Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 510: , Overlord VS Hunt

"Orochimaru succeeded!"

On the border of the land of the land, the moonlight shone across the pitch-black earth, countless bats flew into the night, and three figures disappeared in a flash.

Ye Long raised his head slightly, his vision leaped rapidly across the terrain, and there was a faint firelight where he saw the camp of Iwanin.


Ye Long raised his right hand, and the three stood on the towering rock looking down into the distance.

"Captain Ye Long, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that we would really go deep into this kind of place."

The Overlord tore off the mask and looked at Ye Long's back in amazement. Kuai Dao looked indifferent, like a sharp blade that converged.

For the past three days, they followed Ye Long to track the Yan Ninja army, evading countless detections and traps along the way, and even killed a few of the Yan Ninja teams, and under the leadership of Ye Long, they just caught up with the Yan Ninja. The troops, who have grasped the whereabouts of Yan Ninja from afar, have been chasing them all the way to the border.

It's too easy, Ye Long has always been calm and calm along the way, not in a hurry, it seems that he has already seen through the path of Yan Shinobi's action, and often only discusses the plan symbolically.

Zeng Jin, the overlord of Anbu, can be sure that he has a special tracking secret technique, and is more likely to be a perception ninja.

"A teammate like Orochimaru will never disappoint! In this way, I can do it with peace of mind."

Ye Long has already received the message from Orochimaru, the tailed beast Chakra has been collected, Raiying is exhausted, and Yunren Village has suffered heavy losses and can't take care of himself.

At this time, he took action and "made his own mind" to kill the strong rock ninja. Even if the rock ninja attacked Konoha in a rage, the cloud ninja troops couldn't coordinate the shot, and the country of rain was in the middle, and finally Iwa ninja had nothing to do.

He himself naturally doesn't care, but the purpose this time is to stand out, and he must not take the blame when he brushes the record.

"The rock ninja troops have been dispersed and garrisoned, and the hunter should be in the camp three kilometers ahead. Tonight is a good day with the dark moon and high winds. You are a little quicker, and the loess will definitely not be able to react. Maybe we can still talk to him. Say hello." Ye Long said frivolously.

With the strength beyond the shadow level, strong mental power and various secret techniques of blood, Ye Long can easily deal with this rock ninja army, or it is a bit pricey.

"no problem."

In the past three days, the strength of Ye Long, the "tribe" of Orochimaru, has not been said, but in fact he has been convinced.

This is a huge gap in strength, and the overlord even saw the shadow of their former captain, "Black Snake" in Ye Long!

"Ninfa: The Formation of Wan Sheluo!"

The endless snake tide spread wildly towards Yan Ninja's camp under the darkness, pressing over the grass and making a tingling "rustle" sound that made the scalp numb.

When the snake tide struck, the three rock ninjas who were standing guard finally noticed the movement, their faces changed drastically, and just as they were about to shout, a piercing sword light ripped through the night and reaped their lives.

Silently, the quick knife and the sharp blade returned to its sheath, even Ye Long's eyes lit up.

The next moment, the tens of thousands of snakes swarmed with scarlet rays of light, and started a **** slaughter!

"Enemy attack enemy attack!"

"What's the matter, there are so many snakes!"

The Iwanin camp was in chaos in an instant. The silent attack instantly killed several Iwanin, and more Iwanin rushed out of the camp and released their ninjutsu to destroy the snake tide.

"Ninja, Evil Snake Wrist Explosion!"


In the roar, Ye Long directly detonated the snake tide that had dispersed to most of the Yannin camp, and the fire was everywhere, causing the Yannin camp to fall into huge chaos.

"Bastard! Where did the enemy come from, dare to attack our Iwatoshi Army!"

In an even louder explosion, a large area of ​​the ground was blown away by firelight, the earth and rocks burst, and a man with an explosive hedgehog hair on his head came down with a roar, surrounded by gunpowder smoke.

"Explosive Escape · Mine Fist!"

Two gigantic ninja snakes emerged from the ground and opened their mouths to attack him. The Yannin sneered a little frantically, dodged the attack, and slammed his fists on the ninja's incomparably thick scales.

