Chapter 188 They lie

At this time, Yang Xuan realized that the other party was actually going to circle her into the cave next to him, and he was not stupid.

If you are trapped in the cave by him, you will be bound by it.

He can clean up whatever he wants, and now he is different from the original. Of course, he can’t be succumbed by the other party just like this. After thinking about this, he laughed.

“I didn’t expect you to be so humble and attack me back and forth, but it doesn’t matter I don’t care.

After speaking, he turned around and broke through the circle of soil in front of him. The other party saw that Yang Xuan was able to rush into their encirclement.

It really surprises them, knowing that they have tried and tested such situations every time.

How could it be possible for them to get out so quickly?

He absolutely can’t do this. After thinking of this, he hurriedly adopted another encirclement policy to Yang Xuan, but Yang Xuan has learned to be smart this time~.

Then suddenly picked up-own Kunlun mirror.

When the head of the Yao clan saw Kunlun Mirror appearing again.

Don’t mention how unexpected it is, isn’t this thing in Yang Xuan’s hands?

How could it be in the hands of the Lingbao Tianzun in front of him, what is the relationship between the two of them?

After thinking of this, he was not calm, and then he asked the Lingbao Tianzun in front of him.

“What is your relationship with Yang Xuan? Why do you have this thing too?

At this time, Yang Xuan realized that his appearance as Lingbao Tianzun was not Yang Xuan, so he thought of it here.

He laughed.

“You care about the relationship between us, in short, I will never let you two run away today.”

“So wait here for torture.”

After speaking, he began to attack the other party where is this Kunlun mirror photographed,

Where will it be like being burned by fire, and at this time Mo Tongtian and the patriarch of the demon clan on the opposite side.

The two of them had already seen the power of Kunlun Mirror, so they ran away and Yang Xuan.

Now he is not in a hurry, he will slowly torture each other, after seeing when the two of them can come to think of this.

He smiled coldly, I don’t believe you two can escape this time, if you two are allowed to escape this time.

I came here for nothing. I couldn’t explain to the people above. After thinking of this, he started chasing them quickly.

…For flowers…

But I don’t know why he disappeared after chasing the opponent, because there was a forest of death in front of him, and he knew about this forest of death.

Whether people or gods enter this forest, they will be melted. Yang Xuan Ye has a big touch on this place.


After all, he had never touched it before, just heard it from other people’s mouth, so he hesitated at this moment.

Can he get in, and how can he catch them if he doesn’t? If he gets in, it just melts. But what to do.

After he got here, he hesitated, he didn’t know what he should do.

Standing in front of him, looking at the death forest in front of him, he knew that the other party must be in the death forest, he was thinking.

If it is true, whether it is a man or a god, it will be roasted inside, so why can the two of them enter?

So after thinking about it this way, he figured out that someone must be lying.

It would never happen at all. I am so happy to think of the last thing here. pill.

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