National development: I build a base on the rock beast

Chapter 103 Devouring of Springtail Swarm

Bai Xianglu, the leader of the weapons control team, pressed the launch button of the super-light energy cannon in the command room of the terrace.


A loud noise caused the Fire Rock Beast to retreat nearly a thousand meters due to the huge recoil. The residents of the eight-story building on the back of the Fire Rock Beast were also knocked down by the recoil, but fortunately, they were not hurt.

The mixed metal shells of the super-light energy cannon went straight to the control cabin of the Titan flagship battleship. To catch the thief first, Bai Xianglu wanted to deal a devastating blow to the Cheng family with this blow!

Although the movement speed of the four Death God battleships was fast enough, they still did not leave the explosion range.

The mixed metal shells did not penetrate the Titan's hull at the moment of contact with the Titan, but produced a powerful explosion at the same time as the contact.

Some of the metal fragments caused by the explosion hit the hull of the Death God battleship, and the stealth system and mobile system on the battleship were damaged, becoming a living target floating in the universe.

The huge light produced at the same time made it difficult for people to see the situation of the Titan flagship for a while, and they could only wait quietly for the light to fade.

In the small spaceship, Duan Ming and Tang Yaqing held the metal of the pillar tightly, but they were still injured to varying degrees, and the ten members of the Cheng family, because they had no preparation at all, had their lives ended by the huge impact.

With the lesson from the last time, the members of the Duan family held their breath before they could see the situation of the Titan clearly, and no one dared to say "we won".

The light lasted for two minutes. Before the light faded, a voice sounded in the space, which made everyone in the Duan family fall into deep despair.

"Hahaha! The defense of the Titan, how can such an attack method break it! Duan Ming, you have successfully angered me!"

Cheng Fei is not dead! Although the Titan flagship battleship was damaged, it still has combat effectiveness!

The light produced by the explosion gradually dissipated, and Duan Ming stared at the Titan, which was deeply dented by the mixed metal shells, and his eyes gradually became wet.

He has done his best. Even so, can he still not win the war?

"Feel the power of the nuclear fusion energy destruction cannon!"

After Cheng Fei finished speaking, a huge turret was slowly pushed out from the inside of the Titan, aiming at the four Death God warships in the distance and Duan Ming and the other man on the small spacecraft.

Looking at the dark gun hole, Duan Ming said with a trembling voice.

"Xianglu, start the super-time engine and take the fire rock beast away."

This is a decision that Duan Ming, as the head of the Duan family, has to make. The entire Duan family has no weapons to resist. He lost this war.

In the family voice chat group, after a brief silence, the voices of the members rang out.

"Boss, it's my luck to meet you in the universe in this life. If there is a next life, please leave a place for me in the family!"

"Boss, I am an orphan. The family gave me a home. On the road to the underworld, you have to walk slowly. I am afraid of the dark."

Listening to the "confessions" of the family members one by one, tears slid down Duan Ming's cheeks.

"Brothers, it is my blessing to meet you in this life. I am sorry for disappointing you."

In the family voice chat group, young men sobbed weakly. Men don't shed tears easily, but they are not sad.

In the distant fire rock beast, the super-time engine is starting. It's not that Bai Xianglu is afraid of death. She hopes that she can accompany Duan Ming on the spacecraft at this time, but Duan Ming handed the relatives of the family members to her, so she can't let Duan Ming down.

The family members in the eight-story building may have a telepathic connection. They seem to have felt something. They called the names of their relatives one by one, and tears flowed down their faces.

But in this strong and desolate atmosphere, Bai Xianglu's voice made everyone stunned.

"Bug girl! Where are you going! Come back soon!"

Duan Ming subconsciously looked in the direction of the Fire Rock Beast. In space, the Bug Girl, who had transformed into a Zerg development base, was flying towards this side rapidly with nearly a thousand springtails.

In the state of the Zerg development base, the Bug Girl's voice has a built-in amplification effect.

"Dare to hurt my master! Looking for death!"

From this voice, Duan Ming could clearly feel the anger of the Bug Girl, and a trace of warmth surged in his heart.

Through the biological contract system, Duan Ming said to the Bug Girl: "There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices, go back."

But the Bug Girl's next answer gave Duan Ming a hope in his heart.

"Master! I have a way to deal with this big guy!"

Staring closely at the Zerg development base, although Duan Ming didn't know what the method the Bug Girl said was, he felt vaguely that it might be related to this group of springtails.

In the control room of the Titan flagship battleship, Cheng Fei looked at the nuclear fusion energy destruction cannon that had reached 100% of the preparation program and laughed wildly twice.

"Duan Ming! Go to hell!"

He pressed the launch button violently, and a devastating energy wave spread outward from the cannon hole of the nuclear fusion energy destruction cannon.

Five seconds passed, and Duan Ming was still alive. Ten seconds, twenty seconds, one minute...

"What's going on! Why didn't it fire!"

Cheng Fei's roar made the members of the Cheng family hurriedly check the nuclear fusion energy destruction cannon.

"Master, master! The destruction cannon... disappeared!"

Cheng Fei's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief: "Disappeared? The several tons of destruction cannon disappeared? How is it possible?"


The buzzing sound of insects sounded in the Titan's control cabin. Cheng Fei felt itchy on his face and raised his hand to hit it.

His hands were stained with green viscous liquid. The next moment, Cheng Fei looked up suddenly and fell to the ground in shock.

Above the entire control warehouse, hundreds of one-meter-long springtails were eating the metal device on the roof of the control warehouse with their big mouths open.

Compared with the perspective of the Cheng family, Duan Ming on the distant spaceship could see it more clearly.

Just before the nuclear-charged destruction cannon was about to be fired, the springtail swarm swallowed up the destruction cannon cleanly in almost the blink of an eye.

Now, in less than two minutes, half of the entire Titan flagship battleship has disappeared. This is undoubtedly the result of the Zergling swarm.

The insect girl had already opened the hatch of the spaceship, transformed into a human form and came to Duan Ming's side. The two short beards on her head were gently waving on Duan Ming's cheeks.

"Master, the springtail swarm is the most offensive force among our Zerg tribe. This big guy is not even enough for them to eat for one meal!"

Five minutes later, the entire Titan flagship battleship disappeared into the universe, leaving not even a scrap left. Naturally, the members of the Cheng family were also devoured.

Is this how the war ends?

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