National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 107 Brave No. 3, not afraid of difficulties


"No. 3 and No. 4 finally collided, the only two remaining contestants in the Weird Worm Valley."

"Grandma Li, knock on the door and open! It's on fire!!"

"Do you really understand what youth is? What does it mean to be on fire? To be on fire, okay?"

"Ah, ah, it's both tense and exciting. If No. 3 can kill Su Buyu, there will basically be no suspense about the winner of the second round."

"Brave No. 3, don't be afraid of difficulties, come for us!"

"Yes, Brave No. 3, not afraid of difficulties, go for it!"

Shouts came one after another from the audience seats. Although they knew that they could not reach the ears of No. 3 on the other side of the light curtain, they still shouted happily.

It's not about how much they like No. 3, nor how much they hate Su Buyu, but about money! money! !

A lot of starry sky coins were thrown at No. 3, and some people even spent all their money.

I really responded to that sentence. I won as a young model in the club, but I lost and went to work in the sea.

Cain covered his forehead, looked helplessly at the enthusiastic audience, and whispered to himself: "Gambling is indeed the root of all evil. I must educate the little ones when I get home and keep them away from this thing."

"Ah, the light of the righteous path shines on the earth~" The teasing voice from ancient times to the present appeared in Cain's ears.

Three pets?

Sure enough, the strength is not bad, the average beast control master can only subdue two.

Huangfuchuan restrained his contemptuous attitude, opened his "white eyes" and looked at the three pets beside Su Fan.

One is a little loli with animal ears? !

Damn it, transformed into a monster! !

"It's impossible for someone who can transform to be matched with me. Otherwise, he would have slapped us to death long ago." Huangfuchuan's nose twitched, and he almost turned around and ran away in fright.

He calmed down and observed with his "white eyes", and found that the aura of the little animal-eared loli was not strong, and the lizard with cold and bloodthirsty eyes was not that good either.

Suddenly, he felt the aura of Tun Tian, ​​and his expression suddenly became solemn.

"I didn't expect that I, Huangfuchuan, would kick the iron plate sometimes." Huangfuchuan scratched his hair, swallowing the level 20 aura, and he felt it without reservation with his "white eyes".

He looked solemn and instantly took out a pair of scissors that were two meters long. The blade of the scissors was one meter long and the whole body was slender.

The cold light flashing on the blade reminds the opponent all the time how sharp it is.

"Widow Maker?" Su Fan was frightened. He had known that Huangfuchuan had this weapon, but he didn't guess that it would be a pair of scissors.

I don't know why, but when he saw the "Widow Maker", Su Fan felt a chill in his lower body for no reason, which seemed to trigger some kind of passivity of this weapon.

"Damn it, Huangfuchuan, you're finished!" Su Fan's mouth twitched, and for the first time he made up his mind to save Huangfuchuan's life.

No matter what happens, the dangerous and weird weapon in his hand must be destroyed!

Su Fan swept his eyes and stared at the pet behind Huangfuchuan, choosing opponents for Xiaohuo and the others.

The three battle pets are the level 17 black-lined double-headed snake, the level 18 unyielding fighting spirit, and the level 15 ice crystal tiger cub.

The black-lined two-headed snake has the image of a python. Its body is as thick as a bucket and more than ten meters long. It looks very ferocious.

This python has a very conspicuous black stripe on its body, which spreads from the snake's tail to the front and begins to branch into two.

Underneath the two black lines at the front are two triangular snake heads.

The ice crystal tiger cub is very petite, not much bigger than the young girl Xiao Huo.

The young tiger is all white with many mottled blue stripes on its body.

The word "king" on its forehead and its sharp claws are actually made of shining ice crystals. As its body rises and falls, transparent steam gradually rises.

Although it was petite, Su Fan saw from the interpretation data that this little tiger was the most qualified among Huangfuchuan's three pets.

The most terrifying thing is the unyielding fighting spirit. Although it is in an illusory state like a soul, it is wearing a set of bright armor with the word "general" in the center of the armor.

"Hanhan temporarily stops the black-threaded double-headed snake, Xiaohuo deals with the ice crystal tiger cubs, and Yantian quickly kills the unyielding fighting spirit!" Su Fan ordered calmly.

Huangfuchuan's expression changed. This newcomer was really weird. He knew his weapons and spiritual pets very well.

His heart was beating fast.

This was the first time that he had the idea of ​​retreating.

But then, Huangfuchuan thought of the "left foot of the sealed person", his face suddenly turned cold, and he restrained other unnecessary emotions.

"General Soul! Absorb this!" Huangfuchuan took out a small black stone and threw it in the direction of the unyielding fighting spirit.

Su Fan's expression was serious, and he really couldn't underestimate any beast master.

The hidden information told him that the small stone was called Ghost Concentrate, which could strengthen the strength of the Ghost-type battle pets in a short time, and...

The Unyielding War Spirit and the Ghost Concentrate are very compatible with each other, and after absorbing the stones, their combat power may be almost the same as that of Swallowing Heaven, which is troublesome.

Opposite Huangfuchuan watched Jianghun swallow the stone, a trace of physical pain flashed across his plump face.

"Su Buyu, a treasure of this level [the sealed person's left foot] is not something you, a newcomer, are qualified to get your hands on."

"I don't need to worry about that, little fat man. You should worry about your own safety first!"

The two were tit for tat, each trying to sway the other with words.

It's quiet in the shocking mine, and the war is about to begin!

Huangfuchuan took the lead. He raised the "Widow Maker" and turned it into a beam of light and rushed over. The scissors were extremely sharp, causing a terrifying sonic boom.

"Well done!"

Two rays of light burst out from Su Fan's pupils, and his aura was extremely solid. He summoned the "Three-foot Sword of Time" with a flip of his hand, and struck the scissor blade heavily.


The sound of gold and iron intersecting came out. The sound was not loud, but it was calm and powerful.

This voice seemed to have kicked off the war, and Tuntian and the others each found their opponents.

Xiao Huo looked at the little ice tiger who was a few points shorter than herself, and smiled in a confusing way. Her short white hair and three fiery red tails moved freely.

Her body gradually grew, from a little loli who would cry for a long time after being punched, to a royal sister with seductive eyes and the appearance of turning all living beings upside down.

Fitting clothes can only cover the breasts and hips as the body grows, and the graceful body looks uneven, like a beauty carefully carved by God.

Little Ice Tiger roared a few times, and the vixen's aura became extremely dangerous at this moment.

Xiao Huo walked over lightly, like a soft willow swaying, but when Xiao Binghu saw this scene, he subconsciously took a few steps back.


Binghu let out a low growl, as if threatening Xiao Huo to stay away. At this moment, it actually didn't have the courage to take action against the vixen.


The little ice tiger looked surprised. Wherever it looked, the vixen was missing.

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