National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 166 The Empress is reincarnated? That’s outrageous!

"By the way, how old are you, Xiaohuo?" Su Fan groped his chin with a strange expression, "You were obviously a low-level rookie when we first met you, but after a few days of contact, I found that you seem to know a little bit about everything. He’s an old driver.”

"And... she always likes to call herself sister." Su Fan looked at Xiao Huo suspiciously, making her feel a little uncomfortable.

" now the time to talk about this?" Xiao Huo pouted and said hesitantly. Being interrupted by Su Fan, she was not as frightened as she was at first.

But his eyes were evasive and his words were stammering, which made him appear to be a ghost.

"Hey, hey, hey." Su Fanxu stared and had a bad guess, "You can't be an old monster who has lived for many years. Otherwise, how would you know so many things?"

"You... you are the old monster. What are you talking about? This young lady... This young lady has the posture of a fish and a wild goose, the appearance of a flower shy of the moon, and a pure heart like a white chrysanthemum. How did you spot me? Very old?”

The more Xiao Huo spoke, the more confident she became. She took a few steps forward and looked up at Su Fan with her hands on her hips.

"Talk like a human being." Su Fan rubbed his nose and didn't buy it.

"Tch." Xiaohuo snorted contemptuously, "Okay, okay, why don't you let me show you my cards?"

"Anyway, it's not a big deal if you say it!!" Xiao Huo glanced at Su Fan cautiously.

"Ahem, actually I, ahem, I mean it seems... it seems."

"Tsk, is your butt itchy again? Why do you make it so annoying when you talk?" Su Fan frowned slightly.

Xiao Huo curled his lips, spoke quickly, puffed out his cheeks and said in one breath: "I seem to be the reincarnation of a female emperor from the Sky Fox Clan in ancient times!"

Someone Su: "..."

Stinky Eagle: "..."

Earth Lizard: "..."

Vixen: "..."

At this moment, above the clouds far away from Qicheng, in front of the mysterious ancient bronze palace, one person and three pets were looking at each other.

The surrounding air almost solidified, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

"What period was it in ancient times?" Hanhan asked, tilting his neck.

"Ah, just understand it as a super super ancient period." Tuntian explained: "I heard that the Mogu Forbidden Land may have existed in ancient times. It really has a long history."

"Hey, hey, hey, that's not the point!" Even Su Fan, who has always been calm about changes, was a little bit off guard, "You have been acting so stupid all day long, how exactly do you look like the reincarnation of the empress!"

"So it seems like it." Xiao Huo pouted a little aggrievedly, "Anyway, some strange information always pops up in my head from time to time."

"Huh." Su Fan let out a depressed breath, then his face changed, and he said seriously: "It doesn't matter whether you are the empress of the Sky Fox Clan or not. This matter is still difficult to confirm anyway."

Su Fan squinted his eyes, "In short, let's focus on the ancient bronze palace in front of us. This is the difficulty before us."

"Then Empress?" Su Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Huo, "Can you please explain to us commoners what the ancient race is all about?"

"Tch, you are so angry." Xiao Huo said angrily: "I have already said what I don't want to say. No matter who I was before, I am still my master's pet now."

After complaining for a while, Xiao Huo changed his face and started to explain.

"The first era of this world is called the Ancient Era by those intelligent beings. After the Ancient Era, there is the Mogu Era, followed by the Modern Era, and finally the era of the current practitioners."

Listening to Xiao Huo's explanation, Su Fan nodded thoughtfully, "Then the ancient races are from the ancient times, right?"

"Yes, there were no humans in the world at that time. All the races on this land respected those ancient races." Xiao Huo raised his head slightly, his eyes empty, as if he was caught in some kind of memory.

"They burned, killed, and looted. They were extremely tyrannical. They took a fancy to so-and-so's treasures, and rob them! Which Feng Shui treasure land they took a fancy to, and rob them! Which race of geniuses they took a fancy to, and robbed them!"

"In general." Xiao Huo paused slightly, his smart eyes full of fear, "The world is full of bloodshed, and all races have been ravaged by them."

"And this kind of violent rule cannot last long. Later, someone resisted them and destroyed everything about the ancient race." Xiao Huo let out a breath.

"It is almost impossible for anyone to know the information about them, because it is not recorded in ancient books. I was lucky enough to learn about it based on my memory."

"And there is nothing to say about those people gathering to resist the ancient races." Xiaohuo shrugged. "Anyway, it is very far away from us now. After success, all ancient races disappeared, and almost all the resisters of that generation died."

"In the final analysis, time is the most terrifying force. No matter whether it is an ancient race or an unparalleled powerhouse, it will be nothing more than a handful of loess after thousands of years." Xiao Huo sighed, put his hands behind his back, and He looked down upon everything in the world.


Su Fan gently tapped her on the head, "Okay, okay, just pretend to be addicted."

"Oh, I'm so annoyed." Xiao Huo cried sadly and covered the wound on his head, "Master, you hit me too hard, it hurts."

"Hiss, so the presence of corpses of ancient races here means that the founding time of the Ancient Bronze Palace can even be traced back to ancient times?"

Su Fan covered his chin and guessed.

"No, Master." Xiao Huo shook his head slightly, his eyes suddenly became extremely strange, "This is also the reason why my expression changed drastically, because everything about the ancient race has been destroyed."

"Their buildings, families, civilization, and even the documents and books that recorded them are like this. It is even more impossible to preserve the corpses of ancient races."

Su Fan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the wax corpses not far ahead, "Are you sure they were all destroyed?"

"Yes, the memory shows that the most powerful people alive in the world at that time gathered together to supervise, manage, and promote all activities of 'extermination of ancient races'. There was no chance that any other powerful people would keep the corpses." Xiao Huo He nodded with absolute certainty.

"Haha, that's really interesting." Su Fan looked at these strange wax corpses and smiled quietly with the corner of his mouth raised.

"You will destroy everything from the ancient races without leaving any trace." Su Fan paused slightly, "Are you afraid that they might come back?"

Xiaohuo was silent for a while, "As a strong man of that era, although I don't want to agree with this statement, I really can't deny it."

"How thoroughly we eliminated them shows how much we fear these ugly monsters in our hearts."

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