Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 987: , a surprising turn of events

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Ye Long sat silently at the top of a water tower and looked down. He had no trouble in the heart of Konoha residents' fiery "underworld master self-oil".

The Konoha bosses who finally decided who could become Hokage were all standing still at the moment, waiting for the end of the "foreplay".

"But then again, although such an election seems to me to be just a game, this time I must win.

So Sarutobi-sensei, you will definitely lose this time. "

Ye Long silently watched the scene on the election stage. At this time, the election had been going on for an hour from the morning, and the three candidates, including his own clone on the stage, had given speeches several times.

The ninja's counting speed is simply fast, and it is countless times faster than the previous life, but it will not end in a short time.

"How sleepy... huh..."

For other people, Ye Long just felt bored and sleepy at the moment, he couldn't help lying down in the water tower.

The eyes that had just awakened still needed some rest at this time, so Ye Long was very straightforward. At this time, he fell asleep...

"Thank you for your enthusiastic participation in the Hokage election. After a tense morning of counting the votes, the results have been counted!"

At around three in the afternoon, the host's exciting words finally woke Ye Long.

He slowly sat up, and after feeling the pupil power that was still growing at an extremely slow speed, he looked down again.

The crowd below seemed to be even bigger, but at this time they were blocked by Anbu and Konoha ninjas.

The foreplay that belongs to them is completely over, and all the ninjas of the Konoha family and the bosses of various departments near the stage are already.

They are about to decide the final four generations of Hokage candidates.

At this time, Kakashi and the others also accompanied the elders of the family. They all held their breaths and seemed very nervous, and Ye Long was barely energized!

"Let's start singing the votes!"

The host looked down solemnly, "According to the current statistical results, among the valid results of all ordinary votes this time, the one who ranks first is - Lord Qianshou Roshu!"


As if a huge switch had been turned on, the crowd below burst into cheers resounding through the sky.

"Namikaze Minato-sama is in second place with only 200 votes behind!"

"Lord Ye Long is only 300 votes behind in third place!"


The host continued to announce the statistical results, and the whole Konoha was boiling.

"Is there a mistake? I'm only 300 votes behind??"

Ye Long's expression was weird, and he shook his head helplessly.

With the reputation he has built in Konoha, although it is enough to be one of the top three candidates, it is obviously too exaggerated to be 300 votes behind with Minato Rope.

Even if the elders swipe the votes, this data cannot stand scrutiny, so the reason is that Sarutobi must have "added points" to Ye Long in order to take into account the face of the elders.

Regardless of whether they are behind by 300 votes or 3,000 votes, Ye Long can't threaten the two of them, so this kind of water release is not a big problem.

As for Rope Tree leading Watergate by 100 votes, it can explain many problems.

Although Sarutobi gave Minato a wave before, and Minato and his wife threw a wave of dog food, it seems that there are still a little more people supporting Rope Tree.

I don't know how much, but once the second round of voting begins, the 100-vote gap will be the same as if it didn't exist.

"Hey, after a long time, it's still going to be revealed at the end."

Ye Long can see this clearly, and the other Konoha bosses are naturally more aware. At this time, some of them exchange expressions with each other, and some are very nervous.

Because the next most important vote, for the so-called fairness and openness, needs to be voted on the spot!

"The Nara clan voted for Minato-sama!"

"The mountain family casts a vote for Lord Watergate!"

"Chu Dao Dingji votes for Mizuno-sama!"

Sure enough, among the eight major families of Konoha, three consecutive patriarchs took the lead in voting for Minato, and instantly tied Roshu's support rate.

"The Hatake clan and the Sarutobi clan support Minato!"


There was an uproar in the audience, Konoha's eight major ninja clans and five of the three major ninja clan leaders all fell to Minato, and Minato instantly overtook!

"The oil girl family supports Lord Shengshu!"

"The Inuzuka clan voted for Lord Rope Tree!"

Inuzuka Mastiff with a giant ninja dog, his face covered in oil paint, came to the stage, followed by the oily matriarch, who was wrapped in a pocket.

With their votes, Rope Tree's votes have regained their color, and Watergate's overwhelming growth momentum has also been curbed.

