Chapter 95 Enslaving the demon, the sky fox transforms the human (please subscribe!)

The kingdom of God is being compressed.

When the phantom of God’s posture shot.

The kingdom of God the size of Sirius Island shrank to the size of a normal human fist in just ten seconds.

In the kingdom of God, not only the lower and middle demon veterans of the Sirius clan had not had time to run out.

Their high-ranking demon, Sky Wolf Xiaoyue, and the high-ranking demon of the Tianhu clan, Tianhu Yinxuan.

Neither was able to leave Yang Xuan’s kingdom of God.

In the kingdom of God.

“Damn it!

“Tianhu Yinxuan, maybe my brothers don’t have the power to explode.”

“But I definitely have!”

“Now, let me leave here immediately, otherwise I will drag you to die together!”

When Sirius Xiaoyue completely came to the kingdom of God, he also discovered a terrible thing.

That is, it has lost contact with the outside world.

Now it can no longer perceive everything in the outside world.

“Golden Eagle, what is going on with your supernatural power!”

“Why can’t even I perceive the situation outside!”

Faced with the threat of Sirius Xiaoyue, Tianhu Yinxuan ignored it at all.

Instead, he began to question what Yang Xuan was doing.

Sirius Xiaoyue naturally heard Yin Xuan’s question.

Therefore, it was all taken aback.

“what’s the situation?

“You also ”

Sirius Xiaoyue’s eyes widened, and she looked at “Three Five Three” Yin Xuan incredulously.

Then, he discovered a weird situation.

“You can’t move either, you are bound!”

“It’s not just that the body is restrained, but even the surge of demon power is gone!”

“Wait a minute, I can’t manipulate my demon power!”

“Damn, we are all sealed!”

Sirius Xiaoyue immediately noticed their current situation.

He never thought of it.

It turned out that Yang Xuan was not only sealing himself, but even Yinxuan, the upper demon of the Tianhu clan, was actually sealed.

“Could it be that this golden eagle is not intended to help you, the Tianhu clan, to deal with me.

“His plan from the beginning is ours!”

“In other words, his plan from the beginning was you and me!”

“As for the middle and lower demon lords of our Sirius clan, they are all cooperating with acting.

“Damn! Damn Tianhu, isn’t your Tianhu clan known as the smartest monster?,

“Why do you exist like this, you will still be deceived!”

Sirius Xiaoyue kept roaring.

When things got to this point, he had naturally guessed something.

And Tianhu Yinxuan also looked at the surroundings with an incredulous expression.

She naturally also knew the fact that she was being used by Yang Xuan at the moment she was restrained.

However, she still couldn’t believe it.

“How dare he?

“What’s his certainty that things will develop like this!”

“The most important thing is that both of us are high-ranking demon veterans. How sure is he to deal with the two of us!”

Tianhu Yinxuan’s heart collapsed.

Even, she began to constantly urge her demon power, wanting to struggle out of the shackles of the kingdom of God.

Even, she did not hesitate to use the powerful magical powers of the Tianhu clan that was self-defeating 800.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A huge popping sound was heard from the tail of Tianhu Yinxuan.

She directly activated the magical powers that could be cast instantly, and they were magical powers that didn’t require demon power.

“Dock the tail to save your life!”

This is a magical power possessed by many nine-tailed celestial foxes.

Originally, a tail of the nine-tailed celestial fox was equal to their life.

But at this moment, she directly exploded her nine tails, the purpose is to escape from Yang Xuan’s divine kingdom.


When the tail of Tianhu Yinxuan had just disappeared, suddenly a golden river appeared under their bodies.

Then, the next second.

The tail of Tianhu Yinxuan reappeared.

“Back in time!”

“I said that in my kingdom of God, you can’t even control your own life and death.

“What you can do is waiting for my analysis.”

“No, let’s not say, the essence of the upper demon venerable is indeed very strong.”

“It will take me at least three minutes to thoroughly analyze the two of you.”

“And it is very difficult for me to maintain this kingdom of God for three minutes, in fact, if it is in the original world of the monster race.”

“But unfortunately, I can easily leave the world of Yaozu origin.

An incarnation of Yang Xuan, appeared in front of the two high-ranking monsters at this time.

He clearly knew that when his kingdom of God came completely.

If it was said who else could do things in the kingdom of God, then it must be the two high-ranking monsters of Sky Fox and Sky Wolf.

Therefore, he directly mobilized his time power.

Although the body of Longhe River has been refined by Yang Xuan into the ultimate treasure. Ten Thousand Realms Returned to Ruins, it is still reviving the world with spiritual energy, helping to ripen various elixir and spiritual treasures.

But Yang Xuan’s omniscience and omnipotence is a very bug-like powerful force.

As long as it is in the kingdom of God, it can be created by him even for a long time.

Of course.

The long river of time Yang Xuan created by himself can only be used in his own divine kingdom.

But like today the wolf and the sky fox are in his kingdom of God.

Therefore, the power of the long river of time can also directly act on these two people.

Not to mention exploding his nine tails, even if he completely blew himself up, Yang Xuan could restore them to their original state.

In the kingdom of God, time has no meaning to him.

“Golden Eagle, what are you going to do?”

Yin Xuan had already turned into a human form at this moment. At this moment, she finally understood that the human form must have a special meaning.

