Mingtian.

"Stupid guy, you disturbed my rest."

At the same time as Qilin said, he also rushed in front of Qin Mingtian.

In just a moment, Qin Mingtian was kicked away by the unicorn, and everyone didn't even know where he went, only to see Qin Mingtian turned into a point, disappearing little by little from the front.

Seeing Qin Mingtian leave, Su Yu was also confused for a while.

Who would have thought that the unicorn's temper would be so violent.

While he was thinking, Qilin saw the expression on Su Yu's face, and couldn't help but let out a piercing scream.

Although Su Yu didn't know why such screams came about, he could still guess some vaguely, probably because of the suppression of those powers, just like monsters.

Looking at the other gamers, Su Yu no longer hesitated and came directly to Kirin.

A few game players reacted, and they rushed over immediately, while staring at the unicorn and saying nervously.

"What's the matter with you? Is there something wrong with you?"

"When is there a lot of magic weapons and props that can make you feel comfortable.""

"Yeah, we can make you live like a fairy.

Those people kept talking.

But Qilin sneered and said with a smile when he heard what they said.

"What the hell, what a life like a fairy, I don't need these things, don't bother me, a fairy is a low-level servant.

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and stopped looking at the gamers in front of him. What they said was ignored by him. No matter how they begged for mercy and apologized, Qilin was indifferent.

When Su Yu saw Qilin's attitude, he couldn't help but shake his head with a slight smile.

0.... ask for flowers ·

"You are too stubborn.

As he spoke, he patted the unicorn on the shoulder.

Hearing Su Yu's words, the other party couldn't help but look up at him, and then said with disgust on his face.

"Who are you? Dare to touch me.

He was impatient.

But Su Yu didn't care, but talked about the mythical beasts and beasts. After he finished speaking, he pointed to the distant direction and said.

"Follow me to that place, or if you stay here, you will definitely be tortured beyond redemption. These things are not fake. If you don't believe it, just try it."

After speaking, Su Yu ignored Qilin and looked at him quietly.

The other party hesitated for a moment and decided to follow Su Yu directly.


When he followed Su Yu, Qilin looked back at the people behind him. Those gamers all looked at him with eager eyes, but what was the use? He never looked down on these ignorant people. people.

Thinking of this matter, the game player was left behind by him.

Seeing Su Yu take the Kirin away, those gamers turned pale again with anger.

"What does he mean? Are all the benefits to be taken?

"I feel like this game world is getting more and more outrageous.

"Why does he get so many good things?"

"We should all pay the same, right? 35

"It's not fair enough, I'm going to complain."

Everyone sighed while talking.

In fact, before they complained, they had already guessed what the ending would look like, because similar situations have happened before, although they did not recognize Su Yu's ability.

But anyone with eyes knows how powerful Su Yu is.

At this moment, everyone seems to have no choice but to swallow their voices.

And Su Yu was looking at the unicorn beside him, and said to him with a solemn face.

"After all, you all came from another world, so this matter still has to be solved by other methods, and you can't go too far..."

He wasn't finished yet.

The unicorn's face became extremely ugly, and then overturned another cloud, and then flew up in the air, as if it was going to fly in another direction.

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