In this case, the other smaller ninja families suddenly became hesitant. If a team at this critical moment takes a wrong step, it is likely to be doomed!

"Yuhi's clan votes for Minato-sama!"

"The Kurama clan supports Lord Rope Tree!"

Time passed by minute by minute, and the battle situation became more and more anxious, but the gathering of tens of thousands of people below was surprisingly quiet.

Watergate's advantage is slowly weakening...

"Haha! If my apprentice doesn't support it, then my teacher can't justify it."

Seeing the nervousness on Minato's face, Jiraiya stepped forward and voted for Minato as Konoha Sannin, whose gold content was comparable to that of a small ninja.

This is the privilege of being a shadow-level powerhouse!

"Since that's the case, I won't be polite to you."

Tsunade sneered, also voted for Rope Tree, and then looked at Orochimaru.

"Come on, Rope Tree."

Orochimaru patted the rope tree on the shoulder and also voted.

"Teacher Orochimaru... Sister Tsunade..."

Rope tree took a deep breath, at this time there is no need to say more.

Even if he himself is not very enthusiastic about the position of Hokage, with so many people supporting him, he will go all out to become a qualified fourth generation goal.

What's more, being a Hokage was originally a dream of Rope Tree, and now this dream is close at hand.

Naruto's location, who else is it? !

"Orochimaru, don't forget your promise."

In the crowd, Danzang looked faintly at Orochimaru, and after seeing the latter nod slowly, Danzang silently nodded towards the current leader of the Shicun clan.

"The Shimura family... Vote for Lord Rope Tree!"



There was an uproar in the audience again. With the crucial vote of the Shimura clan, the votes of Rope Tree and Minato were tied!

"Damn, what good did he promise you?!"

At the center of the stage, Sarutobi Hiizhan's expression changed drastically, he stared at Danzo with no expression on his face, and almost didn't hold back his question.

Orochimaru remained expressionless.

"'s not over yet..."

In the distance, Ye Long yawned lazily... "I want to vote for Lord Watergate!"

"Master Rope Tree, I support you!"

"Vote for Ye Long of the elders..."

"Don't worry everyone, line up and come one by one..."

One after another "long dragons" gathered under the election stage, and the big scene of tens of thousands of people voting is rare in Konoha Village and even in the Ninja world.

The dark crowd of people was like a tide, which reminded people of some "election" scenes in the previous life.

Ye Long sat silently at the top of a water tower and looked down. He had no trouble in the heart of Konoha residents' fiery "underworld master self-oil".

The Konoha bosses who finally decided who could become Hokage were all standing still at the moment, waiting for the end of the "foreplay".

"But then again, although such an election seems to me to be just a game, this time I must win.

So Sarutobi-sensei, you will definitely lose this time. "

Ye Long silently watched the scene on the election stage. At this time, the election had been going on for an hour from the morning, and the three candidates, including his own clone on the stage, had given speeches several times.

The ninja's counting speed is simply fast, and it is countless times faster than the previous life, but it will not end in a short time.

"How sleepy... huh..."

For other people, Ye Long just felt bored and sleepy at the moment, he couldn't help lying down in the water tower.

The eyes that had just awakened still needed some rest at this time, so Ye Long was very straightforward. At this time, he fell asleep...

"Thank you for your enthusiastic participation in the Hokage election. After a tense morning of counting the votes, the results have been counted!"

At around three in the afternoon, the host's exciting words finally woke Ye Long.

He slowly sat up, and after feeling the pupil power that was still growing at an extremely slow speed, he looked down again.

The crowd below seemed to be even bigger, but at this time they were blocked by Anbu and Konoha ninjas.

The foreplay that belongs to them is completely over, and all the ninjas of the Konoha family and the bosses of various departments near the stage are already.

They are about to decide the final four generations of Hokage candidates.

At this time, Kakashi and the others also accompanied the elders of the family. They all held their breaths and seemed very nervous, and Ye Long was barely energized!

"Let's start singing the votes!"

The host looked down solemnly, "According to the current statistical results, among the valid results of all ordinary votes this time, the one who ranks first is - Lord Qianshou Roshu!"


As if a huge switch had been turned on, the crowd below burst into cheers resounding through the sky.

"Namikaze Minato-sama is in second place with only 200 votes behind!"

