National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 7: Hard fight, invitations from 100 schools

Knock, knock, knock, knock!

The double pea shooter ejected pea bullets very quickly. In the eyes of ordinary people, these bullets were not visible at all. Only when the bullets stopped would they realize that the attack had begun!

But for a summoner with a high level like Sun Tianxing, the speed of the pea bullets was not exaggerated. He didn't even need to command. The six-eared macaque waved the bamboo to smash the pea bullets and rushed to Jiang Yang as if there was no obstacle!

Close to the face! Jiang Yang has already lost!

Beixia was immediately disappointed. Once the summoner was close to the face by the enemy summoned spirit, the victory or defeat was already determined.

The attack of the double pea shooter was completely non-existent for the six-eared macaque!

You know, the five ability values ​​of the double pea shooter are all blue, while the six-eared macaque has only one lowest defense value of blue!

Sun Tianxing frowned. He didn't expect that the six-eared macaque would break through the opponent's attack so quickly. If Jiang Yang was really knocked down by this stick, he would be extremely disappointed.

"Very fierce."

Jiang Yang chuckled and closed his eyes.

A burst of strong light burst out from behind him! Like a flash bomb, Liu Er Mihou was pierced by the strong light and closed his eyes, and the attack in his hand also stopped!

Use "Rapid Proliferation" to plant several sunflowers behind him, and then lure the enemy deep into the release of strong light to contain Liu Er.

At least the first step is completed.

Jiang Yang showed a sinister smile.

I can't see anything clearly!

Although Sun Tianxing was not so seriously forced by the strong light, he squinted his eyes. The figures of Jiang Yang and Liu Er Mihou were completely unclear. He didn't know what the opponent's tactics were, and he was still in a state of confusion for a while.

A sound of loosening the soil came from his feet. He looked down in confusion and saw three double pea shooters growing out from his side!

He used "Split" to plant plants under my feet? ! This speed is too fast! Even the bastard Jiu Xuan can't do this!

Sun Tianxing took a breath of cold air. The situation was reversed instantly. Originally, the opponent was being hit by the summoned spirit, but now it turned out to be him!

Beixia's hand, which was about to stop recording, stopped instantly!

She held her breath and refused to blink, for fear of missing any wonderful moments!

"'Emergency return to defense'!"

Sun Tianxing stretched out his hand, and a ray of light appeared in his palm. Liu'er's figure instantly appeared beside him. The bamboo waved a fierce gust of wind, and the pea bullets were shattered one after another!

"Emergency return to defense", this is a kind of space magic. Leave a formation mark in the palm in advance, and in an emergency, you can make one of your summoned spirits return to your side to protect yourself.

The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of magic, the distance between the summoned spirit and the summoner cannot exceed fifty meters, and there is a long cooling time.

It turned out to be space magic. The tutorial of this thing on the market is extremely expensive. It should be the Red Maple School instructor who taught Sun Tianxing specifically.

Jiang Yang sighed, and seeing the bright light created by the sunflower disappear, he used "Recycle Wither" to recycle the magic power, and applied "Intermediate Strength Enhancement" to the five double pea shooters that had completed the proliferation!

Each barrage of pea bullets rushed towards Sun Tianxing. The double pea shooters had a fast firing speed and high accuracy. Even the six-eared macaque could not pass by like he did before when facing a double pea shooter.

"You have to show some skills!"

Sun Tianxing raised his hand, and two strengthening magics were attached to the six-eared macaque. The latter roared, swung the bamboo and hit several stick winds, and the barrage of pea bullets was destroyed by the stick wind! The six-eared macaque swung the stick to interrupt the three nearby double pea shooters, and then drew a circle around Sun Tianxing, and the semicircular barrier covered the latter.

Spiritual magic draws the ground as a prison!

Unlike the innate skills of the red-faced wolf, high-level intelligent summoned spirits can learn new skills to fight, so many high-level summoners will not buff their contracted spirits because they can use buff magic themselves.

The summoner's own magic should be saved to use traps, special magic, and summon other contracted spirits to fight at the right time.

"Come and fight!"