“Huh? You didn’t stop me from turning into a human form?”

“But after I transformed into a human form, I couldn’t do other things.”

Yin Xuan just experimented secretly, but he didn’t expect that he would really transform into shape successfully.


Even though she has turned into a human form, she still has no use for eggs.

Because Yang Xuan only allowed her to transform, the others were still not allowed.

“Very good transformation!”

“The appearance of your transformation is enough to attract everyone’s attention.”

“In the future, stay by my side and be a maid!”

“The strength of the upper demon is qualified to be a maid by my side.”

Yang Xuan nodded in satisfaction to Yin Xuan.

As the morphing form that exists at the upper demon-sovereign level, her body shape is more perfect than the two kings of angels.

the most important is.

Where is the temperament of the Tianhu clan, so her transformation is more inclined to the type of maid, rather than the type of war like the King of Angels.

Especially after discovering that he couldn’t use his power, Tianhu Yinxuan even showed the ultimate tenderness and pitifulness of a woman.

Although he knew that the other party was a nine-tailed celestial fox, even Yang Xuan had to admit that the current Yinxuan was better than all the women he had seen.

“Golden Eagle, let me go!”

“Let me get out of here, my celestial fox clan will promise you to wait!”

Yinxuan also wanted to make terms.

Unfortunately, Yang Xuan did not give her a chance at all.

He didn’t wait for Yin Xuan to finish, so he directly touched Yin Xuan’s forehead.

Immediately afterwards, a huge mysterious rune appeared on Yin Xuan’s forehead.

“Mark of slavery!”

This mark of slavery is still a mark of slavery specifically aimed at the true spirit level in the original world of the monster race.

This ability was originally used by the Monster Race to enslave the Human Race.

After all, some of the Celestial Immortals and Golden Immortals of the Human Race are sometimes very useful to them.

For the monster race, the human race is not only delicious, but also the best coolie.

Therefore, Yaozu created the mark of slavery to enslave the true spirit.

But this mark of slavery could only be effective on the true human spirit, but Yang Xuan easily cracked the essence of the mark of slavery under the posture of omniscience and omnipotence.

Ever since, the mark of slavery specifically aimed at the monster race appeared.

Now Yang Xuan has directly enslaved the nine-tailed celestial fox.

At this moment, the Nine-Tailed Tianhu was completely plunged into sorrow.

As for why not directly transform the Nine-Tailed Tianhu Yinxuan into a believer.

That’s because Yang Xuan wanted to let this high-ranking demon master who didn’t know how many people had eaten it, enslaved the origin world of the monster race, and its affiliated world, the human race did not know how many years, and also experienced the feeling of being enslaved.

Of course, the above two ideas are incidental.

The most important thing is that if you are invaded by the power of faith, you will become your own believer.

Then everything will become very boring.

Yang Xuan does not lack a believer, even a believer at the upper demon-sovereign level, can provide a huge power of faith.

But Yang Xuan does not intend to convert the other party into a believer.

Because now Yinxuan is even more interesting.

“Sirius Xiaoyue, you also become my mount!”

After Yang Xuan dealt with the Tianhu Yinxuan, he screamed at the sky again.

The mark of slavery soon appeared on Sirius Xiaoyue’s forehead.

This Sirius directly became Yang Xuan’s servant.

As for the other Sirius, the end will not be so good.

“The next step is to analyze the two upper-level demon veterans, and then refine the middle and lower-level demon veterans.”

Yang Xuan thought of this in his heart, and began to mobilize his power of God.

“The power of omniscience begins to analyze!”

“The power of omnipotence begins to simulate!

“The two high-ranking demon nobles have no secrets in front of me at this moment.”

“The flesh, blood, and talents of the monster race are all copied!’

Soon Yang Xuan got all the supernatural powers, bloodlines, talents, etc. of the two great monsters.

But it was also at this time, Yang Xuan felt a little danger.

“The avatar outside hasn’t taken me out of the original world of the monster race!”

“The opening of the door of crossing was suppressed.

“I see, it is the holder of another fragment of the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms. He is messing up my avatar, so that I can’t quickly leave here with 0.3 two high-ranking monsters.”

“Now the will of the world begins to reject my kingdom of God.”

“The invisible backlash has appeared!

“My time, there are twenty seconds left!”

Yang Xuan’s current computing power is naturally very strong.

He knew that today’s battle would definitely arouse the gaze of other high-ranking demon veterans, and even the control of another crossing gate, that is, the master of the fragments of the gate of ten thousand worlds.

So all this is being calculated.

Twenty seconds is enough for him.

Yaozu origin world.

Above the void.

With Yang Xuan’s God gesture, the kingdom of God was compressed to the size of a glass ball.

A man with a stalwart aura all over his body came completely.

However, behind this man, there are a pair of huge wings.

His image is the most perfect human male.

This person is Yang Xuan in the posture of God.

Finally, Yang Xuan used his own posture and came directly and strongly.

And after he came, his own breath continued to soar.

This is the performance that Yang Xuan himself is about to break through after analyzing the two high-ranking demon lords.

At the same time, a door appeared behind him.

This gate is the gate of passage.

When Yang Xuan was refining the two monsters, he was also ready to start running away. .

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