"It is detected that the host and the violator are in contact, and according to the regulations, the other party will be imprisoned in the host's body."

The cold voice of the system came out the moment Jiang Yang met the King of Hell.

"do not!!"

The King of Hell saw in despair that several chains erupted from behind Jiang Yang, and then wrapped around him tightly!

The chains tied the King of Hell, and then pulled him into Jiang Yang's body. A huge cage was formed around it, and there was only a sleeping gold-absorbing flower in the dark space.

"Congratulations to the host for acquiring the S-level existence 'King of Hell'. The system's prison cage is absolute. Without the host's consent or death, the cage cannot be broken."

"Please note that the spirit body of 'King of Hell' will clear its consciousness and re-transform into another existence twenty-four hours after leaving the original body."

"But the level is still S-level. Whether or not the contract can be contracted at that time is decided by the host."

The system fell silent after a quick and concise introduction to the situation. Jiang Yang was still a little excited at the moment.

After all, this thing is S-class! If he re-transforms and really makes the contract, then he can directly enter the palace level!

When the remaining evil spirits saw that their boss was killed so easily, they immediately huddled together and looked at Jiang Yang warily. The latter walked towards them with a smirk on his face and picked out a few higher-quality evil spirits. The spirit is absorbed.

"Did he throw away the contract with the King of Hell?"

Shock appeared on Sakura Xiao's usually expressionless face.

"Probably imprisoned."

The old man from Chiguo thought for a moment and said in a low voice: "Maybe it's some kind of forbidden magic? The young man is probably backed by a rather mysterious and powerful family..."

Although he was shocked, the old man did not think what was happening in front of him was unbelievable. He had been in the summoning world for so long, and he had heard about several mysterious ancient families that sent their geniuses to various parts of the world for training all year round. Most of the dark horse geniuses like Jiang Yang who suddenly appeared came from these families.

The forbidden technique that imprisoned S-class beings still existed. He had only heard about it slightly, but he still believed in its authenticity.

In the summoning world, it is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist.

"Let's leave quickly, I've reached my limit."

Seeing that the system could no longer absorb the evil spirits, Jiang Yang quickly withdrew from the pile of evil spirits.

"I'll break up the queen."

Yingxiao's summoning spirit blocked Jiang Yang, while the old man from Chiguo stood beside Jiang Yang and began to retreat. Although they were the last wave of summoners to leave the auction, they were not injured at all.

After leaving the cruise ship, several summoners quickly surrounded the cruise ship, and then released the combined magic. Several purple-gold stripes formed a huge magic circle and appeared on the cruise ship. The evil spirits were killed by the formation. Locked on the cruise ship!

Next, as long as the mission to exterminate evil spirits is issued to the summoning world, the summoners who heard the news will quickly go out to strangle these guys.

After all, for most mid-level summoners, they are unable to reverse summon and go to another world. If monsters from another world come to fight, they must not let them go!

"In this cruise ship accident, due to the brave fighting of the summoners led by Mr. Pekes, most people escaped safely! At the same time, the captain's foresight is also admirable!"

Eagle Country reporters rushed to the scene immediately and praised their personnel in front of the camera. The blond man standing next to him looked like he should take it for granted. The captain immediately panicked when he heard this and finally let him dock at the shore. He is a rich man. He has taken credit from others for no reason. It is strange that he will not be remembered!

He waved his hand quickly and said clearly: "No, no, no, actually, I had no idea of ​​stopping, Mr. Modo asked me to stop!"

"Ah, ah, this, that's it! It seems that Mr. Modo not only has business acumen, but also has a great sense of crisis!"

The reporter took a deep breath and quickly turned around to flatter the wealthy man.

"I'm bringing ships to shore because of this boy."

Modo smiled and pointed at Jiang Yang and others who were being ignored by Eagle Country reporters and rescue teams: "When the accident broke out, the first person who thought of protecting the people was Mr. Zhang Nujiang, and the last person to cover everyone's retreat was Miss Sakura. Mr. Angry General, and that young man.”

"It can be said that if it weren't for the boy and those two, not more than half of our people would have escaped alive."

Modo knew very well that Jiang Yang was a person who could climb high. The Eagle Kingdom took all the credit from his side and deliberately ignored Zhang Nujiang and others. If he didn't stand in line, he would be considered to be on the same team as them by default!

Create an enemy for yourself who is destined to become a world-class powerhouse?

I'm not an idiot!

Moreover, what he said is true.

"That's right! Mr. Zhang was the first to order the summoner to fight!"

"In the end, it was the boy and his group who came out together! They were the ones who fought the longest!"

"During the battle, the boy's summoned spirit also played a big role in fighting one against two. I saw it too!"

When people saw Modo speaking, they quickly followed and shouted that the team they were standing in was very simple, they would stand wherever whoever protected them!

The reporters from Eagle Country had ugly expressions on their faces, so she smiled awkwardly and walked towards Jiang Yang. The latter raised his eyebrows and took a few steps back.

At this moment, the scene on Chiguo's news broadcast platform amused the audience who were watching.

"Hahaha, what a little retreat!"

"Don't touch me."

"Are you serious about taking half a step back~"

"Fuck, this guy is from our city!"

"Jiang Yang?! He's from our school!"

A bunch of comments swept over, and once they saw that it was popular, all major platforms immediately pushed this live broadcast interface to the homepage!

"Mr. Jiang, thank you very much for standing up for the cruise ship accident this time! Can I interview you about your feelings?"

The reporter asked perfunctorily.

"Well, feelings. I think people in your country have good physical fitness and run very fast."

Jiang Yang said without thinking.

"......Mr. Pex does pay attention to exercise, so he can react to danger in the first time and deal with the enemy very quickly!"

"Indeed, a group of people surrounded a ghost and fought faster, it would be faster than the two ghosts killed by Ying Xiao and I."

"This time, the team led by Mr. Pex won the victory with scars and blood..."

"Indeed, more than a dozen of them held back a ghost, which provided great help for Ying Xiao and I to kill two ghosts. The only flaw is that they did not use their running potential in the battle, and suffered the enemy's attack at a speed of one knife every two seconds."

The reporter from Eagle Country was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"Hahahaha, this talent made me laugh to death!"

"Running very fast!"

"Why is he so weird, but I like it!"


The comments of Red Country were full of joy.


Author has something to say:

The dormitory building next door is on fire, the update is late, sorry sorry!

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