"That's the second master of the Mo family, one of the big clans in Ningzhou, named Mo Shui."

"When he came to our Pei family for tea before, I observed him with a telescope on the sentry tower."

"His inheritance is an S-level inheritance, the Mitomon En in the Naruto world, and his strength can reach 4-star demon hunter at the peak."


Pei Bu Le looked at the old man's hump-like back.

"He is almost a hundred years old this year, and his strength is probably not much left. The intelligence agency in our family has done an analysis and it is estimated that he is not even as strong as a 2-star demon hunter."

Then, Pei Bu Le looked at a young man who was coughing next to the hunchbacked old man.

"This coughing young man is the second son of the Yu family in Huangzhou. It is said that he contracted a strange disease in the demon domain three years ago and has been recuperating at home."

"But for some reason, this Cangjian Villa appeared."

"Although he is suffering from a strange disease now, he was also a famous demon hunter in Jiuzhou and killed many demon beasts that invaded Huangzhou."

"His inheritance is S-level, the deputy captain of the first team in the world of death, 'Suzaku Chojiro'."

"I don't know how much strength he has left, but if you don't consider the injury, he should be the strongest person in this group."

The righteous and the underworld, two completely different identities, are sitting in the same courtyard at this moment.

Qin Shi felt an indescribable weirdness.

"Is there something in this Cangjian Villa that both of them are eager for?"

He guessed secretly.

Not long after, everyone's chatter gradually subsided.

An old man with a long iron hammer in his hand and bulging eyes walked out.

The four characters "Cangjian Villa" were embroidered on his clothes, showing his identity as the owner of the villa.

Although he was also an old man, he was much younger than the previous Mo Lao, and looked about sixty years old.

Behind the old man, there were four people of different heights, weights and thinness.

They were masked, and each of them held a weapon wrapped in cloth in his hand.

"Everyone, welcome to accept the invitation and participate in the sword-making ceremony of Cangjian Villa."

The old man holding the hammer laughed.

"Everyone, please follow me, I will show you the good swords that are about to be made!"

Speaking of swords, the old man rubbed his hands constantly, his eyes shining, as if he was going to see a lover.

Although they didn't know what the old man was going to do, Qin Shi and the other two followed closely behind them.

"By the way, carry your own sacks and send all the gifts to the sword tower."

The old man turned around and waved, and walked forward with his head down.


Qin Shi looked around.

Except for him and his two roommates, everyone else went to the corridor and carried a sack on their backs.

"There seems to be something alive in this sack. The old man said, this is... a gift?"

"What should we do, Lao Qin, we don't seem to have brought any gifts?"

"If we don't bring gifts, we won't be allowed to participate in the sword-making ceremony, then our mission will be difficult."

Pei Bu Le came over and took out a few square boxes from the storage space.

"Fortunately, I always have some."

"These boxes contain limited edition watches produced by my family. Although the price is not expensive, it is also worth a million Jiuzhou coins."

"I'll give you one each, and you can take it over later to give it away."

Deeply shocked by the tyrant of the roommate, Qin Shi and Li Shanyi looked at each other and accepted the watch without hesitation.

As for gifts, Qin Shi's system space is not without them.

At most, send a few detonating talismans, the kind that can be ignited.

A group of people walked to a tall tower in a mighty manner.

The tower looks like a long sword, but it is hollow inside and has only one layer.

Qin Shi and others walked in and immediately felt the heat coming towards them.

"This is where I forged my sword."

"And the sword tempered in the abyss furnace is the sword I will give to the Ghost King."

"Why are you still standing there? Go and have a look. This is the most outstanding masterpiece of my life."

The old man urged the crowd that followed him in.

He couldn't wait to show off his work to others.

But Qin Shi was deeply shocked by another word.

"He said... Ghost King!?"

Qin Shi looked at Li Shanyi and Pei Bu Le, the latter also looked surprised.

In the anime world, there are countless Ghost Kings.

For example, the number one master of Xuanming Sect in the world of Painting Jianghu: The Bad Guys.

Another example is an elder under the Snow Queen in the world of Super Beast Armor.

But in this Kyushu country, the title of Ghost King refers to the same person.

The leader of the Hundred Demons Group, one of the largest dark organizations in Kyushu.

His successor is Muzan Kibutsuji from Demon Slayer.

In the Demon Slayer world, Muzan Kibutsuji is aThe first ghost who has survived for thousands of years, cruel and cold-blooded by nature, calls himself "a creature infinitely close to perfection".

Not only is he extremely powerful, but he also has the ability to create a ghost by giving blood.

"The sword forged by this old man is actually for the leader of the Hundred Ghosts?"

Qin Shi frowned.

I didn't expect that a new mission would be related to the Hundred Ghosts.

As one of the most powerful dark organizations in Kyushu, the Hundred Ghosts has caused more than a hundred human tragedies.

Not only does the Kyushu Demon Hunter Association regard it as the biggest threat, but the Demon Hunter Academy has also sent many teachers to participate in the battle with the Hundred Ghosts.

Many demon hunters from the academy died in the crusade against the Hundred Ghosts.

"Don't be impulsive. If it is related to the Hundred Ghosts, it will not be so easy for us to get out of this mission."

The three looked at each other and immediately understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

Just as Qin Shi followed the team closely and planned to see what kind of sword this old man was refining.

Suddenly someone in the crowd complained.

"Hey, old man, we are here to do business with you, not to watch you make pills or some bullshit sword."

"I brought you a gift according to the invitation card. Hurry up and give me the blood of the Ghost King, otherwise I will make you look bad."

The person who spoke was fat and impatient.

It was Tu Bao, the wanted criminal who killed children in Ningzhou, who was introduced by Pei Bu Le.

As he said that, he put down the sack behind him and opened the mouth of the sack.

A shivering child was lying inside.

"Mine too. If you accept my gift, give us blood immediately. I have to visit the beautiful girls in Changzhou."

A sick and skinny man also put down the sack.

In his sack, there was a beautiful girl.

As soon as the mouth of the sack was loosened, the girl's tears rolled down, and her bound hands kept begging.

However, her mouth was stuffed with clothes, and her begging fell into other people's ears, leaving only a whimpering sound.

Seeing the absurd scene in front of him, Qin Shi was completely shocked.

He looked at the sacks of other people.

Through the bulging outline of the sacks, he became more and more certain of his guess.

"The so-called gift turned out to be a person!?"

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