"Lord Ye Long is only 300 votes behind in third place!"


The host continued to announce the statistical results, and the whole Konoha was boiling.

"Is there a mistake? I'm only 300 votes behind??"

Ye Long's expression was weird, and he shook his head helplessly.

With the reputation he has built in Konoha, although it is enough to be one of the top three candidates, it is obviously too exaggerated to be 300 votes behind with Minato Rope.

Even if the elders swipe the votes, this data cannot stand scrutiny, so the reason is that Sarutobi must have "added points" to Ye Long in order to take into account the face of the elders.

Regardless of whether they are behind by 300 votes or 3,000 votes, Ye Long can't threaten the two of them, so this kind of water release is not a big problem.

As for Rope Tree leading Watergate by 100 votes, it can explain many problems.

Although Sarutobi gave Minato a wave before, and Minato and his wife threw a wave of dog food, it seems that there are still a little more people supporting Rope Tree.

I don't know how much, but once the second round of voting begins, the 100-vote gap will be the same as if it didn't exist.

"Hey, after a long time, it's still going to be revealed at the end."

Ye Long can see this clearly, and the other Konoha bosses are naturally more aware. At this time, some of them exchange expressions with each other, and some are very nervous.

Because the next most important vote, for the so-called fairness and openness, needs to be voted on the spot!

"The Nara clan voted for Minato-sama!"

"The mountain family casts a vote for Lord Watergate!"

"Chu Dao Dingji votes for Mizuno-sama!"

Sure enough, among the eight major families of Konoha, three consecutive patriarchs took the lead in voting for Minato, and instantly tied Roshu's support rate.

"The Hatake clan and the Sarutobi clan support Minato!"


There was an uproar in the audience, Konoha's eight major ninja clans and five of the three major ninja clan leaders all fell to Minato, and Minato instantly overtook!

"The oil girl family supports Lord Shengshu!"

"The Inuzuka clan voted for Lord Rope Tree!"

Inuzuka Mastiff with a giant ninja dog, his face covered in oil paint, came to the stage, followed by the oily matriarch, who was wrapped in a pocket.

With their votes, Rope Tree's votes have regained their color, and Watergate's overwhelming growth momentum has also been curbed.

In this case, the other smaller ninja families suddenly became hesitant. If a team at this critical moment takes a wrong step, it is likely to be doomed!

"Yuhi's clan votes for Minato-sama!"

"The Kurama clan supports Lord Rope Tree!"

Time passed by minute by minute, and the battle situation became more and more anxious, but the gathering of tens of thousands of people below was surprisingly quiet.

Watergate's advantage is slowly weakening...

"Haha! If my apprentice doesn't support it, then my teacher can't justify it."

Seeing the nervousness on Minato's face, Jiraiya stepped forward and voted for Minato as Konoha Sannin, whose gold content was comparable to that of a small ninja.

This is the privilege of being a shadow-level powerhouse!

"Since that's the case, I won't be polite to you."

Tsunade sneered, also voted for Rope Tree, and then looked at Orochimaru.

"Come on, Rope Tree."

Orochimaru patted the rope tree on the shoulder, and also cast a Mr. Orochimaru... Sister Tsunade..."

Rope tree took a deep breath, at this time there is no need to say more.

Even if he himself is not very enthusiastic about the position of Hokage, with so many people supporting him, he will go all out to become a qualified fourth generation goal.

What's more, being a Hokage was originally a dream of Rope Tree, and now this dream is close at hand.

Naruto's location, who else is it? !

"Orochimaru, don't forget your promise."

In the crowd, Danzang looked faintly at Orochimaru, and after seeing the latter nod slowly, Danzang silently nodded towards the current leader of the Shicun clan.

"The Shimura family... Vote for Lord Rope Tree!"



There was an uproar in the audience again. With the crucial vote of the Shimura clan, the votes of Rope Tree and Minato were tied!

"Damn, what good did he promise you?!"

At the center of the stage, Sarutobi Hiizhan's expression changed drastically, he stared at Danzo with no expression on his face, and almost didn't hold back his question.

Orochimaru remained expressionless.

"'s not over yet..."

In the distance, Ye Long yawned lazily...

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