National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 14 Even a clay figure can still have some fire

"Xia, Xia sister, don't joke at this time!"

The crowd couldn't hear clearly, but the gangster next to him had a gloomy face and trembling body.

Recently, the mainstays of the Black Bear Office have reached retirement age and are in urgent need of fresh blood. In order to win over Sun Tianxing, Fan Xue even went to jail with herself, but was still snatched away by the provincial office.

The appearance of the mysterious man gave Fan Xue another opportunity, but now this opportunity is completely ruined!

Because I messed it up!

"Do you think I'm kidding?"

Bei Xia gritted her teeth and looked at the gangster fiercely, saying, "You are a good-for-nothing who likes to stir up trouble!"

Fan Xue covered her forehead, and a dizzy feeling echoed in her head. She turned her head to look at Jiang Yang, who had a fierce look in his eyes, like a hungry wolf ready to go.

Maybe there is still a chance now. Let this guy kneel down and apologize to him. Maybe there will be another chance.

Fan Xue glanced at the hooligans, who shuddered and felt a chill.

"Jiang, Jiang classmate, it seems that this is all a misunderstanding..."

Fan Xue smiled apologetically while walking towards Jiang Yang, sweeping away her previous brutality.

"If you take another step forward, you will be in my killing range."

Jiang Yang said coldly: "I don't intend to forgive you. I will give you ten seconds to summon the contracted spirit."

If others don't offend me, I won't offend others. If someone dares to offend me, I will definitely return the favor and double it!

What's more, these people are dancing back and forth on their own minefields!

"Fan Xue... Is that person from the Black Bear Agency? How dare they come to trouble Jiang Yang! Brother, let's go up and beat them up!"

Qing Xuanhua rolled up his sleeves and shouted like a gangster fighting.

"Don't worry, wait a minute, Jiang Yang seems to be going into battle alone."

Qing Yili stopped Xuanhua and whispered, "Let's see his fighting ability for now, don't worry, I will take action when the time is right."

"Student Jiang, we can talk about anything, you can tell me how you want to deal with this idiot!"

Fan Xue glared at the scoundrel fiercely, and continued to smile, "It just so happens that I have time tonight, how about we go out for dinner?"

"Six seconds left."

Jiang Yang didn't intend to pay attention to Fan Xue at all.

Since he was found to be unable to contract summon spirits when he entered school, the scoundrel bullied him from time to time. If it weren't for his good grades and the school's attention, I guess the experience of that boy would have happened to him.

You can't manage your own subordinates, and you still help him out, and now you turn around and win me over?

Are you worthy?

"Don't be so unkind, Jiang."

"Five seconds."

"No matter how talented you are, there should be a limit to your arrogance."

Fan Xue's smile faded, a hint of coldness flashed in her eyes, and she said, "Geniuses are prone to die young."

"Four seconds."

"I thought you were a smart person."

Fan Xue clapped her hands, and in an instant, a summoning book appeared in her hands, and a snow giant as tall as three meters, like a small house, appeared behind her, and the air in the whole venue seemed to become cold.

A-level mysterious summoning spirit, snow giant!

Everyone cast pitiful eyes at Jiang Yang. Fan Xue's strength ranked in the top ten in the entire Jianghai City. Except for the genius like Sun Tianxing, professional summoners crushed amateur students. It's not just talk that everyone has their own specialty.

"Show this stinky kid some color!"

The black bear summoner obviously couldn't hold it back. In their eyes, a mere student dared to be so arrogant, it was simply courting death!

In the blink of an eye, several huge tiger-eating bears appeared on the scene, and the onlookers quickly retreated several meters away, fearing that they would be affected!

B-level beast summoning spirit, tiger-eating bear! Every summoner who joins the Black Bear Office can get a tiger-eating bear as a souvenir.

So many civilians who have no money to contract high-level summoning spirits and have some qualifications will choose to work in the Black Bear Office, which is also the reason why the Black Bear Office can climb to the forefront of Jianghai City.

The only one who did not move was Beixia.

"You still have a chance, classmate Jiang, your talent allows you to have another chance to discuss with us!"

Fan Xue said in a shocking voice.


Jiang Yang snapped his fingers, and instantly the double pea, snowflake pea, twin sunflower and torch stump appeared in front of him, and the cold air generated by the snow giant gradually dissipated under the heat of the torch stump.

Three B-level summoning spirits?

Fan Xue was a little surprised. She heard from Bei Xia that Jiang Yang's family was not well-off and should not be able to support three B-level summoned spirits, but now it seems that the ability values ​​of these three summoned spirits are not low.

"Brother... that plant summoned spirit is..."

Qing Xuanhua's eyes widened and she spoke in disbelief.

"The summoned spirit used by the mysterious man has broken through to B-level. This growth rate is too fast."

Although Qing Yili was mentally prepared, he was still shocked by the reality.

"That green one! Isn't that plant summoned spirit the summoned spirit of the mysterious man!"

"Fuck! Is he the mysterious man?!"

"The master is actually next to me!"

Everyone quickly took out their phones and planned to record this battle. They even thought of a title, which was "Shocked! A mysterious man actually did this with the 'poison flower' Fan Xue in broad daylight!"

"Destroy his tree stump!"

As a professional summoner, Fan Xue saw at a glance that Jiang Yang's tree stump was a beneficial plant, and gave the order.

Other summoners also ordered the tiger bear to attack the tree stump, and all the firepower was concentrated on one point for a while.

Didi didi didi didi!

Just when everyone was wondering if Jiang Yang was scared silly, more than a dozen potato mines came out of the ground and formed two circles around the torch tree stump!

The tiger bear relied on its thick skin and high blood and defense to rush in. As a result, the potato mine burst into fierce sparks under the blessing of the torch tree stump! The power generated by the chain explosion directly blew away the tiger bear's legs! !

The tiger bear charge, which was still aggressive a second ago, was blown into a remnant by this chain explosion!

"Is this the power of a C-level plant?!"

The Black Bear Summoner shouted in shock.

The Snow Giant stopped in his tracks. The potato mines that had just exploded soon appeared in a circle, tightly enveloping the torch tree stump!

Growing fast!

This is too annoying!

Fan Xue gritted her teeth and was thinking about how to break through the encirclement when two connected, crimson cherry bombs fell from the sky and landed in front of her.

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