Chapter 45: Abbot, there are inside stories you didn’t know back then

Lou Hang did not speak, but quietly gave Xuanci time to digest the news!

After all, Xuan Ci was the abbot of Shaolin Temple. At first he didn’t believe it, and then he was skeptical. In the end, he felt that Lou Hang’s explanation was indeed reasonable!

In addition to Qiao Feng’s father, is there any martial arts master who is capable of stealing a child from Ye Erniang?

Is there such a motive?

“So, didn’t the original Xiao old benefactor actually die?”

In this way, after a moment of silence, Xuanci said with emotion, with a complex tone, and it could not be said to be sad or happy!

Perceptually, it was because of me that caused the tragedy of Qiao Feng’s family.

Therefore, hearing that Xiao Yuanshan was not dead, Xuan Ci also felt that his guilt was alleviated a lot!

However, from a rational point of view, it was precisely because Xiao Yuanshan was still alive that caused the tragedy of his family.

This is indeed the cycle of heaven, and retribution is unhappy!

“Amitabha, originally Lao Na had grievances about the people behind the scenes, but now I am very grateful to the head of Luo for answering his doubts. There is today’s result because of the reasons of the day. Lao Na is happy to accept it!”

With palms together, Xuan Ci seemed to put down and said!

“The abbot’s disposition is admirable!” Seeing Xuanci’s appearance, Lou Hang exclaimed!

Although Xuanci’s roots are relatively soft, and when he was young, he broke his lust and gave birth to a child.

But this character is pretty good.

After all, no one is perfect, everyone has shortcomings, otherwise, wouldn’t it be a Buddha?

Now, the identity of the black hand behind the scenes is known, and Xuan Ci also feels that her goal has been achieved. After eating a bowl of plain noodles, the family of three got up and left, ready to leave!

Although it was ruined, but if these were cause and effect, Xuan Ci could still accept it in order to repay his sins at the beginning!

“Abbot, stay!”

However, when Abbot Xuanci got up and prepared to leave, Lou Hang asked to leave a word!

“Luo Sect, do you have any pointers?” Xuan Ci turned around and asked!

“The Yi Jin Jing is a treasure. I just tell you that the person behind the scenes is Xiao Yuanshan. This news is not enough to match the Yi Jin Jing, so I will tell you other news!”

Lou Hang looks like a young man!

The Yi Jin Jing has been sent out, and the news I want to know is also known, other news? Xuanci had already left Shaolin Temple, so he didn’t care.

But since it’s free, it doesn’t hurt to hear it!

Slightly startled, Xuan Ci sat down again immediately.

“Back then, during the battle at Yanmen Pass, there was actually an inside story that you didn’t know about the abbot!” Lou Hang just threw a word out of the king!

“Isn’t it impossible?” Hearing this, Xuan Ci looked at Lou Hang questioningly!

Although I believe in Lou Hang’s calculation ability, he led dozens of top players in the rivers and lakes in the Yanmen Pass battle. Is there any inside story that I don’t know?

How is this possible?

“First of all, why did the abbot lead so many martial arts masters to go to Yanmenguan to ambush?” Lou Hang asked!

“In the beginning, it was Lao Na who had made friends and informed me that it was outside Yanmen Pass. There were a group of Khitan warriors who had assembled to come to Shaolin Temple to seize martial arts secrets, so…” Abbot Xuanci replied!

“Murong Bo, isn’t it? At this time, the abbot has to conceal his identity. The friendship is like this, so people admire it!”

Lou Hang picked Murong Bo’s name directly, and exclaimed with emotion!

“Yes, old donor Murong, I must have misinformed the news back then? He felt guilty, so he died in depression after a short while!”

Looking at Lou Hang, even Murong Bo’s role in this matter is known, Xuan Ci was amazed at Lou Hang’s calculation ability, and then nodded and said.

“So, did the abbot have any effect? ​​The news Murong Bo gave you was not a misinformation, but a deliberate act?”

“And the reason why he died was not because he blamed himself for guilt, but because he was feigned death in order to avoid?”

Lou Hang asked Xuan Ci again!

“How is this possible?” Xuan Ci heard the words and looked at Lou Hang in amazement.

Yes, Gusu Murong’s prestigious family, why did he do this? There is no motive at all!

“The Murong clan is actually from Xianbei, the royal family of Dayan back then, for so many years, the Gusu Murong clan has been aiming for the restoration of Dayan!”

Lou Hang directly said the core goal of Murong’s mouth.

“This, Murong, is it actually the Dayan royal family? Then, he deliberately falsely spread the news at the beginning, the purpose is to let Song and Da Liao go to war? So, taking advantage of the chaos?”

In the end, it was Shaolin Abbot, who had some vision.

After Lou Hang’s inquiries, Xuan Ci thought about it for a moment, and soon understood Murong Bo’s motives!

“That’s it, it turns out that it’s like this, Lao Na is really stupid, the family, and even the family of the donor Xiao Xiao, the tragedy today is all played by Murong Bo between applause!”

Suddenly, Xuanci sighed deeply, regretful and regretful.


So, after a moment of regret, Xuan Ci suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly changed.

“Nowadays, the source of the arena is rumored that Master Murong should hold the martial arts conference, and even the master Murong will be the leader of the martial arts. If this is really done, it will be even more bloody!”*

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