The six-eared macaque was eager to fight, and he used his right foot to rush towards Jiang Yang again. He waved the bamboo in his hand, and the bamboo formed a gust of wind, like a rotating fan blade. All the pea bullets close to the bamboo were cut into pieces! Even the surrounding bamboos were cut by this strong wind, which shows its power!

Combat skills sickle wind evil!

Oh my God, won't this be life-threatening?

Beixia's hands holding the phone were shaking. She imagined that if she were Jiang Yang, facing this level of attack, she would be weak in both legs and kneel down to beg for mercy!

Now even if you use the same trick again, it will be useless. As a group attack, the sickle wind demon does not need to lock the target at all. How will you deal with it next?

Sun Tianxing stared at Jiang Yang's movements. The ability shown by the opponent in this battle was enough. If it weren't for the huge difference in the contracted spirits, the three plants just now would have defeated him!

He dared to say that even Jiu Xuan, the guy who contracted the A-level undead tree, could not compare with Jiang Yang in front of him in terms of summoner strength.

Just comparing this skillful "split", there are not many plant summoners!

"You are already in my game."

Jiang Yang smiled.

The next second, I saw several double pea shooters growing on the bamboo in Liu'er Macaque's hand, shooting at Liu'er Macaque!

The bullet is most powerful the moment it leaves the gun. More than a dozen pea bullets and several melon seeds caught Liu'er Macaque off guard. The most important thing is that these dozen pea bullets triggered the passive pea bullets, and the power of each bullet was doubled! !

Liu'er, who was hit in the head, let go of the bamboo and quickly released the spiritual magic golden body spell to resist the attack of the pea bullets.

The bamboo was parasitized? Did I instruct Liu'er to attack the three plants and get the plant's proliferation spores? No, this guy deliberately sent it to me to attack!

Sun Tianxing was completely confused.

"Don't think that using defensive skills will be fine."

Jiang Yang snapped his fingers, and seven sunflowers grew out of Liu'er's body! For "rapid proliferation", as long as the growth environment is nutritious, it can grow out!

Buzz! !

The sunflowers gathered the sunlight, and a strong light that was even more intense than before burst out at close range, almost blinding Liu'er's eyes!

Now even Sun Tianxing himself could not see anything clearly, but he heard the sound of plants multiplying around him!


Sun Tianxing roared, and Jiang Yang, who was originally confident of victory, changed his face. He saw a strong and terrifying force burst out from the center of the light! With a loud "bang"! The ground collapsed, and the aftermath of the attack directly razed half of the bamboo forest to the ground! Beixia, who was caught off guard, was even knocked half a meter away by the aftermath! She quickly got up from the ground, afraid of being discovered by the two, and fled the scene while the strong light was shining.

Jiang Yang felt that his plants were crushed into pieces, and he had to wait three minutes to summon the double pea shooter or sunflower again.

The strong light and smoke dissipated, and the main cause of this attack appeared in front of him. It was a black and gold stick towering into the sky, exuding a mighty aura!

The innate magical power of the fake golden hoop stick!!

"I lost."

Jiang Yang shrugged helplessly. He didn't expect that after all his efforts, the gap in strength could not be avoided.

"No, I lost!"

Sun Tianxing immediately bypassed the golden hoop stick to check Jiang Yang. Seeing that the other party was not missing any limbs, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I was too eager to win! I didn't use enough force at the time!"

"This shows that you tried your best to defeat me at that moment. I still feel quite accomplished."

Jiang Yang put his hands on his waist and waved his hand to show that he didn't care.

"If we are both contracted spirits of the same level..."

"There is no if, winning is winning, losing is losing."

Jiang Yang said seriously: "I will win back."

Sun Tianxing looked at Jiang Yang blankly, then excitedly took out an envelope from his pocket, handed it to the latter and said: "This is the invitation letter for the Hundred Schools League! With this invitation letter, you can skip the school selection and directly participate in the league!"

"Let's compete again in the league!"

The Hundred Schools League... It is a national summoner competition with extremely high gold content that only the strongest people from each school, plus the recommendation of a big boss with status, are qualified to participate! This invitation letter is more precious than any gold and silver treasures!

Jiang Yang was a little moved for a while. He accepted the invitation letter and answered seriously:

"Okay! Then don't be eliminated before you meet me!"

"Of course!"

The two laughed at each other, bumped fists under the sun, and made an agreement.

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