Chapter 74 Tracing back to the source, the gate of ten thousand worlds (please subscribe!)

With the powerful offensive power of the Nirvana Sky Buddha, it was released.

Soon, a terrible breath.

It directly shook to death in the Yang Xuan universe, a full half of the creatures descended.

This is because the opponent’s attack has just condensed, and has not been completely released ~ out.

Once it is completely released, God knows whether this last force will blow the whole thing.

Do not!

This is no need to ask.

Once the ancient Buddha hit out with one finger-words.

In the end, it will blow up the entire universe.

At this moment.

The Nirvana Buddha from the world of martial arts ascends to the sky, what he wants is no longer the universe.

It was the embryo of the Great Thousand World in his mouth.

What he wanted at this time.

It’s the long river of time conceived in this universe.

Long time is what he wants most.

“Ancient Buddha with supernatural powers!”

The body of the Nirvana Buddha, at this moment concentrated all the power on one point.

When this finger is released.

It can be said that his powerful physical body ascended to the sky and became a powerful master of Heavenly Buddha.

Except for this one, other places are the most vulnerable places.

If there are his enemies in the world of martial arts, appearing by his side, then at this time, as long as he is attacked from behind, he can be killed in a single blow.

This blow was extremely powerful.

But under normal circumstances, if there is no Buddhist guardian by the side of the Nirvana Buddha.

Will not use this blow easily.

But now, he can no longer take care of it.

After seeing the long river of time, this dying ancient Buddha was already crazy.

The huge ancient Buddha pointed a finger, when he clicked towards the Yang Xuan universe.

Yang Xuan’s time in the entire universe was completely fixed at that moment.

Time is imprisoned, space is imprisoned.

After the ancient Buddha’s finger is condensed, every time it approaches the Yang Xuan universe by one point, its own attack power will skyrocket a hundredfold.

“Even if you have mastered how long time is.”

“As soon as my ancient Buddha points, he has the power of time.”

“This blow is my strongest single attack in Wanfoshan!’

“In the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, only one person has successfully learned it!”

“No matter which country you are from among the Seven Kingdoms, which country is the most holy of Confucianism, Taoism, but under this blow, you will all be wiped out.

The powerful voice of the Nirvana Buddha appeared directly in the entire universe of Yang Xuan.

Within the universe.

Just this voice can shake countless lives.

However, the beings who were shaken to death at this time didn’t even know that they were already dead.

Because their time is static.

At this time in the entire world.

Only four people can still feel the time.

Yang Xuan is naturally perceptible.

Metatron, the king of angels, can also perceive time.

Advance to become the god of the universe, the god king Kaisha, who has become the god of order, can also perceive the passage of time.

There is also Raphael, Raphael has the support of Metatron.

So she can also perceive the passage of time.

And seeing that huge ancient Buddha finger, is about to squeeze the entire universe.

“Is this the enemy of God?”

“This is too terrible!”

“What level of power is it? The other party didn’t use any technological means. They took the path of physical sanctification!”

God King Kaisha looked at everything in front of her in disbelief.

Just now, just seeing the bald monk’s means, God King Kaisha felt a headache.

It seems that just seeing the other party will endure a great attack.

Now launched the strongest attack on the opponent.

God King Kaisha discovered that even if she closes her eyes, she will be greatly affected.

“Don’t keep watching that bald donkey, if you keep watching, you will die!

Just when the God King Kaisha was still watching the battle.


Metatron’s voice appeared in her ears.

Although God King Kaisha was not created by Yang Xuan.

However, for the fellow angels, they still rely on their own efforts to advance a little bit to become the thirty-six-winged angel compatriots.

She still has a great affection.

“thanks for reminding!”

God King Kaisha glanced at Metatron.

Facing this same clan who didn’t know how to appear.

She is also very fond of herself, but it’s just that Kaisha, the god king, doesn’t know how to get along with each other.

“Just call my sister!”

“Although we are both the king of angels, I should be considered your sister.”

“I was created by my father.

“Father gave me primary omniscience and omnipotence, and primary eternal body.”

“This is the powerful power he has gained after his father has controlled the river for a long time.”

