The wind was howling, and the flying battleship landed steadily in front of them.

A dozen guards wearing pink pants, brown tops, and hoods came out.

"Welcome to the ship, young master!"

Qin Shi looked at the guards dressed exactly like the pirates in "Castle in the Sky".

"Good guy, you're still playing cosplay? You really put on a full performance."

Just as he was sighing, Pei Bu Le handed him a pair of goggles.

"Let's go, brothers!"

"The flying battleship is windy, let's take some protection."

Qin Shi took the goggles and just put them on, the system's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

[The host successfully imitated the inheritance object Obito, the role-playing method was triggered, and the inheritance value +500]

Qin Shi was stunned.

This can trigger the role-playing method?

He thought about it, Obito did like to wear a pair of goggles when he was a teenager.

"It seems that next time I have to go to the clothing store to buy a Xiangyun suit worn by the Akatsuki organization. I guess I can also get some inheritance points."

Qin Shi smiled.

Five hundred inheritance points have been received. Although it is not much, every little bit is still good.

The three of them boarded the flying battleship together.

The propeller rotated rapidly and the battleship began to take off.

"What is the first thing to do after leaving the school gate?"

Pei Bu Le rubbed his hands and excitedly took his two roommates to the restaurant.

"Of course, it's a good meal to reward your aggrieved stomach!"

The butler on the side took out a silver bell from somewhere and shook it gently.

After a while, the servants dressed as pirates also brought a variety of delicacies.

Although there is no worry about food and clothing on campus, you have to pay for good food after all.

Qin Shi and Li Shanyi are from poor families, and they are also stingy with money and are reluctant to buy too expensive dishes.

Although Qin Shi blackmailed Pei Bule's ex-fiancee in the forest, he sent all the money back to the orphanage and didn't leave much for himself.

Seeing that his two roommates ate so simply, Pei Bule, although rich, was willing to eat the same food as his friends.

It's just that the portion was much larger than that of the other two.

After a week of simple meals, the three of them had a great appetite after seeing the various delicacies in front of them.

You look at me, I look at you, and the battle to eliminate food started immediately.

Li Shanyi ate chicken legs in big mouthfuls and gulped down two cups of black tea, and then said vaguely.

"Go out and take an airship, and there are more than a dozen servants to serve."

"And you can eat so many delicious foods every day!"

"Is this the feeling of being a rich man? Love it."

Pei Bule laughed.

"Alas, there are many troubles when you are rich."

"For example, I often get lost in my own house, and often can't find the way back after dinner."

"It's better to live in an ordinary family. It's just a small place, and you will never get lost."

Hearing each other's words, Qin Shi and Li Shanyi cast a contemptuous look at each other at the same time.

After the meal, the housekeeper suddenly walked to Pei Bu Le with a folder in his hand.

"Master, I have checked the information you asked me to check."

Pei Bu Le nodded, took the folder, and then came to Qin Shi and Li Shanyi to open it.

It contained the relevant information of their mission this time.

"Master, the place you are going to is a bit special..."

After considering the words, the housekeeper explained to the three people.

"The location of this mission, according to what is written on the scroll, is a place called Longquan Town not far from Yichang City."

"And the address of the celebration written on the scroll [Cangjian Villa] is in Longquan Town."


The housekeeper took out a map and spread it on the dining table.

This is a map of Changzhou, and many places on the map are hazy.

"These hazy places are covered by gray fog."

"And the Longquan Town where you are going is one of the gray fog places."

"And according to the news from our industry leader in Yichang City, Longquan Town is not only covered by gray fog, but has also turned into a secret place."

"Broken swords can be seen everywhere in this secret place, and the gray fog is hazy, and there are many monsters related to swords and swords wandering around."

"There is even a legend that there is a peerless sword hidden in this secret place. If you defeat the guard of the sword, you can become the master of the sword."

Pei Bu Le listened to the housekeeper's description and suddenly showed a bitter face.

"It's so troublesome, and the location is still in the secret realm?"

"What exactly is this Cangjian Villa?"

The housekeeper shook his head.

"The secret realm formed by the gray fog is already considered a different world."

"Although Longquan Town is not big, it has become much larger after becoming a secret realm. What's even more strange is that no matter how many people enter, they will be disturbed by aand lost their way, becoming scattered.

"Before, several gangsters had mistakenly entered the secret realm, and they all died tragically at the hands of monsters."

"The secret realm of Longquan Town was formed not long ago, and Yichang City also sent monster hunters to investigate, but they didn't gain anything, let alone discover the villa."

Pei Buliang's expression became more and more frustrated as he listened.

"Are you kidding me? I thought I was just going to attend a banquet, but I didn't expect it to be so roundabout."

"Now I may not even be able to find the door to the banquet venue."


The housekeeper hesitated.

"Master, there is another thing I don't know if I should tell you."

Pei Buliang waved his hand.

"Go ahead."

The housekeeper sighed, and then pointed to the task scroll on the table.

There was a big "D" on the surface of the scroll.

"Master...why were you assigned to the D-shaped task? ”

“According to the practice when I was still in the academy, weren’t students assigned tasks of type B and type C?”

The housekeeper’s voice was full of confusion.

Pei Bule replied proudly.

“Haha, old housekeeper, the three of us roommates successfully passed the task trial and grabbed the bell of the teacher who was responsible for assigning tasks.”

“We got the right to choose any task.”

“A, B, C, D, you see, isn’t D the last? So we chose this weakest task.”

Qin Shi and Li Shanyi also nodded.

The night before the task trial, they heard Pei Bule talk about the four difficulties of the task.

It was precisely because of Pei Bule’s information advantage that they unanimously decided to let Pei Bule decide the final task.

“I see, as expected…”

The housekeeper sighed, and there was a sense of “as expected of you” in his eyes when he looked at Pei Bule.

“Master, I’m presumptuous to say something.”

“You…are wrong. ”

“The Ding-shaped task is not the easiest, but the most difficult task! ?”

“What…what! ?”

Pei Bu Le was shocked and stood up.

“You said I chose the most difficult task.”

The housekeeper nodded.

“A, B, C, D, the A-shaped task is the easiest, and the D-shaped task is the most difficult.”

“Master, you got it wrong!”

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