National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

001. All People Crossing, Road Survival (Seeking Collection)

【Welcome all players to the road survival game! 】

[There are 24 hours a day in the survival game. The day and night will be bounded by 6 o'clock in the morning and evening every day. The risk at night is greatly increased. Please cherish the time during the day. 】

[Each player initially gets a well-established van, a shovel, and other materials need to be obtained by the players themselves! 】

[The treasure chest will be randomly refreshed on the highway, and the treasure chest is the only way for players to obtain materials in the early stage! 】

[Death in any way in the game will be a real death! 】

[Old people over 50 years old, children under 18 years old, or those who are incapable of participating in the game have been placed in a static space of time, and the second round of the game will be launched. The target of the launch is the players who are still alive and related by blood. If the player dies, the relatives will directly obliterate it! 】

[Every seven natural days, a cataclysm will start, players please be prepared. 】

[Hint: The first round of catastrophe, extremely warm purgatory! 】

[ps: Players can get more information by silently reciting 'game panel'! 】

[Running fast does not necessarily win, not dying is success! 】

【I wish all players a happy game! 】


Lin Nan listened to the voice in his ear, his handsome face was full of confusion.

"This is... the national crossing?"

"I'm not fighting at night, preparing for the exam week?"

Lin Nan is a freshman. After the blood and tears of high school, the university was completely liberated.

A crazy is half a year.

Until...exam week.

After learning from the counselor that he failed too many subjects and was unable to graduate.

Lin Nan recalled the belt in his father's hand and the ruler in his mother's hand, and panicked.

A word came to mind inexplicably.

Come out to mix, always have to pay back.

As a result, lighting the lights and fighting at night, studying hard every night, is quite the style of high school.

Unexpectedly, a person who stayed up all night and fell asleep actually passed through!

Come to a world of road survival!

Taking a breath, Lin Nan shook his dizzy head and looked around.

I found that I didn't know when, I had been sitting in a van damaged by the Syrian war.

Blackened cushions, pungent plastic smell, dirty glass....

"This broken car is even worse than the Wuling magic car that my old father has served in the decoration company for 10 years!!!"

"This car... can it really be driven?"

However, Lin Nan soon ran out of time to think about it.

Looking sideways through the window, he saw a very shocking scene.

A straight eight-lane road, the fine sand on the black asphalt road is constantly passing over like a surf, and there are endless deserts on both sides.

Lin Nan rolled down the car window subconsciously, and a surging heat wave hit his face.

The hot sand hit the face like oil droplets, and it hurt.

Everything in the eyes shows that...

The voice in my ear just now is true!

He, entered a world of road survival.

Lin Nan retracted his gaze, leaned back on the seat, put his hands on the plastic steering wheel, and let out a breath.

"A survival game..."

"Death... is really dead!"

Lin Nan has no doubts about the authenticity of this sentence.

Moreover, what worries Lin Nan even more is the next sentence of this sentence.

Children under 18...

Oh, by the way, I don't even have a girlfriend, how can I have children.


Seniors over 50....

Lin Nan's parents created a comfortable material condition for him for eugenics and postnatal care, and gave birth to him relatively late.

Even his mother can be considered an older mother!

Don't look at him just a freshman, 18 years old, but his parents are both over 50 years old.

However, one thing to say, Lin Nan's living conditions since childhood were extremely favorable.

Not to mention the rich second generation, but food, drink, housing and transportation have always been among the best among their peers.

"So, I live not only for me, but also for my parents' share!"

Thinking of this, Lin Nan felt a little heavy, and a word appeared in his mind.


Under pressure, Lin Nan looked serious, patted his face and forced himself to calm down.

Settle down and quickly check all the information at the moment.

" panel!"

Not long after, a light blue light curtain appeared in front of Lin Nan's eyes.

【Survival game panel】

【Number: 10010】

[Vehicle: Experienced Van (Level 1)]

[Communication: Regional Chat (5000 people), Private Chat: None]

【Transaction: None】

[Materials: None]

Lin Nan set his sights on the long-term van first.

Level 1?

Does this mean the vehicle can be upgraded?

Lin Nan breathed a sigh of relief, if only relying on this broken car, he would not have the confidence to survive.

【Experienced Van (Level 1)】

[Vehicle fuel: 100 units (each unit can travel 1 km)]

[Vehicle equipment: production table (standard)]

Fuel is very simple, it is normal to have oil.

At this point, Lin Nan was curious about the production station.

【Crafting table】

[Introduction: Consume blueprints and materials to make all items! 】

Drawings, materials!

Lin Nan instantly thought of the treasure chest.

Drive to find treasure chests and craft items to survive.

In an instant, he understood the mechanics of this road survival game.

In other words, the fundamental reason for players to survive.

Drive, find treasure chests, craft items, and survive!

However, to understand, to understand, to live is not easy.

The thought flashed by, and Lin Nan's slightly immature side face showed a hint of sadness.

Right now.

The game panel in front of Lin Nan disappeared, replaced by a small map! ! !

Above the map, there is also a line of shining golden characters.

"Minimap System"


New book for support, data is really important.

Ask for flowers!


Celebrating the 7-day National Day holiday and reading books! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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