Chapter 52: Qiao Feng’s vision is the best in the world

“Hey, brother, where are you?” Lou Hang greeted Duan Yu!

“This is?” While speaking, he naturally saw the big box beside Duan Yu!

“These are all martial arts secrets!” Duan Yu said.

Then, open the wooden box.

Sure enough, there are hundreds of various martial arts cheats, each of which is brand new!


Originally, Lou Hang’s appearance was very high-profile, attracting the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

After listening to the dialogue between Duan Yu and Lou Hang, looking at the hundreds of martial arts secrets, everyone in the restaurant was in an uproar, and one by one stared at the martial arts secrets in the box full of greed!

“Oh my god, those cheats are available from all schools and schools!”

Some people have sharp eyes, seeing the names on these cheats, and can’t help but exclaim.

Hundreds of martial arts cheats, many of which are martial arts at the level of Shaolin’s 72 stunts.

But as long as you can practice one of them, it is enough to rank among the top masters of the world, right?

There are so many martial arts secrets in this box?

The cheats in this box are more attractive to other martial arts masters than a golden mountain!

“Okay, yes, thanks for your hard work!” Lou Hang picked up a few of them, flipped through them, then put them down, nodding seriously.

“Brother, are you here to participate in the martial arts conference? How did Abbot Xuanci become your servant? Also, where did you find these four sisters?”

Since Lou Hang came out of the sedan chair, Duan Yu certainly sat down with Lou Hang.

“These situations, I’ll talk about it later, how about you? Why are you here too?”

In the crowd, Lou Hang certainly wouldn’t say that he was deliberately appearing for high-competitiveness, and asked Duan Yu back.

“I want to come and see the legendary Young Master Murong!” Duan Yu naturally didn’t mean to hide, explained.

Then, I talked about the emotional problems between myself and Miss Wang.

Duan Yu is still at the stage of unrequited love, and Wang Yuyan’s heart is mainly placed on Murong Fu.

“Luo Sect, don’t come here unharmed!”

Lou Hang and Duan Yu met again in this little place, chatting, and soon, the rough voice rang next to them.

“Your Excellency?”

Looking at the appearance of the rough man in front of him, Lou Hang frowned slightly, obviously thinking about the identity of the man in front of him.

“Luo Master, it’s me, A Zhu Meizhi helped me dress up in disguise!” Qiao Feng said to Lou Hang.

“Oh, it turned out to be the leader of Qiao Gang!” Lou Hang nodded suddenly when he heard Qiao Feng’s voice.

At the same time, she looked at the woman beside her: “This is Girl Azhu, right?”

“I have seen the head of Luo, Brother Xiao has told me many times about the head of Luo!” Azhu Luoluo said to Lou Hang generously!

“Clan Leader Qiao really has a foresight!” Looking at Azhu in front of him, Lou Hang said to Qiao Feng sincerely.

“Well, I think so too. In my life, I won’t marry non-Azhu!” Qiao Feng also nodded and said in agreement.

“No, no, I didn’t mean that!” Lou Hang shook his head after hearing what Qiao Feng said.

“What does that mean?” Qiao Feng was startled, looking at Lou Hang in surprise.

“Girl Azhu’s Disguise Technique, the world is unique, no matter who is Disguise, there is no flaw at all!”

“Married a girl to A Zhu, it means that Joe will help you marry thousands of girls at the same time! The ring is fat and thin, no matter which one you like, the girl A Zhu can dress well!”

Lou Hang said sincerely, with a look of envy!

“Uh, this, Qiao has never thought about it!” Hearing this, Qiao Feng looked a little embarrassed!

“Luo Master, what are you talking about?”

She was still a big girl, suddenly heard Lou Hang driving, and Ah Zhu next to her said with a shy expression!

However, if you think about it carefully, Luo Master’s words really make sense.

As long as I am willing, any woman can disguise herself, and I promise that I won’t see the slightest flaw!

In this case, can it add a lot of secret interest to the boudoir?

Oops, I’m ashamed just thinking about it!

“Azhu? Wait, brother, you told my dad before that he has a daughter called Azhu, not just…”

Duan Yu next to him, at this moment, suddenly thought of something and asked Lou Hang.

“Yes, you should be siblings!” Lou Hang nodded, confirming Duan Yu’s conjecture!

“This Azhu sister paper, is the person from the legendary Grandmaster Disguise Technique? Sure enough, this Joe Clan leader is exactly like two people before!”

“Qiao Feng’s vision is indeed the world’s best. This kind of Grandmaster disguise sister paper, can’t it be changed every day, Tenten sleeps on a different sister paper?”

“Damn, Brother Hang still knows how to play, just a word to wake up the dreamer!”

“If I can also find a Grandmaster Disguise Technique’s girlfriend, that would be great!”

“Here is here, hahaha, Duan Yu’s physique of sucking sister, met another sister!”

During the live broadcast, Lou Hang drove a lot of audiences.

Especially those men, one by one almost made a wolf howl. *

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