Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 556: , the messenger is coming! The rope tree is attacked (2 in 1)...

Three shadows walked out of the mottled shadows in the forest. One was a charming and charming woman with small rings on the tip of her nose and ears, and her eyelids were smeared with pink-green rouge. The corners of the eyes are long and narrow, and the pupils are shining with bright yellow light, but they are a pair of vertical pupils like cold-blooded animals.

One is a tall and strong man with dark skin, rough facial features, and a ferocious expression, which is daunting.

There is also a handsome man, but half of his face is shrouded in scarlet light, and even that eye has turned into a blood pupil, as if a demon is lodged in his body!

This person is obviously Dan Kato who accepted the mission of the evil god, and in his right eye is his guide, the messenger of the evil **** Po.

The evil woman and the burly man are the other two messengers, Jun Su and Jun Suzu.

The three of them were all draped in gray robes, with scarlet blood lines on the edges of the robes, and a blood-red seal on the neckline, which looked like the heads of demons, extremely hideous.

They stared at the rope tree that was running fast in the woods in the distance. Obviously, this was their target, the target of the evil god's hand-picked capture.

"I didn't expect the target to be approached so easily. It seems that this mission will be easy?" The burly squatter said in a stern voice.

"The three seniors must not be careless. This kid is the grandson of Senju Hashirama, our **** of ninjas, who has awakened Mu Dun's ability. He is not an ordinary kid."

Duan Kato said in a deep voice, "And he is a disciple of Orochimaru. That guy is thoughtful, insidious and cunning, and he may not be sure what life-saving cards he will give this disciple, so we'd better make a quick decision!"

"What? Mu Dun's ability! Isn't that the ability that...that divine tree was born?! Could it be that this kid...!!"

Jun Suo looked surprised when she heard that Shengshu had a wooden dungeon. She stared at Shengshu, and after a while, she showed a playful, excited and clear expression, "So that's the case, I know..."

"What...?" Kato Dan was puzzled. These evil gods, messengers and other monsters and their ninjas are two completely different beings. Is there anything to be excited about Mudun?

However, after a short contact and understanding, he also discovered that these monsters, including the terrifying and mysterious evil god, seem to have existed for a long time, and perhaps he did know some secrets that he did not understand.

But he didn't think much about it. Anyway, he has almost become one of them, and he will have the opportunity to learn about these secrets in the future.

"Who is Orochimaru you are talking about? Apart from these ninjas who protect this kid, are we likely to encounter other enemies?"

A large shadow was cast, and Sasama turned to look at Kato Dan, or in other words, he was asking about the mother-in-law living in his body.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, that Orochimaru is a rare genius among their ninjas, and they have their Naruto backing.

Even if Kato is broken, Zengjin has been defeated many times by him, and he has produced many unpleasant experiences!"

Granny sneered, while Kato Duan couldn't help snorting coldly, clenching his fists hard!

"But Lord Heretic God's mission is so important, we naturally considered this when we chose to do it today.

Now they are in the ninja world war, that Orochimaru is too tired to fight, he can't protect himself, and people are still in the battlefield of the rain country, how can there be no one to control this disciple, he will definitely not be able to catch up. "

"Really, that's fine." Sasama nodded, and when he knew that Orochimaru was only Kato's opponent, he didn't care about him.

"Well, don't talk nonsense, isn't it just a few ninjas, these things can't stop the three of us no matter what!"

Jun Suo said impatiently, feeling that her two companions were too cautious.

She looked at the rope tree in the distance, licked her scarlet tongue, and stretched out her jade hand. The pink-green nails instantly grew like sharp blades!


Fujiwara's eyes suddenly changed as he was advancing, he glanced around vigilantly, and suddenly exerted his strength to keep up with the leading rope tree.

He is a die-hard Orochimaru. He worked in Orochimaru's laboratory ten years ago. Because of his perceptual talent, Orochimaru has paid attention to and cultivated him, and he has gained a lot of "power".

At that moment just now, he felt a sudden burst of murderous aura that had been looming! Thinking of this mission, Fujiwara couldn't help but feel in his heart.

Orochimaru has long known that someone will attack at this time, and the rope tree may be the "bait" to attract the other party to show up!

"The rope tree stops! There is a situation!"

Fujiwara's instant body disappearance, not only rope tree, other Konoha ninjas are also surprised!


Countless clasped trees snapped in an instant, and were uprooted and broken like toothpicks. A strong man in a gray robe suddenly appeared, roaring and punching out. The air wave lifted everything around him and rushed towards the rope tree with a roar!


"Beware of the rope tree! It's the enemy!"

Sasama's eyes are scarlet, like a wild boar, his fighting style is completely different from the well-known ninjas, and he rushes directly to the crowd!

