Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 491: , the mighty earth escape!

The fierce battle lasted for a full eight hours, and Rain Ninja still stubbornly resisted the offensive of Yun Yin and Yan Nin.

"Damn, I didn't expect these rabble to last so long!"

In Yun Ren's camp, a dark-skinned, silver-haired ninja furiously tried Yu Ren's shaky, but still difficult to break through line of defense, and Hanzo's gloomy figure like a needle in the sea was faintly visible, his expression became more and more gloomy.

He is the commander of this Tianyun army, Yunren Dazla.

Although Yuren's last battle was much heavier in casualties than Yunren and Yanren, in his opinion, Yuren had a bad life, and it was naturally not worth it to fight with the precious Yunren.

The original battle of revenge, the enemy who thought it could be defeated in one blow, was unexpectedly difficult, which made Dazla extremely angry.

If it takes too much power to deal with Rain Shinobi, how can you defeat Konoha?

And now it is difficult to ride a tiger, and the longer the delay, the greater the loss, Dazla knows that they can no longer keep it.

It seems that the real decision of the outcome of this war is the high-end combat power of both sides!

"Hanzo Hanzo, you bastard!"

Dazla scolded lowly, turned her head and shouted in the direction of Iwanin in the distance, "Huangtu, do it!"


Huang Tu stood on a high place with his arms in his arms, and his fat face with a beard also had a solemn expression.

"let's go!"

Loess stroked his forehead in the shape of a red turban, shouted loudly, and the sturdy figure smashed into the chaotic battlefield below like a falling boulder!

At this time, although he was still very young and far from subversive, Tu Dun's accomplishments were already quite outstanding!


Huge blocks of rock cracked from the ground, and countless rain ninjas were blown away.

The vast and majestic chakra surged in his body, and the surrounding air was extremely heavy in an instant, and it seemed that even the raindrops were falling at an accelerated rate!

"Are you going to go?"

"Long live Lord Loess!"

The surrounding Yuren was shocked, even if he had been sitting firmly on the head of Sanjiaoyu in the distance, Hanzo's eyes instantly became solemn when the old **** was there.

"Is this kid the son of the three generations of Tukage? This strength... it's really not bad!"

Hanzo's calloused hand patted the top of Sanjiao Yu's head, "Looks like it's time for me to take action."

"Earth Escape, Dig Up the Earth!"

The loess let out a loud cry, and the majestic chakra poured into the ground.

Under the ground, like an earth dragon, it turned over, and the tremors continued!


In Yuren's horrified eyes, the ground burst open, as if it was a volcanic eruption, and the soil and gravel underground, accompanied by the rain, was washed up to a height of hundreds of meters by the huge explosion.

The earth and rocks were sprayed wildly, and together with the earth and rocks were washed up to the sky and the rain ninjas within a range of hundreds of meters. They shouted hoarsely in the air, and then splashed with the earth and rocks into the rain ninja camp!

"Ah! Help!"


As soon as the loess shot, the terrifying ninjutsu of the mountain and the earth cracking instantly defeated countless rain ninjas, the defense line collapsed, and the rock ninjas rushed up with a strange cry like a stimulant.

The dampness and rain in the Land of Rain made it extremely uncomfortable for the rock ninjas to fight, and the violent blow of the loess made them feel extremely excited!

"Hmph, what an arrogant boy."

Hanzo looked coldly at the mud that had been spilled for a long time. It fell to the ground like a ghost, and his hands also clapped on the ground.

"Ninfa Coral Algae!"

The gloomy and huge chakra also poured into the ground, and the surrounding rain ninja retreated in panic.

The ground swelled and wriggled in a large area, forming huge purple-black mounds.

The mound cracked, and an incomparably thick purple-black gas spurted out, as if a poisonous pox had ruptured, with a strong stench, and it spread rapidly in the direction of the loess breakthrough like life!

"Be careful, spread out quickly!"

The poisonous mist is ferocious, not as huge as Hanzo Zengjin's attack range, but even more terrifying. It condenses into a huge demonic claw in the air and grabs it fiercely towards Yannin!

"Uh ah ah ah!"

