National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 60: Exploring another world, bungee jumping


Blood Demon Liu Er knew that he had no strength to fight any more, so a majestic and angry six-armed Shura appeared behind him. Shura held a sharp blade and made a final struggle against the zombie tide and pea assault vehicle in front of him!

Supernatural power: Six Blades of Shura! !

The four walls of sighs quickly rose up. After these six swords were struck, they aroused a huge wave of sword energy. The sword energy cut off the tombstones in the entire area and instantly razed them to the ground! Even the Wall of Sighs trembled slightly when it was hit by the aftermath!

Clear the place instantly!

Seeing that the crisis was over, Xia Li on the stage let go of Jieyin's hand and the wall fell.

What the audience saw was Sun Tianxing falling to the ground, gasping for air because his magic power had been drained, and Jiang Yang standing in front of him intact.

The domain disappeared. Jiang Yang took a deep breath, holding the You Dao in his hand, and whispered: "It's over."

"Well, knot, ahem, it's over!"

Sun Tianxing stood up reluctantly. He stretched out his hand towards Jiang Yang and whispered: "It has been so long since the competition in the bamboo forest, and you have become so powerful."

"Come again next time you have a chance."

Jiang Yang chuckled.

"Of course!"

Sun Tianxing grinned.

The audience stood up one after another and applauded the two young summoners. Although this battle was fast, every second was a collision of hard power and hard power. Everyone could see that only when facing Sun Tianxing, Jiang Yang tried his best.

The continuous summons, trap arrangement and skill conversion all illustrate his strength!

As for Sun Tianxing, the reason why he lost was simple, just because his opponent was Jiang Yang.

"The third Red Country Hundred Schools League has concluded successfully! I announce! The champion is the legendary boy from Tiantong Spiritual School, Jiang Yang!!"

Ah Jie stood up excitedly, and the fireworks exploded at the right time. Under the cheers of the audience, the two men's handshake was frozen in this scene, which was shown on film and television screens across the country.


Qing Yili looked at this scene with a smile on his face and whispered: "I hope you can go to the highest place in the world."

"This is my son! My son!"

Father Jiang jumped up excitedly, and the cheering crowd surrounded him excitedly, shouting for the championship.

"Jiang will be happy for a while!"

In the Black Fox family, the leader watched this scene, crushed the handle of his seat, gritted his teeth and said: "How many people are participating in the 'Exploration of Another World' this time? Tell them that finding the magic door is not a priority. , the first thing to do after entering the other world is to find Jiang Yang!"

"Remember, the Eye of Deathrattle is on a woman next to him. Bring me the thing back!"

"Bring back the Deathrattle Eyes. If you can, kill that man. If you can't, run away."

The leader of the Beixiong family narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the scene broadcast from the Red Country, and whispered: "When you meet the expedition team from the Red Country, you must use the secret code to avoid accidentally injuring the Black Fox people."


Hess, who had almost recovered, nodded, turned and left.


When Jiang Yang left the arena, Xia Li was waiting for him at the door. She patted Jiang Yang on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Let's go!"

"Where to go?"

"Exploring another world!"


"That's right!"

With no time to rest, Jiang Yang found Ying Xiao and Xia Li and caught a flight to the venue for the reverse summons. Because they had just finished the game, there were some people along the way who took pictures of the three of them with their mobile phones.

"After you arrive in another world, the first thing you do is to find me! I will protect you!"

Xia Li crossed his arms and said seriously: "The people from Black Fox and Northern Bear must have hidden their identities in this reverse summons, so don't put too much faith in those who are traveling through time like yourself."

"By the way, let's take a photo!"

Xia Li thought of something and moved Jiang Yang and Ying Xiao, who were sitting on his left and right, closer to him, then stretched out his phone to take a photo.


Jiang Yang said doubtfully.

"I'm sending it to someone."

Xia Li happily sent the photo to the leader of Black Fox. As a member of the World Calling Federation, she had the power to investigate all families in the country, and she could easily get a contact information.

Xia: (picture)

Xia: Goodbye old man, we are going to play in another world! Next time you have time to go to the water park in Xiyu City, remember to give us a discount!

Xia: Ah, suddenly I remembered that you seemed to have given that place to White Tiger.

Click! !

The leader of the black fox suddenly crushed the phone to pieces, his eyes widened, as if he was about to eat someone. The servant next to him swallowed, not even daring to make a sound.

Although he was extremely angry, the leader of Black Fox did not dare to do anything to Xia Li. After all, he was a member of the World Calling Federation.

WCC, a background harder than diamonds! They do not belong to any country. If anyone dares to touch one of their members, they will be punished like thunder!

He knew very well that Jiang Yang could never be allowed to complete his exploration of another world.

With his extraordinary talent and the training of adventures in another world, Jiang Yang will definitely get an olive branch from the World League after he comes out.

Now he is being protected by Xia Li, an unpredictable summoner. The only chance is to kill him in another world while everyone is separated!

"Senior is really...naughty."

Jiang Yang's mouth twitched a few times when he saw Xia Li's move.

"Anyway, we are all going to another world, why should we be afraid of him when we get out?"

Xia Li snorted a few times and laughed.


Ying Xiao's head subconsciously leaned on Jiang Yang's shoulder, probably because she was tired from practicing to control the Eye of Death.

The three of them sat on the plane, and Jiang Yang fell asleep in a daze.

However, his consciousness came to the system.

He remembered that the undead system needed to be strengthened. Now that he had a lot of magic power, the human wave tactics would come in handy.

"Oh! You're here! It seems that things in life are a bit busy and you don't have time to come to me!"

Dr. Zombie King pulled the cabinet suddenly and said, "You shouldn't visit that pot-lid head every day and skip me, right? No way?"

Jiang Yang scratched his face, quite embarrassed.

"I've got a new item this time. It doesn't have much combat power, but I think you'll like it."

Dr. Zombie King put a card with a bungee zombie on it and said with a smile: "It can instantly steal an item you specify. The stolen item will go directly into your space, so you don't have to worry about being found out during a body search."

"It sounds good, but you have to see the treasure yourself, right?"

Jiang Yang raised his eyebrows and said.

Who would have the time to show off their important treasures?

"That's right, but your thinking is a bit rigid. This thing can be used not only outside, but also in a pot-lid-headed store."

Dr. Zombie King said with a hint of meaning: "For example, directly steal the most valuable thing that is most important to you... I'm talking to myself, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"Buy it!"

Jiang Yang said firmly.

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