Chapter 176 inappropriate

At this time, after the other party heard what he said, he couldn’t help but smile. He was thinking about something in his heart, thinking that we are all bad guys, but look at those children having fun there.

Are we really that bad? If they are so bad, how could they be so happy, right?

In fact, Yang Xuan had already figured it out at this time, he already knew that the adults lied to them.

But he couldn’t say that, otherwise he would lose face, so he tilted his head to one side very Tsundere and said.

31 “I don’t play with them, and then I have to play by myself.”

After speaking, I went to a corner and played around myself, after seeing Yang Xuanzi’s scene like this.

Yang Xuan smiled helplessly, and then he didn’t continue to care about them any longer.

Those Yang Xuans just got a piece of it. When Yang Xuan looked back again, he found that Yang Xuan had already become one with them, he was a kid after all.

At this moment, General Nanhe, who was next to him, came over and said to him, “Can you really do this? Don’t forget that he is from the Demon Race, in case someone from the Demon Race says that we don’t If it’s good, then he will backhand to deal with us.

Wouldn’t it mean that the gains outweigh the losses?”

After the other party heard his words live. He couldn’t help but smiled and said to him.

“Don’t worry, how could I let him happen to this kind of thing? Before everything happens, I will let him stop it.

Let him not have this kind of thought. After all, the child is in a very kind heart. As long as you tell him well, he will understand that not everyone appears like they said, so unforgivable. ”

“Of course I understand what you mean by what you are saying, but you have to be more careful, knowing others, knowing your face and not knowing your heart, who knows what his heart is, even though he is just a child.

Don’t forget, he grew up in front of everyone in the Yaozu, and the thoughts they instilled in him have been for many years, since he was born.

It should have been ten years since he looked like this, so you must be more careful, don’t worry, I know. ”

Seeing that Yang Xuan didn’t care, General Nanhe and Gunnar couldn’t help it, so the two of them walked out of the camp again and were walking on the road.

General Nanhe couldn’t help but want to tell me.

“Do you think he is doing this right? I always feel that this is very dangerous.”

Gunnar will talk about it at this time.

“Don’t do this anymore. After all, the patriarch can do whatever he wants. It’s not our turn to intervene.

It’s just that we have to watch him closely. Once we find that he has other purposes, we will immediately pray 163 to the other party. I believe we will be able to make the fastest preparations.

Hearing Gunnar saying the same, General Nanhe had nothing to say, so the two of them left.

But they didn’t know that in the place where they had just left, a pair of baby’s eyes kept looking at them, as if they had been staring at them to see what they were doing.

After seeing this, he couldn’t help but smiled coldly.

“Just let you have a good life for a few days. When I come back, I will definitely get revenge.”

After speaking, he turned around and disappeared, as if he had never appeared before. .

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