National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 54 Contract with the King of Hell

The King of Hell imprisoned in Jiang Yang's body suddenly jumped up. He held the Judge's Pen and swung it with force to turn the hands that were holding Jiang Yang's heart into phantoms!

Although he had lost his memory, he still remembered his job, the King of Hell, very clearly.

Being imprisoned in a human body was fine, and it could barely be explained as caring for mortals, but it was unbearable to be robbed of his job by a Western god!

With a big wave of his pen, the magic power that locked Jiang Yang's meridians was easily expelled from his body, but all he could do was to help Jiang Yang relieve the effect of going to hell together. Before long, his soul would still be taken away.

"Gan! Little ghost, are you still okay? Can you solve this thing yourself?"

The King of Hell saw the magic power spreading in again and shouted.

"Have you ever seen a grandmaster solve god-level magic?"

Jiang Yang saw Chu Linyuan's body that was smashed by the sun beam reorganized again, and quickly put his hands together to summon the gun array zombie.

I can block it for a while.

"Tsk, I can't help you break the curse even if I stay in there!"

"I have a way."

The King of Hell was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood what Jiang Yang meant, and shouted: "No, no, absolutely not! It's impossible for me to make a contract with you! I'm not some evil demon, how can I be contracted by a mere mortal casually!"

"That's fine. The worst that can happen is that I will be laughed at by my peers after I die. It's just that I was caught in the body of a mortal, and when others come to grab my life, I can only shrink in the body of a mortal and can't do anything! A real man can bend and stretch, it doesn't matter!"

Jiang Yang's mouth twitched a few times, and his dark personality instantly broke out: "At most, some mortals change their beliefs and run to the hands of the god of death! It's rare in our underworld. Do you want that few people? It's just that his reputation is a little bad. When others mention the King of Hell, they know that he is a god who can't even protect the people in his own territory! "

"At worst, the underworld has no majesty, its credibility is reduced, and it can't get much incense. It will be more difficult to build in the future, and life will be harder..."

"Okay, okay, okay! Were you Tang Seng in your previous life? Let's make it clear first, this is all for the reputation of my underworld, not because of your clumsy provocation!"

The King of Hell waved his hand fiercely and said helplessly: "Come on, make a contract! Kill this guy!"

"I've been waiting for you to say this!"

Jiang Yang took a deep breath, bit his finger, and dripped a drop of blood on the ground. Instantly, a fierce breath came out of the blood.

In his body, all the chains that imprisoned the King of Hell broke!

The S-level summoning spirit and summoner contract does not require any troublesome procedures at all. With just a thought, both parties can complete the contract!

"Since the King of Hell has forgotten a memory, the image when it appears again is also unknown. Please determine the image of the King of Hell in your mind after three seconds, and it will fight in that image."

The voice of the system suddenly came from my ear.

Pinch the face? Then I will imagine a more powerful and domineering one!

"Little brat! You are still alive!"

A strange voice came from the sky. Jiang Yang looked up in confusion and saw Xia Li, who was full of surprise and flying on a sword.

Because it was the first time he saw the other party, Jiang Yang's brain subconsciously presented the image of the other party.

"It's over..."

Jiang Yang was stunned and took a breath.

The blood turned into a two-meter figure, and the judge's pen appeared elegantly. The graceful posture made Xia Li in the air stunned, and then looked at Jiang Yang with a strange look.

That's right, now because of the last second of the mistake, the image of the King of Hell was customized into a woman who was very similar to Xia Li!

"What the hell are you doing!"

The King of Hell looked down and saw his peaks and ridges, which were quite spectacular because of his two-meter height. He looked at Jiang Yang with murderous intent and shouted.

She wanted to use the Judge's Pen to send Jiang Yang away first!

"This is a misunderstanding!"

Jiang Yang covered his forehead and said with a look of despair.

"At least put some clothes on him?"

Xia Li raised his eyebrows, but there was no anger on his face.

"This, is this your summoned spirit?"

Kong Qingyu, who arrived later, looked at the King of Hell and asked in confusion.

"Your student, how does he know my measurements?"


Kong Qingyu opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Forget it, kill this guy first!"

Jiang Yang had given up struggling. He summoned the warrior zombie again and slashed at Chu Linyuan!

"After I get rid of it, I'll get rid of you!"

The female King of Hell resisted the impulse in her heart and removed the "Go to Hell Together" on Jiang Yang with her backhand.

It might not be so easy in other places, but this is the territory of the King of Hell. She can solve this magic that forcibly takes away the soul any way she wants.


Chu Linyuan let out a terrifying roar, and his whole body shot out blades like a hedgehog, but the female King of Hell just pinched a seal and broke the blade halfway without even using the Judge's Pen!

Judge's Pen: Cut!

The female King of Hell swung her pen fiercely, drawing a vigorous and powerful black blade, directly splitting Chu Linyuan's body in two, but the latter's figure recovered to the state before being cut in a breath!

Divine Power: Love of Death!

"Let's go together!"

Seeing the intense battle situation, Kong Qingyu also wanted to step forward to help, but was stopped by Xia Li.

"It's okay, the big one is an S-level summoning spirit."

Xia Li shook his head, with some interest in his eyes: "Your student is very interesting. Introduce him to me after the competition?"

"Are you interested in him? In what aspect?"

"All aspects."

"Finally, I have gathered enough."

Female Hades felt the huge amount of magic power infused by Jiang Yang, threw the brush into the air, and the brush quickly expanded, and then slashed towards Chu Linyuan!

Magic power: Hell Finger!

This move not only has explosive damage, but also adds "bleeding", "severe injury", and "judgment" triple debuffs to the enemy! The reason why it was not used was purely because the magic power consumption was too great. Jiang Yang withered and recovered some plants and took root to absorb the magic power for a while before gathering it.

Of course, the effect was still very obvious. With this stroke, Chu Linyuan was immediately chopped into pieces!

However, the effect of Death's Favor was still activated, and he returned to the state a few seconds ago.

But the triple debuff was still on him.

Chu Linyuan had just taken three steps, and the percentage of bleeding effect plus judgment and severe injury once again triggered Death's Favor!

Judgment: When the HP is below 30%, the person will die immediately after receiving damage from the status inflicter.

Severely injured: Movement speed is reduced by 30%, and any damage will cause an additional 1% HP loss.

Soon, Chu Linyuan's body reached the upper limit of the use of Death's Favor, and completely collapsed and turned into ashes.

But the Eye of Death disappeared, leaving only the Red Scale Knife, the Black Sword, and the Heroic Spirit Badge.

Xia Li raised his head and looked at a place in the audience. The man in the tuxedo and the masked man stood up and started to leave almost at the moment Chu Linyuan died.

With the Wall of Sighs blocking them, these two guys should not be able to see the situation inside, but they chose to leave just when Chu Linyuan died. Coincidence? Or did they recover the colonized soul, so they felt that there was no point in staying? In any case, it was suspicious.

Xia Li narrowed his eyes slightly and thought in his heart.

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