Chapter 11 God’s gift (5 more! Kneel for evaluation! Flowers!)

Small island country, eastern capital.

Umbrella branch, inside the honeycomb.

The whole silence lasted for five minutes.

After waiting for five minutes, someone discovered that they could speak freely.

And Song Sisi, whose pseudonym is “Huayun”.

At this moment, a decision was finally made.

She prayed very sincerely in her heart.

“The Supreme God!”

“I pray to you!”

“I pray for your salvation, pray for your blessing!”

“I would like to be your most devout believer, the most loyal lamb!”

“Please save me!”

When Song Sisi fled from the hive, he directly began to pray to ‘God’.

Moreover, her prayers were just casual talk.

After seeing the entire ban just now, she was also shocked.

That’s why she chose to believe it.

She believes that there is a so-called God in this world.

“Your prayer, I have received it!”

Just after Song Sisi’s prayer was over.

A sacred world appeared directly in Song Sisi’s mind.

not only that.

Just after this voice appeared.

Song Sisi suddenly found out.

Before I knew it, I came to a golden lake.

Right above the lake, there is an endless sky.

Although the sky is white.

However, it has a pale golden light.

That light exudes an extremely sacred breath.

“So warm!”

“It’s almost as if I’m back in the arms of my mother!”

“This place gives me the idea of ​​staying here forever.”

Song Sisi couldn’t help but gave birth to such an idea.

This is the time.

A pale golden phantom slowly appeared in the sky.

at the very beginning.

This phantom is very vague.

Over time, he began to gradually become clear.

At the end, Song Sisi discovered that this phantom was a pair of phantoms shrouded in sacred golden light.

As the wings slowly spread, endless sacred light shone on Song Sisi’s body.

This mysterious space.

It seemed to be swallowed directly by the golden holy light.

Song Sisi couldn’t see any images again, couldn’t feel any objects.

Time, space!

At this moment, it seems to have lost its meaning.

Song Sisi, the cognition and feeling of time and space are gone.

Song Sisi didn’t know how long it took before he realized that he had recovered his vision and senses.

It might be one second.

It may be ten thousand years.

In short.

Just after the wings spread, Song Sisi experienced an extremely mysterious experience.

“Praise you!”

“My lord!”

“The Supreme God!”

After Song Sisi calmed down, she took a step forward and fell to the ground on one knee.

Slowly, he lowered his head to Yang Xuan.

The right hand was even more horizontally in front of him, and he saluted.

She didn’t know why she bowed so much.

This etiquette.

It seemed to be printed directly in her mind.

“Your prayer, I heard it!”

Represents the ultimate perfect sound.

Reverberated in this space.

After Song Sisi heard these words, his body trembled.

His complexion became ruddy.

Just one sentence made her body reach the most exciting point.

It seems that this sentence is an endless gift.

You can let women directly enter the most exciting link.

“Thank my lord!”

“Praise my lord!”

Song Sisi struggled to control his body, stammering over these two sentences.

In addition to these two sentences.

She didn’t know, what she changed.

After speaking, she raised her head.

Then, she saw the appearance of Yang Xuan.

It was an Oriental boy with black hair and black eyes.

The cheeks of teenagers can only be represented by perfection.

It seems that the meaning of the word “perfect” was created to describe Yang Xuan.

Behind Yang Xuan, there is a pair of extremely sacred wings.

From the pair of wings.

Song Sisi saw everything and everything in the world.

In just a moment, a clear understanding appeared in her mind.

In other words, it is some knowledge.

Dark Angel Path:

Sequence Nine: Newborn Blood Race.

Sequence Eight: Blood Baron

Sequence Seven: Viscount Blood

Sequence Six: Earl of Blood

Sequence Five: Marquis of Blood

Sequence Four: Duke of Blood

Sequence Three: Prince of Blood

Sequence Two: The Blood Emperor

Sequence 1: Blood Angel

Sequence Zero: Dark Angel! (Seat angel)

The appearance of this knowledge allowed Song Sisi to see his own path.

at the same time.

She also knew her energy and ability.


The current self has the ability to black fog, low-level human control, and low-level transformation of ghouls.

These abilities, she used only instinctively before.

But when she saw Yang Xuan’s godly gesture, she understood the knowledge clearly.

She has completely controlled her abilities.

The gods should not look directly.

Although this rule is true.

However, if allowed.

Then it can be seen directly.

And if you look directly at the gods, you will get the knowledge bestowed by the gods.

“Thank you for your gift!”

Song Sisi is not stupid.

Of course she understands that this is a gift from Yang Xuan to herself.

She has become a devout believer of the other side.

So can bear this gift. *

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