Chapter 172 Sneak attack

At this time, Yang Xuan couldn’t help but smile when he heard the other party’s words.

But he didn’t laugh much, because he thought he had never seen the patriarch of the Yao clan.

This is the first time he has become such a humble appearance, but after a while he can’t laugh, why?

Because they found that these people were quickly removed by the other party and their spiritual sense immediately became like they are now.

Then they are here to manage the magic energy absorbed here mechanically when they reach a certain amount and they will come back.

But before they came back, they had done a lot of frenzied things, and they eroded the spiritual consciousness of many other human races.

After seeing this scene, Yang Xuan didn’t mention how angry, this guy actually did such a thing.

It was shocking, and everyone knew what was going on at this time.

It turns out that they have contributed their souls to the devil, so they have today’s achievement. If they didn’t guess wrong, within a few days, the other party would launch an attack on the human race.

Then they will be attacked like never before. Why? Because they are no longer ordinary people.

It should be a group of puppets, don’t mention how angry they were after thinking about this, but at this time, Lord Yan waved his hand and all the mirror images in front of him disappeared.

Then he sighed back and said.

“Do you know why the patriarch of the human race brought them back this time? That’s because they have a purpose, so you must be careful.

Otherwise, I won’t know how to die by then.”

The other party smiled when he heard what he said.

“Don’t worry, Lord Yama, we will be careful. I don’t know what to do next.”

After speaking, he and Yuan Yuan left. On the way back, Yuan Zun asked worriedly.

“How can this be done so that we can come up with such a way to deal with us, maybe it’s about to change.

“Oh, after thinking about this, Primordial Tianzun felt that this matter had to be told to the petitioner if there was any conspiracy, I might not know.

Then he told Yang Xuan.

“You go back first. I can tell the people above this first and let them prepare early.

Maybe they came back this time not at you, but at everyone.

Including our Protoss and other races, so, I will go back and tell them the news right away.

Be careful. ”

After speaking, he turned around and disappeared. At this time, Yang Xuan saw his friend leave until he also took this matter seriously, because this matter is really very important to everyone.

They also rushed back without stopping, but when he saw the scene in front of him after he went back, he was surprised.

Why? Because outside their headquarters (the king’s), the people of their human race actually died.

After most of them died here, he immediately returned to the headquarters. At this time, he found that the other party had begun to attack them, and General Nanhe and Gunnar stood there and fought back.

After seeing this scene, don’t mention how angry he was. This guy didn’t expect to shoot so quickly. He must have started the war while he was away.

He absolutely can’t let the other party succeed. .

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