"Excellent skill level, perfect combat thinking."

"How can you be a freshman?"

"If you were to take the test now, you would have the strength of a one-star demon hunter."

Qin Shi touched his head embarrassedly after being praised by the chef.

"Actually, Master Dashan, you let me off..."

"If you had used the Observation Haki from the beginning, how could I have fooled you with my little trick?"

In fact, even if Chef Dashan used the Observation Haki, he had a plan.

After all, the Shadow Clone Technique is different from the Clone Technique. The summoned clone is an entity that inherits one's own strength.

Observation Haki is not easy to distinguish.

However, the success rate of sneak attacks will be discounted.

"You won. Not only did you block one of my moves, but you also forced me into a dangerous place."

"Over the years, I have interviewed so many freshmen. You are the second one who can take my move alone!"

Chef Dashan laughed.

"The second one?"

Qin Shi immediately became interested.

"Who was the first one?"

Dashan took out another cigarette and took a puff.

"I don't remember clearly, but I remember that it was a very beautiful girl named Long. It seems that she is now a great demon hunter..."

"Lin...Lin Long!?"

Qin Shi thought of the beautiful woman who saved him in Linhai City.

"Yes, it seems to be this name."

"This little girl shocked everyone at the time, and was finally accepted as an apprentice by the principal."

"Every time she comes to eat at my place, she has to drink a big bottle of wine,"

"Oh, it's really a pleasure to watch such a beautiful girl eat the food I cook."

Master Dashan exhaled a puff of smoke and smiled, as if recalling something beautiful.

Qin Shi was silent.

After all this time, Lin Long's alcoholic attribute has existed since she was a student.

"By the way, young man, see if there is any food on the dining car that you want?"

Dashan said with a smile, not at all depressed because of losing the competition.

Qin Shi looked at the dining cart, then walked over and picked up a plate.

"Hmm? Are you sure you want this?"

Master Dashan asked curiously.

Because what Qin Shi had in his hand was exactly the same food as what was on the table of all the students.

A plate of boiled meat.

"That's it!"

Qin Shi licked his tongue.

"I have never eaten such delicious meat since I was a child."

"This piece of meat is bland and tasteless when I first eat it, and even has a little fishy smell, which makes people unable to eat it."

"But after the whole piece of meat is eaten, there is an unusual fragrance lingering in the throat."

"It is so delicious that people will never forget it after eating it once."

Hearing Qin Shi's answer, Master Dashan's eyes narrowed into a crescent moon, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He patted Qin Shi's shoulder fiercely.

"Good boy, you have good taste, haha."

"This piece of meat is not just boiled meat."

"This is a special dish I cooked with twelve special spices from the demon domain."

"Each spice cooks a part of this piece of meat."

"Each spice cooks a part of this piece of meat."

"Eating a piece of meat cooked with only one spice will be like chewing dry wood."

"But if you eat the whole piece of meat, the twelve spices will neutralize together and produce an incomparable aroma."

When talking about his own work, Master Dashan was beaming with joy.

The look he gave Qin Shi was not only admiration, but also a spirit,

like the spirit of meeting a soulmate.

"Young man, you have good taste, very good, Dashan, I like it very much, haha, hahaha!"

"There are a few bottles of fruit beer on the table, you can take them too."

"By the way, there is this..."

Chef Dashan smiled and took out a square cooking box from his pocket.

The box was opened, and inside was a golden round food the size of a palm.

There was also a packet of ketchup next to it.

"This is... potato pancakes!?"

Qin Shi looked strange.

Someone actually gave potato pancakes as gifts?

"Yes, potato pancakes!"

Chef Dashan smiled and saw Qin Shi's confusion.

"Three years ago, Qingzhi and I explored the demon domain and found a secret realm in the demon domain."

"That secret realm is a temple, which enshrines a snow-white wolf monster that can use the power of ice and wind."

"There are many monsters and mechanisms in the temple. Qingzhi and I almost lost our lives, and we finally passed the secret realm."

"Finally, I got the recipe for making this potato pancake."

Chef Dashan pointed to the golden potato pancake in his hand

"The ingredients in the recipe are very ordinary, only pine cones, potatoes and jam, but the production process is very simple.Very complicated. "

"Even I spent three times to make a perfect potato pancake dish."

Although he was modest in his words, there was a sense of pride on Master Dashan's face.

Perfect, ordinary, and failed, three levels of cooking.

A chef who can make a perfect dish once can already be a chef in a hotel.

Any chef who gets a new recipe and wants to make it perfect is almost impossible without thousands of training.

But Master Dashan, who is so strong, only used it three times, which is already an inhuman cooking skill.

"Don't underestimate it, this is a special dish, not only tastes great, but also has magical effects."

"This potato pancake can quickly restore your vitality when you are seriously injured."

"For demon hunters below two stars, as long as they are not seriously injured, eating this pancake can heal your injuries in a short time. "

Qin Shi was moved.

This potato pancake not only fills the stomach, but is also a high-level medicine.

With this dish, he is equivalent to having an extra life.

He has the capital to dawdle on the edge of death.

A moment of silence.

Qin Shi suddenly felt that Master Dashan's description was familiar.

"Master Dashan, this potato pancake you made..."

"It won't be called 'Mond Potato Pancake', right?"


Chef Dashan raised his eyebrows.

"You know all this, you have seen a lot, kid."

"That's right, the name of this dish is recorded in the recipe I got, it's called Mond Potato Pancake."

"After this dish is made, even the box for the potato pancake is specially bought by me, which can ensure that the dish will not deteriorate for several months. "

Qin Shi understood.

The temple that both Dashan and Qingzhi could not handle.

It turned out to be a secret place from the world of Genshin Impact, the temple of the North Wind Wolf.

In that kind of temple, there are trials of fire and lightning, and only after passing the level can you get rewards.

And the recipe for making this potato pancake...

It is one of the rewards for passing the level, a special cooking recipe from the world of Genshin Impact.

No wonder it has such magical effects.

"This is no longer a simple dish, but a precious gift that can save lives."

"You must have spent a lot of effort."

Qin Shi looked at the cooking box in the hands of Chef Dashan.

The box is crystal clear, engraved with a special formation, and you can faintly see the flow of spiritual power.

It is far from that kind of stainless steel insulation box.

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