Chapter 76: Lou Hang, be careful, don’t run around

It’s not just Kent from the United States and Mieko from the island country.

Traveling through the world of martial arts, many people chose the Great Song and Great Coming.

Before his return, Lou Hang’s situation of breaking into the Daliao Palace alone, one person, one country, was naturally known to many explorers!

However, these explorers didn’t treat Lou Hang as an explorer, only that he was the original aboriginal master!

However, since these explorers have returned one after another, and learned of Lou Hang’s feat.

Whether you have heard of the legend that one person crushes one country in the martial arts world, every explorer is shocked by it!

“I’ve heard about it, but I didn’t expect this to be the explorer of the Dragon Kingdom?” The explorer of the Eagle Kingdom was shocked!

“I seriously suspect that Lou Hang, the explorer of the Dragon Kingdom, actually has the blood of our great stick, and even he and I should be distant cousins!” These are the words of the explorer of the stick country!

“I don’t know if Lou Hang of Long Country has a girlfriend? I will be able to meet all his posture requirements!” This is a Russian beauty explorer.

These explorers, after returning, have all heard of Lou Hang’s deeds, how shocking, and even how to study Lou Hang’s behavior, let’s not talk about it for the time being!

In short, with the return of many explorers, the cheats they collected from the world of martial arts were quickly spread.

All of a sudden, there was an upsurge of cultivation all over the world!

On this day, at the National Security Bureau, after finishing a day of practice, Lou Hang was about to go out for a walk.

Li Limin walked over.

“Old Li, have you eaten yet?” Lou Hang said hello.

“I have eaten, how? Are you still used to living here?” Li Limin also greeted and asked.

“Is there anything I’m not used to? You know what my living conditions were like before I became an explorer!” Lou Hang looked satisfied.

“Well, habit is just fine, as long as you have any material requirements, you can keep it longer!” Nodded, Li Limin said generously.

Of course, the so-called generosity does not require him to pay out of his pocket.

Now, Lou Hang can be said to be the Hero(es) of the entire Dragon Kingdom, and the national fortune of the entire Dragon Kingdom rests on him.

However, all material requirements that can be met are naturally met as much as possible!

“So, what if I want to live in a big villa?” Lou Hang asked after hearing this.

“It’s up to you!” Li Liguo is full of pride!

“Do I want a supercar?” Lou Hang asked again.

“Don’t say it’s a supercar, even if it’s a private jet, the route takes you first!” Li Liguo still didn’t hesitate!

“What you said, I am really excited. Although I am a peerless master, I have never experienced supercars, big villas, and so on!” After Li Liguo’s answer, Lou Hang felt excited. Up.

“This means that you can still feel it now. After some days, what you are looking for will no longer be material, but a higher level of spirituality!” Li Liguo said with a smile to Lou Hang’s words.

Old Li, “Why do I think you are swearing?” Lou Hang gave Li Liguo a roll of eyes.

“There is absolutely no such meaning. Simply using materials can make you feel happy. This is still very cost-effective!” Li Liguo’s face was straightened, and what he said made sense.

“Well, Lao Li, came to me specifically, not just telling me that it can meet any of my material requirements, right?” Lou Hang turned around and said.

“Well, there are three important things to tell you!”

Li Liguo didn’t mean to deny it either, and followed: “First of all, there are 197 explorers around the world. According to statistics, 125 have returned this time!”

“In other words, the other 72 people heard Li Liguo’s words, and Lou Hang’s heart sank slightly.

“Yes, the other 72 people died! After all, it is not easy to collect those cheats!”

“Some people have encountered gangsters, and they have encountered poisonous hands. For example, you almost died at the hands of Ye Erniang!

Some are “discovered and killed when stealing learning and martial arts secrets!”

“Even if you make a mistake in your cultivation and die!”

Li Limin nodded, confirming Lou Hang’s conjecture.

“Hey, Lou Hang sighed secretly in his heart.

Although relatively speaking, the world of martial arts is not dangerous, but it is not surprising that ordinary people will die for the purpose of exploring and collecting!

However, this loss rate has exceeded 30%.

Sure enough, exploring other Otherworlds is extremely dangerous!

“Then, where is the country where the explorer died?” Lou Hang asked after a moment of silence.

“The harvest at the time is naturally zero, and the next time it is explored, the brain will randomly select explorers again to fill the quota!” Li Liguo replied.

“Well, I see, what about the second important thing?” Lou Hang asked after nodding slightly.

Li Liguo said that there are three important things to inform him.

“The second thing is that after the return, all explorers can rest in the real world for a month. One week before the next crossing, the corresponding Basic Information of Otherworld will be announced to all countries again!” Li Liguo followed.

“Well, this is fine. In one month, it is indeed possible to take a good rest, and to sort out the things in this world!” Lou Hang also nodded and said.

In fact, Lou Hang is still very curious and looking forward to the second adventure in the world.

Next time, it should be a world with a higher force value, right?

I don’t know what kind of world it is?

“So, what about the third thing?” Lou Hang then asked Li Liguo again.

The third “thing is that if you don’t have any important things, it’s best to stay in the National Security Bureau and don’t run around!” Li Liguo followed.

“I just said that all material requirements, whether it’s a villa or a supercar, can satisfy me, now I can’t wait to lock me up!” Lou Hang’s face was a little dark, and he spit out.

“I know your force, even the whole world knows it, but no matter how high your force is today, you can’t stop sniper rifles, bombs and other thermal weapons?” Li Liguo seriously reminded.

“what do you mean?”

Lou Hang is not a fool. Hearing what Li Liguo said, he quickly understood what he meant.

“It has been several days since all the explorers have returned. In the past few days, more than 20 explorers have been killed in the real world!” Li Liguo replied solemnly.

Well, as the explorer of the Dragon Kingdom, he is the one who has gained the most. The starting point for the next expedition will be higher than others.

Other countries desperately want to kill themselves, which is reasonable…

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