"Huh? Isn't that Su Bai?"

An old student who happened to pass by the practice field saw Su Bai and his group coming, and immediately paid attention.

But he didn't pay attention for long, and he understood what they were going to do in the conversation of several people.

"What? Su Bai really cultivated a new blood successor?"

"This is big news!"

"I have to inform the others!"

The old student hurriedly used his mobile phone to contact his friend.

As early as a month ago, it was reported that Su Bai was going to practice new blood successor limit boundary.

At that time, everyone was listening to the jokes and watching the excitement and laughed it off.

No one thinks he can succeed.

It takes a month to cultivate a new blood inheritance limit... This is unrealistic no matter how it sounds.

If it is so easy to cultivate the blood succession boundary in the day after tomorrow...

Don't everyone have those Jōnin powerhouses who have been practicing for decades?

This is not a joke!

But now, the old man was shocked.

Not only him, everyone who was notified by him was shocked!

Is there really someone in the world who can practice the second blood succession limit within a month?

And it's still in the limelight, Su Bai, the strongest freshman ever in the academy?

This is great news!

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another, old students quickly appeared in the practice field, just to see Su Bai's new successor!

Not only that.

As the news spread more and more widely, even the teachers of Jōnin couldn't sit still and rushed over one after another.

And in the end, even Deng Rong and Zhuang Qi, the two vice presidents who were in charge of the hunting ground, were alarmed!


In Deng Rong's office, two vice presidents were talking.

"Old Deng, Su Bai is getting stronger and stronger now, he has become a Jinchūriki in a blink of an eye." Zhuang Qi exclaimed.

When the bizarre incidents of "trading tail beasts" that Su Bai did after he returned to the school spread, he and Deng Rong were immediately stunned.

When did the ferocious tailed beasts get caught and sold?

That's a terrifying tailed beast that the strong Jōnin should take seriously.

This kid Su Bai is also fierce, right?

Deng Rong laughed and cursed after hearing this.

"Yeah, this little guy hasn't made the old man feel at ease since he entered the academy, and he always makes some big noises, which shocks my old man."

"If this continues, the old man is afraid that one day he will have a heart attack from being frightened by him."

"Hehe, just have fun."

Zhuang Qi stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Since you are in the school, then Su Bai is your student in name. As famous as he is now, you have a bright face."

"Haha, just kidding." Deng Rong laughed loudly.

At this time.

bang bang --

There was a knock on the door, and the two vice presidents immediately put away their smiles and put on serious expressions.

In front of outsiders, they still have to maintain their majesty.

"Come in." Deng Rong said in a low voice.

After he finished speaking, a Jōnin teacher hurried in.

"Two deans, something big has happened!" Teacher Jōnin said anxiously.

Deng Rong reprimanded with a straight face, "Why are you so flustered when you're Jōnin? What do you look like?"

"Talk slowly if you have something to say, the sky won't fall."

"Uh, yes!" Teacher Jōnin took a deep breath and calmed down.

Say something that shocked Deng Rong and Zhuang Qi.

"Two principals, Su Bai has cultivated a new limit of blood inheritance!"

"What?" "You, what you said is true?"

Deng Rong and Zhuang Qi stood up suddenly, with disbelief on their faces!

Teacher Jōnin: "It's true, he is in the practice field now, ready to test the new blood."

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Deng Rong and Zhuang Qi left in a hurry.

That Jōnin teacher looked at the hurried backs of the two of them... with a look of disgust.

"How dare you talk about me like this? You two are not much better than me."


In the arena of the practice field.

Su Bai looked at the sea of ​​people, and was a little surprised that the number of people was comparable to the lively scene of the school ranking competition a few months ago.

"I'm just testing my Wood Style ability, why are there so many people here?"

Su Bai rubbed his chin, his eyes fixed.

He actually saw Deng Rong and Zhuang Qi in the crowd...

"Are the two vice presidents so free?"

To make a complaint, he looked at the dazed Zhang Dong opposite him.

He was dumbfounded at the moment.

"Fuck, it's all about me?"

After being dumbfounded, Zhang Dong was excited again.

Being able to attract the attention of the whole school... This is not something everyone can do.

Listening to his words, Su Bai smiled.

"Zhang Dong, you are really thick-skinned."

"You don't know how many catties you have? How could everyone come to see you?"

"Su Bai, what are you talking about? Damn it!" Zhang Dong was immediately enraged.

"You guys are too arrogant, I will teach you a lesson in a while!"

He had made an agreement with Su Bai before coming here.

Su Bai can only use Wood Style and cannot use other abilities.

This greatly increased Zhang Dong's confidence.

A weak Wood Style blood successor dare to compete with his own Lava Style?

Really uncomfortable!


"What are they two talking about?"

In the stands, everyone was a little anxious.

The practice field is very large, the arena alone is five kilometers square.

Let alone hear the voice, the weak freshmen can't even see the situation on the field clearly.

At this time, a senior student said respectfully to Deng Rong: "Deputy Dean, should we turn on the sound transmission equipment and the camera? This is not fun to watch."

In order to make it easier for people in the stands to observe the situation in the ring, the school specially equipped them with the necessary equipment.

Deng Rong nodded immediately when he heard it, and said to a teacher beside him, "Go and turn on all the equipment."

"Yes, Vice President!"

"Wait, open the enchantment too."


a moment later...



Su Bai and Zhang Dong on the ring were slightly taken aback.

Four dark red light curtain walls appeared around them, which were the "Four Red Yang Formation" responsible for defensive ninjutsu.

At this time.

Deng Rong's voice also reached the ears of the two through the device.

"Su Bai, Zhang Dong."

"You can start now."

"Let us all take a good look."

"Yes, Vice President!"

The two responded in unison.

Zhang Dong was excited.

"Su Bai, if you are defeated by me in a while, don't say that I am invincible. You only use 300 calories of Chakra and Wood Style as you said."

Is Su Bai's new bloodline called Wood Style?

What a strange name...

When everyone in the stands heard Zhang Dong's voice, they all said they hadn't heard it.


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