“So, in the past, perhaps from the perspective of the number of years you have survived, you are that elder sister.”But now, I have been born since the beginning of this world.

“Even, I am at the end of time in this world.”

“We are the beginning and the end!”

“This power is almost impossible to comprehend, and can only rely on his father’s gift.”

Metatron explained his situation a little bit.

At the same time, he declared himself the sovereignty of the eldest sister.

“Yes! Sister Metatron!”

In this regard, God King Kaisha has no objection.

Because she felt the power of Metatron.

Moreover, after Yang Xuan bestowed her divine power, she became the god of order in this universe.

God King Kaisha can also feel that Metatron is indeed very strong.

Moreover, from her perception, Metatron is indeed an ancient existence.

Now that the other party said the source of the ancient aura, God King Kaisha finally understood why she felt so special to herself.

Raphael also wanted to speak at this time, but she couldn’t speak.

Although she was created by Yang Xuan himself.

In addition, he was also given a powerful talent for eternal time.

But Raphael does not have the power of omniscience and omnipotence, nor the power of the godhead.

Therefore, under the lock of the Nirvana Buddha, the only action she can do is blink her eyes.

The outer layer of the universe.

Yang Xuan looked at the other party’s terrifying attack, and couldn’t help smiling from the corner of his mouth.

Since the appearance of this Nirvana Buddha.

The opponent has always attacked actively, and Yang Xuan passively defended.

Even when the opponent released the ultimate move, Yang Xuan did not interrupt.

This is not to say that Yang Xuan does not have this ability, but that he does not want to interrupt the performance of this monk.


He was actually waiting for the Nirvana Heavenly Buddha to release a powerful enough power.

“Good job!

“Your attack not only crushes everything, breaks time, breaks strange files, and even has a powerful power to trace its origin!”

“I have to say, you are a strong blow!”

Yang Xuan revealed his own body.

Even this blow of the Nirvana Buddha could directly block the time and space of the entire universe.

However, to Yang Xuan, it doesn’t make any sense.

Yang Xuan can move freely.

He didn’t even choose to dodge this attack, but went straight up.

When the Nirvana Buddha saw that Yang Xuan could still move, he was actually very panicked.

Because although his attack was powerful, it was also very rigid.

Once the opponent has the means to break free from the bondage of the ancient Buddha’s will, wanting this blow is basically a big blow.

The moment when the Nirvana Buddha saw that Yang Xuan was still free to move around.

Subconsciously, he thought that Yang Xuan planned to abandon this universe and escape.

In this way, although a universe is lost, at least Yang Xuan still has a long time.

But the thing that puzzled Nimshi Tianfo was.

Yang Xuan can move freely and dodge, but he did not hide.

But facing his own attack, rushed up.

“what are you going to do?”

“You actually took the initiative to take on my attack!”

“It’s a good thing to have confidence, but as a Confucian sage, you can’t compare with me physically!”

“Especially after I released the blow.”

“Now, I am stronger!”

The Nirvana Sky Buddha roared.

Immediately afterwards, the powerful momentum was released instantly.

this moment.

The ancient Buddha Yizhi finally accumulated his strength to the strongest peak.

This is a powerful force three thousand times stronger than when it was just condensed.

Under this powerful force.

Time is beginning to shatter.

However, Yang Xuan just greeted him straight up.

“court death!

The Nirvana Buddha roared loudly.

“Go back and destroy the origin!”

“Even if you control the long river of time, I will kill you directly from the source of time!”

“Long time, it’s mine!”

The Nirvana Sky Buddha looked at Yang Xuan excitedly.

It seems that what he wants most is about to get.

“The first time I saw you, I knew that you have the ability to trace your origins.

“And it’s still a cross-border tracing back to its origin.”

“This is something I cannot do even now.”

“Although I can trace the origin, but only in the world controlled by me.”

“But you, who have been cultivating for 30,000 years, can trace your origins across boundaries.”

“I have to say, this is a very convenient ability.”

“And my origin is no longer in this universe, but in another world.”

“A world that I can’t travel into now.”

“So, your blow is a great help to me!”