Under the seemingly innocuous fist, a chakra wave of strange arts ignored the defense and penetrated into the flesh and blood of the giant snake.


The explosion brought two huge plumes of scarlet smoke, and the two giant snakes let out a desperate neigh.

"Hahaha! It's so interesting that someone actually came to the door to be killed!"

Flesh and blood spilled, hunting covered with snake blood, standing in the smoke of gunpowder and arrogantly scanning around, his powerful ability is shocking!

"It's so strong! Is this the micro force of Burst?"

The overlord in the dark watched Shou's attack in shock, but he still gritted his teeth. The fiery chakra airflow was entwining and burning around his body, and in the dark night, a dazzling crimson light was blooming, and the whole person turned into a rainbow light and rushed towards Shou.

"The enemy is here!"

Iwa Ninja, who was blinded by the ninja attack, finally found the enemy's location, and they blocked in front of Kuri.

"It's so naive to want to hit Mr. Hunter even with a few pieces of Konoha!"

A Yanren disdainfully mocked, the earth wall was torn apart in the roar, Wang Ba smashed the earth wall with a punch wrapped in crimson arrogance, knocking it into the air until it disappeared.

"Baquan·Dragon Cannon!"

Make a fist, charge up, step back, sprint!

Wang Ba's figure wrapped in crimson light brought a huge shock wave, and all the obstacles on the sprint path were all destroyed by his unstoppable punch.

Countless earth tunnels shattered in the rainbow light, and the sparse defense line of the rock ninja was instantly penetrated by the crimson airflow, the ground behind him was lifted, and a huge conical ravine was plowed.

The overlord's physical skills are still incomparably tyrannical. The power of this blow in the hegemonic state is terrifying, far exceeding that of ordinary steel fists. Although it is a rigid straight-line attack, its destructive power is even greater than that of strange force fists!

"Stop him!"

"Protect Mr. Hunter!"

There are not many Yan Ninjas in this camp, and they rushed to the Overlord who delivered an amazing blow. However, the sword light flickered, and countless ninja snakes erupted. Kuai Dao and Ye Long shot. Inflicted a lot of damage.

"Humph, it's kind of interesting, only such an enemy has the value of being detonated!"

The frantic Shou looked at the overlord and finally had a dignified look in his The two looked at each other and punched at the same time as if they had a tacit understanding!

"Barrier Fist!"

"Explosive Escape · Mine Fist!"

The crimson arrogance erupted, Shou detonated the fist of the huge ninja snake and collided with the overlord, the two chakras clashed, Shou's pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole person was blown away by a punch.


In the sound of the explosion, the overlord was enveloped in a fistful of smoke, and his body also froze.

"Damn, such a strong force, this guy is surrounded by chakra airflow, and my chakra cannot directly enter his body!"

Shou stared at Bawang, his fist was in great pain, his bones seemed to be cracked, and blood was spilling from the corner of his mouth.

Although Hunter is a melee ninja who can use Taijutsu, it is obvious that he has suffered a big loss against someone like Bawang.

"Cough cough... This power is really powerful!"

The Overlord is also in a difficult situation. The crimson arrogance of his overlord body is a blessing, and he does not have the strong defense of the Thunder Armor. Hunting's explosive power attaches to his body and erupts, still making him disgraced and aching all over.

No one has ever dared to fight against the body hunting technique. Hunting's chakra and real strength are stronger than that of the overlord. If it wasn't for the overlord's chakra hindering the intrusion of the explosion, the hunting punch could smash the overlord into pieces!

"Hey, melee combat was actually restrained, but so what, I can still send you to heaven, sir!"

Shou grinned, and the chakra in his body gathered again in the palm of his hand, and this time he pressed it directly on the ground.

"Explosive Escape Cloud Burst Formation!"


The Overlord was taken aback and punched out again. Countless light spots flickered on the ground. In the continuous roar, a continuous large-scale explosion occurred on the ground with Hunting as the center!

This time, the overlord who tried to get close again was directly blasted into the sky by the explosion of Hunter.

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