National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 9 The Hidden Plant Boss

After exiting the system, Jiang Yang's eyes returned to the classroom. In the past, he might have listened to this class with great interest, but after possessing "rapid proliferation", his knowledge of the plant department is much richer than that of the lecturer. Many, if nothing else, he was able to correct several mistakes in this class alone.

Jiang Yang yawned, and began to write down several "rapid proliferation" hypothesis theories in his notebook. Then he refuted several other hypotheses, and finally drew a line and extended the theory that was established to the preliminary level. During practice, someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Yang? I heard that I recently contracted a C-level summoning spirit?"

A burly man with a hunky back said with a terrifying smile.

This guy is a well-known ruffian in Tiantong Academy. Because his family has a relationship with the school, he does some tricks secretly and overtly. Jiang Yang was often bullied by him in the past when he didn't have a contracted summoning spirit.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say."

Only then did Jiang Yang realize that get out of class was over, he frowned and replied in a low voice.

"Yeah, this contract to summon the spirit is really awesome, and you can speak tough... Well, I won't tease you, I have a way to make money here, do you want to do it?"

The gangster approached Jiang Yang and asked in a low voice.

"You charge students protection money, right? You can find someone else to do it."

Jiang Yang pushed the gangster away, stood up coldly, and left the classroom.

Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. Although you are not a righteous partner, you must have a bottom line as a human being. What's more, it would be better to just grow a few honeysuckles for such a small amount of money.


The gangster's eyes were a little colder.


"Teacher Fu, I've got the information you asked for."

The pretty girl in Tiantong school uniform held a stack of materials and pushed open the classroom door with some difficulty.

"Ah, thank you for your hard work."

Teacher Fu took the information with a smile, pulled up a stool and began to sit down and read it: "You can sit anywhere you like. I will call you when I find your information."


The girl nodded. She found a seat near the front and sat down. She lowered her head and started to browse DouLe short videos on her phone. She turned to her personal interface and saw that one of her comments had been posted under the nickname "New Flower Presentation". The number of likes has exceeded 40,000.

Her name was Qing Xuanhua, and she was the younger sister of Jiu Xuan's famous Qing Yili. Unfortunately, her qualifications were mediocre and she failed to pass the Jiu Xuan exam. But he has unique insights into the plant system, so he came to Tiantong to study.

Although she used the internet name "New Flower Gift" to be tough, she had to admit that the "mysterious man" who caused a lot of noise recently might really have surpassed her brother in terms of plant knowledge.

She has replayed that battle more than a hundred times. The summoned spirit used by the "mysterious man" should only be C-level, but it was not at a disadvantage against Liu Er, the leader in A-level. That skilled and confident battle The style has been lingering in my mind, especially when the plants proliferated on the bamboo to interrupt the attack, forcing Liu Er to release his magical power.

No matter what the final result is, Qing Xuanhua believes in her heart that the winner will always be the "mysterious man".

Who is he? Looking at the level of "split", he couldn't be an old man in his eighties, right?

An old man with a shaggy beard and a hunched body suddenly appeared in Qing Xuanhua's pink fantasy. She suddenly shuddered and shook her head violently.

What am I thinking about? I can't get in touch with people of this level, but my brother might be able to meet him.

She put down her phone and lay on the table dejectedly.

Suddenly, she saw a notebook on the table with a plain cover without any pattern.

Are the students in this classroom left behind? Study notes are still very important for students. This guy is too careless.

Qing Xuanhua picked up the notebook. The word "Jiang Yang" was written on the cover in black pen. She opened the notebook with some curiosity. The contents inside were all very ordinary study records, all of which she had learned. . But it can be seen that the owner of this note studied very seriously.

Although a little careless, it is a good thing to be serious.

Qing Xuanhua felt inexplicably like a senior schoolmate. When she turned to the last page, her fingers suddenly stopped and she froze in her seat, her eyes widening in disbelief.

There was a long list of theories on how to make plants proliferate quickly in battles. The first six theoretical hypotheses seemed feasible to her, but the owner of the notebook rejected five of them, and one of them was correct. This is the method my brother is practicing!

Looking further down, the reasons for rejecting each theoretical hypothesis are clearly written, including damaging vegetation, possibly destroying chlorophyll, consuming too much magic power, and being slow. There was only one "proliferation" route that the notebook owner thought was feasible, but he only wrote down how to practice and test it initially, and seemed to be interrupted by someone later, so he didn't write any more.

This, this is...the theoretical derivation of "split"? ! And the level of this derivation is very high, very high! The owner of the note must have a profound knowledge reserve and tens of thousands of practical experiences in the plant system! Just reading this page gives me a feeling of enlightenment, as if I have learned in vain in the past few years!

If the theory in this notebook is correct, it is simply a slap in the face of the entire plant-based summoning world! According to this notebook, the current research direction of "split" is completely wrong! !

Wait, this notebook is from our school, is he a student of our school? !

Qing Xuanhua stood up suddenly, her eyes shining with gold, which scared Teacher Fu.

"Qing? What's wrong?"

Teacher Fu looked at the other party with concern and asked.

"Teacher, have you found Jiang Yang's information?"

"Ah, I did find it. This student is very serious in class. I have a deep impression of him."

Teacher Fu nodded and handed Jiang Yang's information to Qing Xuanhua. The latter glanced at Jiang Yang's address and rushed out, as anxious as if the canteen was open for dinner.

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