When Yang Xuan finished speaking the last sentence.

The body had been hit by the ancient Buddha’s finger from the front.


The huge ancient Buddha pointed a finger when he pressed it on Yang Xuan’s body.

The huge height contrast makes people with poor eyesight unable to see where Yang Xuan is.

But the Nirvana Buddha, as the releaser of this blow, made it easy to feel that he had hit Yang Xuan.


This attack is still an attack that traces its origin and points directly to its origin.


“Your origin is really no longer in this world.”

“But in another little thousand world.”

“Wait a minute, although this is your origin, it is in the hands of another person.”

“You are so powerful that you are still a Confucian sage, why do you have this kind of thing in your body?

“Something is wrong! Something is wrong!

“Another powerful force has appeared. Is this a door?”

“Let me take a look!”

“This is the door to the world, this is a door that records countless world coordinates.

“I seem to have heard of the existence of this door.”

“That is an ancient mythology, that is the gate of ten thousand realms.”

“The one who gains the gate of ten thousand worlds is the master of ten thousand worlds.

“This is a more powerful opportunity than time is long!”

“But it is very difficult to initially refine the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms!”

“Your origin is in the gate of ten thousand realms, and you are one of the servants enslaved by the gate of ten thousand realms.”

“No! You have left your servant, but you are still bound by the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms.

“But this way, my trace back to the origin”

The Buddha of Nirvana thought that he traced back to the origin.

It will be where Yang Xuan really hides.

As a result, when he noticed the existence of the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms.

The whole person is going to collapse.

“You cunning fellow, you are using me!”

“You used me to help you endure the backlash of the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms!

“With this, I am proud to leave the gate of ten thousand realms!

The Nirvana Buddha roared loudly.

He is not a stupid person.

If it is a stupid person, it is impossible to get to where it is today.


Who could have thought that Yang Xuan’s life experience was so bizarre.

Even if I know it now, the Nirvana Buddha feels incredible.

Although the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms is very strong, its essence is extremely high.

It is an existence that is older and more terrifying than a long river of time.

Even for him, in a powerful world where the martial artist can destroy the small world.

The Gates of Ten Thousand Worlds are all myths and legends.

Therefore, the Nirvana Buddha could not figure out why Yang Xuan would be involved with the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms.

This is just one.

He still has one thing he can’t figure out.

That is, why Yang Xuan is bound by the gate of ten thousand worlds.

It stands to reason that Yang Xuan is such a powerful existence, once the door of the ten thousand worlds is discovered, it should be the first to refine the door of the ten thousand worlds.

Why now, instead, he was bound by the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms.

And this kind of restraint is still the restraint of origin.

If it wasn’t for Yang Xuan himself to be strong enough, then he would simply become a slave to the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms.

But once you become a slave of the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms, it must be impossible to grow to this point.

…Seeking flowers 0…

Therefore, there is now a paradox.

If Yang Xuan was constrained by the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms from the beginning, he could not have such a powerful force.

But if Yang Xuan has such a powerful force, when he encounters the gate of ten thousand worlds, it is impossible to be bound by the gate of ten thousand worlds.

Judging from the worldview of Nirvana, it should be like this.

But the Nirvana Buddha was able to grow to this point, and his natural receptivity was also very strong.


He finally reached a conclusion.

That is, Yang Xuan still has a secret.

There are even more powerful opportunities.

“I see!”

“You were first enslaved by the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms, and you were forced to fight the world for the Gate of Thousand Realms, devour the origins of other worlds, and restore himself.”

“Then, when you crossed the world one time, you got a powerful force!”

“It’s the kind of power that can compete with the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms!”

“I have to say, you are like a walking chance detector!’

“But it doesn’t matter, these are all mine!

“It’s all mine!”

The Nirvana Buddha was already violent at this moment.

Jealousy made him blush.

In this world, how could such a lucky person as Yang Xuan be allowed.

He believes that he must be the heavens and the world, the cause of all, the great way of all fruits, sent to destroy Yang Xuan, the emperor of Europe.

“What about the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms!”

“Break it for me!”

The Nirvana Buddha unleashes his own powerful power.