The poisonous claws spread rapidly, and many Yu Ninjas who were too late along the way were accidentally attacked, and the body instantly rotted, turning into a pool of pus under the terrified gazes of the people around him.

"What an evil ninjutsu, Sanshoyu Hanzo, you are really vicious!"

The loess looked livid as the purple-black poisonous claws swept past, and the rock ninjas panicked as if avoiding the plague, leaving countless horrific corpses on the ground.

"Damn, Tudun Rock Fist!"

Seeing the rock ninjas falling one by one, the loess rushed forward angrily, and the hard earth and stone wrapped his fists, forming a giant hammer-like rock fist.


The power of the Rock Fist was unexpectedly terrifying, even the elite Rain Ninja couldn't stop the bombardment of this fist. No matter how strong the blade was, it would be broken instantly.


Loess can be said to be a child with one punch. There is absolutely no enemy of unity in Rain Nin, and he broke through a gap by himself.

"Ha ha."

Hanzo sneered at the loess who kept throwing his fists, and silently made a seal.

"Cough cough—"

Loess got farther and farther from the other Yannin, and suddenly felt a colicky pain in his chest.

He knew that Hanzo's poison had an effect on him, and even if he was strong and had an antidote in his mouth, he couldn't last long.

"Master Loess, hurry up and put on your mask!"

An Iwanin hurriedly brought him a breathing filter, but Iwanin hurriedly did not assemble a few.

"Hanzo of Sanshoyu... Yu Ren has created a not simple guy!"

Loess put on a mask, but Hanzo still didn't stop performing his ninjutsu, and a thick and poisonous mist spread towards him and Iwanin.

Hanzo obviously let go of the fight, the poisonous mist was getting bigger and bigger, and even if it affected some Yuren Hanzo, he couldn't take it into account.

"I can't let you go on, Tudun, the Earth's Core!"

Loess gritted his teeth, a drop of sweat dripped from his forehead, and the chakra, which was even bigger than before, was injected into the ground like crazy!


The ground cracked, as if the plate had subsided. Under the stunned gaze of countless people, the ground under the foot of the rock ninja rose sharply, rising twenty or thirty meters out of thin air, and the terrain formed a fault of several hundred meters!

"This this...!"

In Rain Ninja, Sanjiao Yu Mita's jaw was about to fall off, and the ability of loess to escape from the earth completely subverted his cognition of ninjutsu.

This is the strength of the powerhouses of the five major ninja villages. It is not at all what the ninjas from these small ninja villages can If it is not for Hanzo-sama's personal ability, as long as such a powerhouse makes a move, although they have a lot of rain and forbearance, It's really a sure defeat, and it's not qualified to challenge the five major countries at all!


The poisonous mist that Hanzo cast seems to have met its nemesis this time.

After all, his poisonous fog cannot corrode rocks, and the poisonous fog is heavier than air, and can only settle a few meters above the ground.

At this time, the rock ninjas were standing on the soil wall twenty or thirty meters higher than the rain ninja. The poisonous fog could not reach them, but when they touched the soil wall, they flowed back and killed countless rain ninjas.

"Hahaha! Despicable Yuren, you have today too!"

The Iwa Ninjas looked down at the stunned Rain Ninja with excitement, and condescendingly performed ninjutsu at them, throwing kunai and detonating charms.

The poisonous mist fluttered under their feet unwillingly, and could only slowly dissipate.

However, in this way, even though he gained a certain upper hand, Iwa Shinobu was also unable to move forward.

Hanzo looked at the loess who was breathing a little while standing high, and showed a thoughtful expression.

"Haha, I didn't expect it. I should be able to hold you for a while."

Loess wiped off his sweat, but did not stop fighting.

The ground trembled again, and countless rocks rose from the ground, condensed and merged under the control of the loess, and finally turned into a rock giant dozens of meters tall.

"Tudun·Rock Golem Goren!"

The rock golem looks burly and thick, although it only has the upper body, the mountain-like figure has already made Yuren terrified below. .

It just stood in front of the excavation, and the poisonous mist floated at the foot of the golem, like an impenetrable moat.

The pale loess fell on top of the rock golem, and looked at Hanzo in the distance with some pride.

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