"Hurry up and avoid it!"

Suzuo's speed and strength were too terrifying, and the distance of hundreds of meters was fleeting. Looking at the trees that were broken by him like toothpicks, everyone jumped away rationally, only to throw a few kunai in time.


In the violent explosion, the detonating talisman wrapped around the Kunai exploded, and the rich firelight annihilated the figure of Sasama.

However, before everyone could recover, another slender figure attacked from the other side without making a sound. The sharp-blade-like nails glowed with a strange pink-green luster, stabbing towards the rope tree that was still at a loss!

"Don't try to succeed!"

Roshu turned around in surprise, Jun Suo's silent attack was close at hand, but he was held back by Fujiwara, who had been prepared for a long time.

In the clanging sound of collision, the bodies of both sides trembled slightly. Fujiwara's face changed slightly, and he didn't expect that the seemingly thin woman on the other side had such great power.

However, Jun Suo was actually surprised, and also did not expect that this human body contained the strength of a ninja beast.

Dan Kato discovered this perceptive ninja long ago. She seemed to attack Rope Tree, but in fact she wanted to lead Fujiwara to take the opportunity to kill her.

"Who are you, are you the spies that Orochimaru said?!"

Although Roshu is a little dull, after all, he has been trained by Orochimaru for so long, and he still has basic ninja qualities. He said that his figure has collapsed, and the blue light in his hands is shining and converging.

"Little devil, you can't run away, come to my sister soon!"

The spiral pill in Shengshu's hand did not hesitate to shoot at Jun Suo, the latter smiled and easily lifted Fujiwara away, jumped up, and took the opportunity to tease Shengshu.

That slender figure, that charming face, and a pair of sinister orange vertical pupils seemed to put together a wild and flamboyant beauty, which made people amazed.

"Damn... I won't show mercy!"

Shengshu looked at the bewitching Jun Suo, with that soul-sucking smile, her face suddenly turned red, and her eyes gradually blurred.

However, only for a moment, Shengshu shook his head fiercely, clenched his teeth and stared at Jun Suo, took out Kuwujia in front of him, his expression regained clarity!

"Yo~ little brother, what's the matter with you, is it because your elder sister is not gentle enough?"

Jun Suo leaned low on the treetops, her figure was graceful, as if radiating light, making her even more charming.

"Rope tree, concentrate, this **** old woman uses illusion again, don't be deceived by this old witch!"

Fujiwara let out a loud roar, blocked Roshu with his body, stared at Jun Su's feet, but a drop of cold sweat dripped on his head.

There are various types of illusions, and most of them are aimed at making people addicted to the environment, unable to extricate themselves, and being slaughtered by others.

It's just that such charming illusions like Junso are not common. It was the first time Fujiwara encountered them, and the pressure was also very high.

Fortunately, as a perception ninja, he has a strong mental power, and he deliberately used "vicious" words to give himself psychological hints, and at the same time he was destroying the other party's mentality.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"You **** stupid pig! Do you want to die? My mother wants to widow you today!!"

Fujiwara's strategy was unexpectedly successful. Jun Suo was successfully defeated after hearing the vicious words such as "old witch" and "old woman". The murderous intent in her eyes skyrocketed, and her pretty face suddenly became extremely ferocious, even long. Dark blue scales appeared!

"Hey, my God, Fujiwara-senpai is right, this is really a monster!"

Rope Tree looked at Jun Suo, whose appearance had changed drastically, and his whole body twitched, and some of the only charms disappeared, but Fujiwara was slightly surprised.

"Huh? Was the rope tree not affected? What's going on?"


Below, the majestic figure of Sasama rushed out of the sea of ​​flames again. Except for the charred robe on his body, there was actually nothing.

"Stop him!"

Of course, the other Konoha ninjas were not decorations. They used ninjutsu and threw more kunai, burying them in countless flames, lightning or earth spears for a while. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

"Humph! Sure enough, the guy Orochimaru set up a secret hand. There are not so many experts in the information to protect the rope tree. Did you expect it?"

Kato's body flickered, and a few Konoha ninjas joined hands and started a fierce battle in the bushes.

At this time, Kato Duan put on a mask on his face to cover his appearance, and no one could recognize him in the gray messenger cloak.

I saw that he was holding a scarlet dagger in one hand and a short scythe in the other hand. The two weapons flew up and down in his hands, and the scarlet light shone in the trees, making people dazzled.

Among his opponents, there were three jounin, and the three surrounded him constantly attacking, and together with the other jounin, they surrounded him to death.

It is worth mentioning that these three jounin refer to the strength of jounin, and all of them are not recorded jounin, but just the identity of ordinary jounin.

