Chapter 25: Defeating Ding Chunqiu in a second

The live broadcast of the island country, although the land area of ​​the island country is small, there are more than 100 million citizens!

Therefore, there are still a lot of viewers in the live studio on the island country!

Unfortunately, the random explorer in the island nation is a female high school student.

Although helpless, Zhi Brain randomly selected it, and there was no other way besides accepting it!

However, fortunately, Mieko’s ability is still good, and she knows how to use her own advantages!

When he arrived at the Astral Sect, he was favored by the major disciple of the Astral Sect and found a way to climb onto his bed.

Not only learned the martial arts of the Astral Sect, but also mastered the poisonous skill of the Astral Sect.

This makes people in the island country quite satisfied!

Poison, this is the only way to defeat the strong.

If Mieko’s harvest is returned, if all the people in the country can learn poison skills, it will surely make people in other countries afraid of it?

Watching the live broadcast every day and watching Mieko practice the exercises has gained more and more attention.

Even the funeral of the master of the constellation sect is taken together, and the audience in the island country can feel the importance of the constellation party Meieko!

“Is that the abbot of Shaolin Temple? I heard that Shaolin Temple is the top martial arts school in Central Plains!”

“That’s Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang of beggars. The gang of beggars is also the top martial art of the Central Plains Wulin. Moreover, there are sayings of North Qiaofeng and South Murong in the martial arts!”

“There is also the Dali Zhennan King, the funeral of the Patriarch of the Stars Sect. So many big guys come to participate. Sure enough, the Stars Sect has a huge card!”

“Able to learn martial arts in this star school, Mieko can be regarded as entering the top school of martial arts version, right?”

In the live broadcast room, following Mieko’s live broadcast, seeing so many bigwigs appearing at the funeral, the audience in the island country was very excited!

So many big guys come to the funeral, which shows the face of Wuyazi!

And Wuyazi is Ding Chunqiu’s master, can this also represent Ding Chunqiu’s card face?

“Wait, isn’t that person Lou Hang? An explorer of the Dragon Kingdom!”

It’s just that when all the audiences in the island country felt excited, suddenly, someone saw Lou Hang in the live broadcast room!

Lou Hang?

This name is familiar to everyone!

Then, in a short while, a large number of viewers from the Dragon Kingdom poured in in the live broadcast room of the island country!

“Hahaha, sure enough, the woman at the funeral is indeed an island explorer!”

“My Hang-ge is the head of the Xiaoyao faction, and is Ding Chunqiu’s junior. The star picker is Ding Chunqiu’s disciple. So, from a seniority point of view, the island players have to call us Hang-ge’s uncle, right?”

“I really want to laugh Laozi, this funeral is so lively that the people of the island country feel very proud? Then this funeral was organized by our Hang brothers. What kind of thoughts should our dragon country have?”

These Dragon Kingdom viewers entered the live broadcast room of the island country, and the barrage quickly came up.

And these island audiences who were originally proud, after fully understanding the whole story, all remained silent, not knowing how to answer!

This is like a top university in the world. Mieko from the island country has successfully entered this top university, and all islanders feel proud.

But in the blink of an eye, the principal of this top university is actually a Dragon Country player?

This slap on the face almost swelled the faces of everyone in the island country, okay?

Let’s leave aside how lively the Dragon Country and even the island country’s live broadcast rooms are.

At this time, Lou Hang’s eyes were on Ding Chunqiu’s body!

“Hmph, that old guy, did he accept a disciple again before he died?”

Seeing Lou Hang’s disgustingly young face, Ding Chunqiu’s face was mocking, apparently not paying attention to Lou Hang!

Su Xinghe has been following Wuyazi for the longest time, but Su Xinghe is obsessed with chess and martial arts is not his opponent.

What about the newly recruited junior brothers? This is even less likely to be your opponent!

Lou Hang didn’t talk nonsense, tapped his feet, and came to Ding Chunqiu’s body erraticly.

At the same time, with a palm to reach the sun, I took a picture of Ding Chunqiu!

“Ling Bo stepped slightly!?”

Ding Chunqiu, who was still disapproving, changed in amazement when he saw Lou Hang’s posture.

Lingbo’s microsteps are so powerful, he naturally knows it!

Cheering up, Ding Chunqiu also slapped Lou Hang to win!

With a bang, the palms of the palms meet, Lou Hang does not move.

However, Ding Chunqiu was like a ball being knocked into the air. He was slapped into the air by Lou Hang, vomiting blood in the air.

one move!

Ding Chunqiu, the old monster Ding Chunqiu, whose notoriety spread throughout the martial arts, made countless people in the martial arts talk about it. Under Lou Hang’s hands, he lost in one move!


Seeing this scene, not to mention those disciples of the Astral Sect, it was Qiao Feng and Xuan Ci, who also took a breath of breath!

What’s the matter with this Xiaoyao faction?

A child grandmother, a Li Qiushui, plus this young man who is the head of the Xiaoyao School!

This school has three top powerhouses, right?

There are only a handful of powerhouses at this level in the whole arena.

However, the Xiaoyao faction dominates the third? *

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