National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 210 Let me see who dares to touch him!

Tianjizi has profound cultivation and has lived a long time among many powerful people. At this moment, he quickly recognized that this footwork was related to the legendary one, and then he couldn't help but ask.

"It's Dao Dao Brother." Su Fan replied calmly and calmly.

Hearing these words, Elder Chen almost staggered. He cursed in his heart that this young man had gone too far. Even if he met an immortal master, he still had to respectfully call him "Senior".

It's not like this young man, who doesn't know the heights of the world, but just opens his mouth.

Tianjizi's face was shrouded in the starlight released by a hundred and eight thousand stars, and his true appearance could not be seen, but from his long silence, we could guess that he must be speechless.

Demon King Peng has restrained his overwhelming demonic energy. If he is really the one in the legend, he can be regarded as his predecessor. However, although they are all monsters, the immortal Taoist has always lived in the Mogu Forbidden Land, and they are among the ten thousand monsters. Several powerful figures in the country also rarely interact with each other.

The faces of the bloody corpses were gloomy and uncertain. They represented the side of the old monsters, and several of them were even still lying in coffins. However, compared with the immortal old man, they were really nothing.

They have lived for three thousand years and are about to reach the end of their lifespan. However, the Immortal Master has lived for at least four thousand years, but he is still alive and kicking, like a normal person, and there is even news about him from time to time.

In this comparison, the gap between the old monsters and the undead masters is really not even a tiny bit.

The immortal Taoist has lived at least a thousand years longer than them. His cultivation is unfathomable and he doesn't know what height he has reached. In addition, there is no one to threaten him, so it is really difficult.

"Who is the Taoist priest you are talking about?" General Lei Shen still refused to give up and asked in a deep voice.

"An amiable Taoist eldest brother. Others say he has lived for thousands of years. He is a living fossil and a living history book." Su Fan looked a little sad in his eyes. "My eldest brother is quite pitiful. He usually has no one to talk to. As a companion, I am the only one who can stay with him.”

Boy, that describes it. Tianjizi was a little embarrassed and could barely write out the four words "Undead Old Taoist".

Your uncle! Even King Jiuyou, who had a child-like personality, was a little speechless. They were embarrassed to have a big brother. That person was an unparalleled figure who lived at least four thousand years ago, and was older than anyone present.

"Is the footwork really brought from the ancient bronze palace?" Elder Chen asked coldly.

"Yes." Su Fan said confidently.

"It sounds like my eldest brother's life is quite miserable. He has been alone all the time. You must have waited a long time for me to come..." Su Fan paused for a moment, looking downcast, looking like he was filled with emotion.

"Is this young man just pretending?" Tianjizi was confused by Su Fan's operation. "Is it true that he is addicted to pretending?"

Elder Chen raised his sword eyebrows and his eyes were extremely sharp. He couldn't tell whether what Su Fan said was true or false.

To be honest, the Immortal Taoist's footwork cannot be faked, but to be honest, although the Immortal Taoist is a living history book, it is still of little significance compared to the ancient bronze temple built by a suspected immortal.

In short, at the level of an Immortal Taoist, he is still not qualified to be related to the Ancient Bronze Palace.

At least, although the Immortal Taoist is very senior and is several generations ahead of them, if the Immortal Taoist does not have a big breakthrough, he will not be able to compare with the master of the Ancient Bronze Palace.

An existence that is suspected of becoming an immortal cannot be touched by an immortal Taoist who has lived for five or six thousand years.

But if Taoist Immortal hadn't signaled Su Fan to come in, how could Su Fan enter the Ancient Bronze Palace before the preachers of other major religions?

Chenzhou frowned, he couldn't understand, he really couldn't understand.

"It's so pitiful. You said that such a good big brother was waiting for me to come. But after we didn't get along with him for a few days, he followed the master's order to send me, my junior brother, to the ancient bronze palace for training." Su Fan With a bitter look on his face, he wiped his nose and tears.

But as soon as these words came out, a storm was set off in the hearts of the powerful people.

"What did you say?!"

"The immortal Taoist still has a master?!"

"Entering the Ancient Bronze Palace on Master's orders??"

"The Ancient Bronze Palace was built by your master?!"

"Are you his junior brother?"

"How can this be!"

The amount of information revealed by Su Fan in one sentence was so great that the five powerful men and the blood corpses all exclaimed in surprise. The powerful man's determination and insight were extraordinary, and he was able to show the expression in front of him. This is the only unbelievable thing.

What's more, at this moment, five powerful men and an old monster showed such expressions at the same time, so what they heard must be earth-shattering and enough to move the world.

"What the hell is this brat talking about?!" The old Taoist who was eavesdropping from a distance was blowing his beard and staring. His words were getting more and more outrageous. Even though he didn't know who the master Su Fan was talking about, he could guess it. There must be a "barrenness" in taboos.

"You are so audacious, you dare to tear Master Huang out and use it as a tiger skin." The old Taoist Immortal looked strange, "I'm not afraid of being cursed inexplicably."

"Huang" asked the immortal Taoist to send Su Fan to the Ancient Bronze Palace to undergo the trial, and naturally he also considered how Su Fan would leave.

This immortal Taoist just accepted "Huang"'s order and quietly hid in the dark to observe.

Originally, he wanted to wait for Su Fan to suffer a loss and take action at that critical moment. After all, it is much better to add icing on the cake than to provide help when the time is right.

However, Su Fan was talking nonsense, and the old Taoist immortal could hardly sit still.

Several powerful masters with uncertain faces, extremely powerful and immortal masters, what kind of people are they?

This background is terrifying. According to legend, the immortal Taoist has practiced Taoism for five to six thousand years. So what kind of terrifying figure must his master be?

"You can't lie about such a big matter." Elder Chen's eyes flickered, and his determination was a little unsteady.

"Boy, you have to know the consequences of deceiving me. When the time comes, all the old and new grudges will be taken into account. Even if you have ten lives, you won't be able to die." Demon King Peng sneered a few times, not believing what Su Fan said. It was astonishing enough, let alone a master with a greater background.

"I don't know your master's name?" Tianjizi's eyes were solemn. It was true that the information Su Fan revealed was too scary.

Su Fan smiled lightly and said the taboo name, "Huang."


All the powerful officials looked at each other. In their impression, they had never heard of this person before.

"You just rely on a footwork you don't know where you learned from, and you claim it was obtained from the ancient bronze palace?" The blood corpse looked frivolous, "It's really ridiculous."

"Let me extract the soul, memory will not lie." The blood corpse laughed sinisterly. He is both the old monster and the incarnation. He is not afraid even if the immortal old man comes in person.

"Let me see who dares to touch him!"

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