Duan Kato discovered this at the moment of the fight. These people are guys who usually get close to Orochimaru. His loyal fans never expected such a "surprise"!

Kato Dan's heart couldn't help but feel very heavy!

He was originally gifted, and he relied on the Heretic God, paid countless prices, and even sold his soul to get the power he is today.

What made him at a loss was that he found that Orochimaru was still suppressing him everywhere, like an abyss that could not be seen to the end, which made him anxious and inexplicable fear at the same time!

Why, even the miscellaneous fish under Orochimaru are so strong? He held the weapon in his hand fiercely, and his right eye was even more scarlet!

In order to have everything he has today, only he knows how much he paid.

Now if it is said that Orochimaru has no secrets of his own, it doesn't matter if others believe it or not, he wouldn't believe it if he was beaten to death!!

"Hahahahaha! Orochimaru, what secrets do you have? It really surprises me! But so what? Your strength seems unfathomable, but you are in the battlefield now, and you may encounter it soon. Is that man?

Do you think you can draw out those secret enemies by relying on the rope tree? You are also too confident! I am also not the me I used to be, and now I am not what I used to be, and a few people can't stop me!"

With a clear whistle, the scarlet light in Duan Kato's right eye bloomed and gradually spread to his whole body, as if he was wearing a faint blood-red gauze.

After the evil **** poured power into Kato Dan, his strength greatly increased. It was no longer Kato Dan who could only rely on spiritualization to succeed, and at this time, he also stimulated the power of the mother in his body!


The scarlet dagger and scythe in his hand swung a storm, and the blood was entangled in the blood, and the huge formidable power even forced the three jōnin back at once!


"Damn! What the **** is this!"

A few Jōnin were horrified to find that the Kunwushang in his hands was stained with a faint blood-colored light, and actually burned in the Kunwushang like this, and threw away the weapons in horror.


Kato Duan slashed out with a sword, and a blood-red sword light shot out from the blade. A Konoha was caught off guard and was slashed. With a scream, scarlet flames ignited all over his body, and he fell to the ground and struggled frantically!

"What kind of trick is this?!"

A teammate next to him immediately splashed it with a water jet, but was horrified to find that it had no effect on the scarlet blood flame at all, and even burned more vigorously, almost spreading towards him!

"Idiot, get out of the way!"

A jounin immediately pulled the ninja away, and the next moment the ninja on the ground let out a piercing scream, the blood flames on his body suddenly soared, blazing fiercely, and then quickly extinguished.

Looking at the unfortunate ninja again, there was only a black and dry skeleton left on the ground, exactly the same as when he was burned to death by fire.

What makes the scalp tingling is that his ninja vest is actually intact!

"Damn, who are you guys and what do you want to do to Young Master Shenshu?"

The Konoha Ninja surrounded Kato Dan with extreme vigilance, including the three Jounin, and was extremely afraid of the strange blood flames on his body.

Originally, they thought that Orochimaru was a big fuss and secretly arranged so many people, but now they have to admire his foresight.

It's just that even Orochimaru wouldn't seem to have expected such an opponent to appear, right?

Someone couldn't help but glanced at the other side, the ground was blasted into deep ravines in the roar, the whole forest was shaking, and the powerful shock wave blew away the flaming earth and stone caused by the ninjutsu.

Sasama slapped her rock-like chest angrily and stepped out of the flames.

At this moment, his image has changed greatly. His originally strong and burly body has swelled several times, becoming a giant over three meters - this is definitely not a body that humans can have!

Suzuo's skin is as rough as sand, and as indestructible as steel, so many previous ninjutsu attacks did not leave any traces on him, which is almost impossible!

What's even more incredible is that this guy has only one black It seems like a black hole that can be swallowed by light, which makes people shudder.

Suzui tore off the gray robe that was torn like a towel from his body. This was his true body, exactly the same as when he appeared at the altar of the evil god.

With incomparably sturdy upper limbs and slightly short legs, he is like a savage giant who can shake the world, with an ancient and tyrannical aura all over his body.

This is not the normal ninjutsu effect of the Qiu Dao family's doubling technique, which is obviously out of the scope of human beings!

"My God, what kind of existence are we fighting?

Orochimaru-sama told us to be mentally prepared for any possible enemies, but... I guess he wouldn't expect such a monster, right?!"

Among the ninjas who fought against Sasama, there were also three Shangnin, and they were undoubtedly the subordinates who received the "gift" of Orochimaru's power.

For today's Orochimaru, cultivating a jounin is actually very simple, as long as there are enough materials, the jounin is only a conventional combat power.

Although there is almost no room for improvement after being quickly mastered by Orochimaru, it is also an unimaginable technology for other forces.

Just facing these inhuman monsters in front of them, none of the Jōnin people on the scene could take it lightly.

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