With one finger, the ancient Buddha directly traversed the layers of the world, and fell on the’gate of traversal’, which is the world where the current master of the gate of ten thousand worlds is located.Elf world.

“Damn! I finally escaped!”

“Who the hell is that female elf?

“Why did you look for me? You must hunt me down!”

“Obviously I haven’t caught an elf!”

“Moreover, she actually knows technological weapons, is he also a reincarnation?”

“Could it be that she is also the holder of one of the nine sects?”

Wang Zheng, the god of traversal, was hiding in a cave at this time, carefully bandaging his wounds.

Then, he used his mind to probe the situation of the gate of crossing.

At this moment, there are still ten minutes to pass through the gate before it can be used again.

Although Wang Zheng is the master of the gate of crossing.

But in fact, he can only use the gate of crossing very superficially.

Because his own realm is too low.

Another point is that the gate of crossing is not complete.

Following Wang Zheng’s arrangement of the traversers, the cause and effect of many worlds were changed, and great changes were triggered.

He got a message from the gate of crossing.

The gate of crossing was originally a powerful treasure.

Its real name is the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms.

But the Lord of the Ten Thousand Worlds at that time fought a war with someone who had already proven eternal existence in the endless world.

In the end, both sides were seriously injured and fell.

Wang Zheng didn’t know what the eternal lord left behind after his fall.

But the treasure left behind by the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms is the Gate of Thousand Realms.

But the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms was blasted by the Lord of Eternal.

The powerful gate of ten thousand worlds turned into nine gates of crossing.

Every crossing gate is a fragment of the gate of ten thousand realms.

Moreover, the power of the gate of passage is almost exhausted, and if you want to recover, you can only go to other worlds to plunder.

So Wang Zheng originally planned to squeeze the traversers after going back this time.

He even planned that when the traversers returned this time, he should also upgrade.

At that time, a world will be completely enslaved.

Then people from two worlds can come to work for him.

But I didn’t expect it to be so bad recently.

It shows that there is one who is enslaved and has gained great power.

So strong that even when he faced the opponent’s provocation, he could only retreat.

Then I want to find a few beautiful elves to live a life without shame or restlessness for a few days.

But he was ambush unexpectedly, and he was caught in a constant pursuit.

Then he left temporarily, and then returned with modern technology, intending to be ashamed.

Unfortunately, he failed again.

Even when he was hunted down, he consumed a lot of mind and energy.

Now the gate of crossing is temporarily unavailable.

He has to wait another ten minutes.

“Huh! Ten minutes is not long!”

“The location where I am now can be said to be very safe.”

“As long as I don’t take the initiative to go out, the crazy female elf will definitely not find me.”

“After I returned this time, I won’t come to this world again.”

“Big deal, I won’t play with elves.

“Going back to the world similar to the ancient dynasty, I directly greened the emperor, Lao Er, and brought his concubines and daughters to make up for my loss.”

Wang Zheng thought fiercely.

Then, he began to restore his mental strength, waiting for the spirit to accumulate enough to open the door of crossing.

that’s all.

ten minutes later.

“Huh! Alright!”

“Through the door, give it to me”


Wang Zheng’s opening words have not been spoken yet.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light appeared in the sky of this fairy world.

The appearance of this golden light directly confuses the laws of the entire world.

The gate of traversal is not easy to use at this moment.

“Huh? Open it for me?”

“open ah!

“Hurry up!”

Wang Zheng, who didn’t know what happened, desperately urged the gate of crossing.

But nothing can help.


This is the time.

A huge hole was directly pierced in the sky.

On the peak where Wang Zheng was, the rocks burst instantly.

However, after the rocks exploded, they seemed to be directly crushed by an invisible force, and instantly turned into dust, without hurting Wang Zheng.

Moreover, it also allowed Wang Zheng to see the sky of this world and the sudden changes.

“so big!

“Is this a finger?”

“How come, how did it do it?”

“Wait a minute, the target of this finger is me?”

Just after Wang Zheng discovered the situation in the sky of the Elf World, he instantly gave birth to an enlightenment.

That is, this finger is running towards me. three,

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