National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 4 The Power of the Pea Shooter

The red-faced wolf runs like a burst of red wind! It opened its bloody mouth and bit Jiang Yang's neck fiercely! This scene shocked Yun Fangcai's heart!

boom! !

Almost at the same time, at the moment when the red-faced wolf began to fall in the air, a green pea hit the wolf hard!


The red-faced wolf let out a howl, and his strong body was knocked to the ground by Pea. Then he quickly took a few steps back and ran back to Beixia.

what happened?

Beixia felt the magic power disappear in her body because the contract spirit was attacked, and her whole body felt bad.

In her eyes, it was like a red-faced wolf being kicked by something invisible in mid-air!

Is it the attack of the summoned spirit? How could it be so fast! Moreover, the attack power is also frighteningly high. I am afraid that if I take a few more shots, I will lose my fighting ability!

In a battle between summoners, there are many factors that can influence the situation of the battle. The main factor is not only the power of various summoned spirits, but also the magic power of the summoners themselves.

The basis for maintaining the battle of summoned spirits is the summoner's magic power. Summoned spirits with high defense can reduce the consumption of magic power when attacked. It can be said that the summoner's magic power is the physical strength of the summoned spirit.

Of course, if the summoned spirit is killed directly, no matter how much magic power it has, it will be useless.

"You forced me to do this!"

Beixia felt cruel in her heart, bit her finger, and dropped a drop of blood on the forehead of the red-faced wolf!

A burst of terrifying red light burst out from the red-faced wolf's eyes, and the hair on his body emitted a scarlet mist. Suddenly, the entire yard was covered in a thin layer of red mist! Dozens of wolf shadows appeared from beside the red-faced wolf, looking like an unstoppable torrent!

"The innate ability of the red-faced wolf! The red mist wolf pack!"

Beixia laughed with a confident expression on her face and said, "Just wait until you and your broken plants are torn to pieces!"

"Will Ayang be okay?"

Yun Fangcai asked in a worried low voice.

"It's okay. I see that Xiaoyang is not panicking at all. He must have thought of something."

Mrs. Lin shook her head.

"Be a little more serious."

Jiang Yang chuckled and began to pour magic power into Peashooter's body. Although he was a theoretical genius, he had not contracted a summoning spirit before, so he could not learn magic such as "power enhancement". But his magic power is much more abundant than ordinary people, which can increase the pea shooter's shooting speed to a certain extent!

C-level versus D-level, even if D-level has innate skills, the gap is almost crushing!


The red-faced wolf led the wolf shadow to kill him, and a bloody aura rushed towards his face!

Tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk! !

I saw the pea shooter's beady eyes instantly become serious, and the cylindrical mouth sprayed green peas one after another, each pea was the size of a fist! With the blessing of magic power, the weight of the pea also reached 30 kilograms!

The pea bullets made bursts of sound through the air, and the wolf shadows quickly dissipated in the fog like ice cubes meeting flames!

In just two blinks, the wolf pack that was so powerful a second ago dissipated, leaving only the red-faced wolf that was hit hard by pea bullets, and the whole body exploded with blood!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Thirty kilograms of pea bullets with a firing speed of 300 meters per second, even the red-faced wolf, a contract spirit with high physical defense, was beaten to a bloody pulp. It could not survive for a few seconds before it turned into a blue light and disappeared. In place.

Even if the body of the contracted spirit is destroyed, as long as the summoner is not dead, the soul can return to the classics and reshape the body.

The red mist dissipated, and the summoning book in Beixia's hand fell to the ground. She looked at Jiang Yang in disbelief, her pupils trembling.

The red-faced wolf is the best among D-class contract spirits. She is the one with quite good qualifications. She has already used her talents and skills, but she can't even hold on for a minute? !

Jiang Yang waved his hand lightly and took the pea shooter back into the summoning book.

The Peashooter's attack power, attack speed and accuracy are all blue values. The red-faced wolf only has agility and defense that reach the green value. No matter how fast it is, it cannot avoid the pea bullets. This competition isn't even a battle, it's just a one-sided beating!

Without using any strategy or magic, just let your summoned spirit AAA and it's done.

Even if you win this kind of battle, there is no sense of achievement. As for ridicule, there is no need. Time is a very precious thing. How can you waste it on such a person?

It would be best if this battle could wake her up. If not, then forget it.

Jiang Yang put away the summoning tome and walked towards the hall. Everyone looked at him with wonder and envy, sweeping away the gloating before.

The one with the ugliest face was probably Beixia's mother. She originally thought that her daughter would be able to brag about it in the village when she returned from school, but now, if she brags about it, someone will definitely take this competition to task. Talk about things.

In such a small place, news moves quickly, especially scandals.


A week has passed.

After teaching Beixia a lesson last time, her relatives suddenly became enthusiastic about Jiang Yang. In order to be clearer and study the summoning technique, he often went to the bamboo forest in the back mountain to practice magic. After all, he was already three years behind. , you have to be more diligent.

After seven days of practice, Jiang Yang, who had a vast amount of theoretical knowledge, quickly mastered "intermediate strength enhancement", "emergency treatment", and the plant-specific "rooting".

Although these three magics are not heaven-defying tricks, as long as they are used in reasonable combination, they can exert quite good power.

Besides, it’s not like he doesn’t have some awesome tricks.

"Congratulations to the host for your great luck! The honeysuckle yields a critical hit of gold coins! A total of fifty gold coins were harvested!"

There was a notification sound from the system, and Jiang Yang felt happy. He originally planned to redeem "rapid proliferation" and "recycling withering" at night, but now it seems that he can advance it!

Jiang Yang entered the system garden and collected gold coins and sunlight very skillfully. He first poured sunlight into the pea shooter. When he was about to turn around to find Dave's store, something happened to the pea shooter! !

Strong light burst out! The leaves on the back of the Peashooter's head began to grow, split into four pieces, and became much larger. The visual height has reached 1.4 meters!

The rate of fire ability value is already leaning toward purple, which means that as long as you cultivate it for a while, the rate of fire can reach the purple level!

Although the grade is still C-level, all the ability values ​​have turned blue. I am afraid that this pea shooter is already at the top level among C-level!

It’s only one step away from Class B!

"Congratulations to the host's peashooter for evolving into a double peashooter!"

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