Chapter 140 compromise

But, the two of them didn’t care about it at all.

“Isn’t it all I asked for, it has nothing to do with me, you can enjoy it here.

After speaking, he put me on the other two. The other two demon monks saw this scene in front of them. They really didn’t dare to say anything. They were really afraid of hurting the pond fish.

At this moment, the other party couldn’t help but smile.

“I didn’t expect that you were also afraid, but don’t think that you can hide in this way.”

Immediately afterwards, the two of them used the same method to put the other two keys on their bodies, and also used the same behavior, and then they began to giggle non-stop, at this moment they had already laughed and tears came out.

They really wanted to kneel down and beg each other, begging them not to treat themselves so cruelly.

However, the two of Nanhe General Gunnar didn’t care at all, because they had violated their bottom line before.

These guys dare to bully the two of them blatantly. This is something that has never happened before.

So don’t mention how angry he was at this moment. Finally, when they were almost unable to bear it, Nanhe General Gunnar and the two of them were also benevolent and stopped them from their current state.

At this moment they were already laughing, their mouths were frozen, and the whole person’s face was also frozen.

As for General Nanhe Gunnar, the two of them found it very interesting and kept laughing there.

Then Gunnar next to him spoke.

“This is called evil retribution. It’s not that when the time is not reported, it just punished you just now. Why do you still want to attack our human race?

Let me tell you that it is not the same as before. Let you bully. Now if you dare to bully people, we must chase you to the end of the world and we won’t let you go. ”

After hearing the words of General Nanhe and Gunnar, aren’t these demon gods?

He now has a new understanding of the human race, these guys, since Yang Xuan led the human race, they have become very powerful, not like the past at all.

After thinking of this, he couldn’t help but say.

“In fact, we didn’t intend to be an enemy of the human race. In fact, we were deceived by other races.

Looking for General Nanhe and Gunnar at this time, they said

“Don’t think that we can let you go by quibbling. What does this have to do with other classmates? It’s not all because of your own reasons.”

“You better stop talking nonsense, what does it have to do with us?”

“Don’t you wonder why our monster race started a war with your human race? If there is no reason, how could you make such a move, haven’t you thought about it?”

After being said by them, General Nanhe and Gunnar stopped smiling for a while, and then asked them thoughtfully.

“Then if you want to say something, you can say it, maybe we can spare your life.

But if your nonsense here is discovered by our 0.3s, then only more ruthless results are waiting for you, I believe you should know me.

After hearing this, the other party said.

“Fortunately, from now on, I will definitely tell you about this, and I won’t lie.”

Then the Suzaku next to him began to speak.

“Because we received news that your human race got a kind of treasure.”

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