At one o'clock in the morning, there was no one in the Kameda Wild Area.

There were only wild monsters.

A figure appeared without any warning.

He looked around and frowned in confusion: "No one? It seems that I am overthinking..."

Before he finished speaking, he roared angrily: "Baga, there is indeed a traitor!"

Then, the surrounding lights suddenly lit up, and more than 20 people appeared together, surrounding the figure in the middle.

It was clear that they had been waiting for a long time.

The person who suddenly appeared was not in a hurry and looked around.

Matsushita Yuki, Suzuki Do, Haragi Kenji...

The figure rubbed his hands excitedly: "I made a fortune, they are all on the list!"

Matsushita Yuki and Suzuki Do are both outstanding among the eight-turn professionals in Sakura, and these two are on the must-kill list of Dragon Country.

Haragi Kenji is the famous nine-turn guardian of Sakura Country. His tankiness makes many output professions on Blue Star miserable - anyone who encounters him in the professional arena will bypass him if they can, and if they can't, they can only blame themselves for their bad luck.

There was once a nine-turn professional in the nine-turn professional arena who slipped and clicked Haragi Kenji, and spent a day and a night with him in the professional arena.

In the end, neither side died, and the professional arena finally determined the winner based on the damage ratio.

And the foreign professional was judged to have failed because the damage he caused accounted for too little.

For such a damage reduction player, Su Mo was not sure to kill him.

But for the others around him, it was easy to kill them.

At this time, Grandpa Su remembered a sentence - if Grandpa can't kill you, can't he kill the dog beside you?

But these "dogs" are not ordinary, they are geniuses!

Like the "seeds" left by the professional associations of various countries in Longguo, the people in front of him are also the "seeds" of Sakura.

The figure - Su Mo, praised.

He thought that the accident of [Thousand Snow Plain] was enough to attract the attention of Sakura, and it was possible that a net was set up to wait for him.

Unexpectedly, it was such a group of seeded players.

This is not a tough battle, this is a great gift!

"Takagi Jiro!"

Matsushita Yukiyuki walked forward slowly and drew out the samurai sword, "You come here late at night, what do you want to do?"

He is a heavenly warrior, a leader among the eight revolutions. Facing Takagi, whose attributes and reputation are not as good as his, he did not act immediately.

What he has to do is to rely on his status as a genius, denounce this Sakura scum, make him cry bitterly, make him repent, and finally commit suicide.

The best strategy is to defeat the enemy without fighting!

However, what surprised him was that when Takagi in front of him turned to look at him, he actually drew out his samurai sword and made a chopping motion.

"Baga, Takagi, your conscience is so great...ah!"

Matsushita Yuki screamed and disappeared instantly.

He, died, and resurrection started!


Sumo sighed.

The 50% probability of [Forbidden. Eternal Death] was too tight, and the first hit basically didn't succeed.

Otherwise, this Matsushita Yuki could have reincarnated directly.

But others were not so lucky.

Sumo raised his hand and fired five normal attacks, killing three in a row and injuring two.

The second Suzuki was very "lucky" and triggered [Forbidden. Eternal Death] and was sent directly.

The equipment fell to the ground, and the Sakura professional who had not yet reacted was stunned instantly.

In their eyes, the sneaky Takagi was like a demon, pointing at anyone and that person would die!

The ninth-turn guardian Kenji Haragi reacted and roared: "Baga, he is not Takagi, kill him!"

He instantly turned on the protective halo to protect many Tianjiao.

He stared at Su Mo, wishing to cut this fake Takagi into pieces - an eighth-turn Tianjiao of Sakura was killed in front of him!

He must send a message to President Kato and let him handle the situation...

Kenji Haragi was stunned by the scene before he could send a message.

With Somo as the center, the temperature around him suddenly rose, and the flames swept in all directions like a torrent.

The forbidden spell of the fire god - [Forbidden. Flowing Blade Like Fire]!

The furious flames swept the entire Kameda Wild Area, even beyond the Kameda Area, and spread to the nearby dungeons!

Among them, of course, Kenji Haragi and a group of Sakura Tianjiao.

Kenji Haragi wanted to use the teleportation skill, but was shocked to find that his skill panel was black!

The surroundings were silent at some point!


Kenji Haragi realized that he had encountered either a mage or an Onmyoji.

This "Takagi Niji" in front of him

"Takagi Jiro" hid his identity!

"How did he do it!"

Kenji Haragi struggled to hold on, and for the first time he found himself useless.

He saw so many of the younger generation of Sakura's geniuses fall in the blink of an eye, but he was powerless.

In less than three seconds, except for Kenji Haragi, there were only twelve people around who were resurrected, and the other fourteen were burned to ashes by the endless flames of fire the moment they became corpses.

Kenji Haragi's eyes were red!

Because he saw the equipment piled up in front of "Takagi Jiro" and hundreds of thousands of drops of [God's Blood]!

He suddenly understood that "Takagi Jiro" must have special means to know that the BUG time point of two o'clock in the morning is when the [God's Blood] has the highest drop rate!

But it was too late. He saw with his own eyes that "Takagi Jiro" put hundreds of thousands of [God's Blood] and dropped equipment into the warehouse .

Then, the opponent threw two more skills, and walked away in front of him...

Of the remaining twelve people, only two survived with the remaining two skills!

The others either did not have enough resurrection scrolls or died inexplicably.

Kenji Haragi was in a daze, and even forgot to send the situation here to Kato as soon as possible.

The two professionals who had luckily saved their lives were already trembling in their hearts.

Just now, they clearly felt the existence of hell.

In just a dozen seconds, they left a shadow that they would never get rid of for the rest of their lives.

The two shivered and suddenly felt a chill in their crotch - scared to pee!

A strong light flashed in front of them, and a figure appeared from it.

Kenji Haragi was the first to react and knelt down to salute: "Your Majesty the Emperor of Japan!"

Emperor Toba did not answer, raised his hand to kill the two surviving geniuses, and then spoke angrily: "What's going on? "

Kenji Haragi was terrified and was about to tell the details of the tragedy that happened in the past ten seconds, but he heard the Japanese emperor roaring: "Baga, it turned out to be you, a stinky rat!"

The Japanese emperor disappeared on the spot, and the strong light disappeared with it.

Kenji Haragi fell into a temporary blindness...

At the same time, Su Mo, who had already arrived at another copy, raised his hand and cast two forbidden spells in the copy, collected the [Blood of God], and immediately escaped.

Looking at the remaining time, he nodded secretly: "It's much more efficient than before, just go through one more copy and go back directly!"

After he left, the Japanese emperor appeared where he was.

Looking at the devastation, the Japanese emperor shouted angrily: "Despicable Dragon people, you deserve to die!"

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