Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 386: , a distant plan

"It's almost five years before the second ninja war in history. Before that, everything was basically under our control. It seems that the future fourth generation Me Kazekage was born two years ago."

Ye Long said lightly, "As long as we don't intervene, and even pay attention to and protect us in the future ninja war, there shouldn't be much difference between Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang.

The successors of Indra and Ashura must be under our surveillance. This is one of our greatest advantages. Even Hei Jue cannot predict at this time.

Before that, we should try our best to improve our strength and prepare for war. "

Ye Long threw out a glass tube, which contained a mass of jelly-like substance. It was the flesh and blood substance of the ghost lamp full moon, which contained the secret of his liquefaction ability.

With the power of nature, the resilience of the vortex family, and the liquefaction ability of the ghost lamp family, Orochimaru and Yelong can complete the final physical transformation, and obtain a body with strong resilience and immunity to damage to a great extent, almost comparable to the physical recovery of Six Paths. force.

"Yes, leave it to me." Orochimaru quickly put it away, but then asked:

"So why did you deliberately use Uchiha's identity? Is it to destroy Uchiha on behalf of some people, harvest their eyes, and completely cut off this series of fateful entanglements? I remember that you have that Uchiha full. As a back-up."

Orochimaru smiled secretly, while Bei Liuhu silently listened to the conversation between the two of them and kept quiet consciously.

"You have always hoped to lurking in the ninja world to silently accumulate strength. Is this the beginning of your future changes, Ye Longjun?"

The empty laboratory was bright but dark, and the atmosphere was a bit depressing. The two root ninjas had left at some point.

It's hard to imagine these few people discussing such a heart-wrenching issue in Danzang's lair so leisurely.

"I do want to usurp Uchiha's power in my hands, but I want to use another way."

Ye Long crossed his legs and lowered his head, his black hair falling down to cover his eyes and face.

"In the past, I might not care so much. Uchiha's blood, including the Qianshou clan, which has gradually withered, is actually enough material for the two of us.

It's just that the two branches that have obtained the most power of the Six Path Immortals, the big clans of the world-defying ninja world, are indeed annihilated in the ridiculous village struggle, of course, not only their two clans... You don't think it's a pity Well, no, it should be said that it is too wasteful. "

"So, you want to establish your own image early as a senior of the Uchiha clan, to control the Uchiha clan ahead of the future 'Uchiha Madara', rescue them from the fire and water of Konoha, and let them be your help? "

Orochimaru finally put down the research in his hand and looked at Ye Long with great interest.

"For the sake of illusory peace, Uchiha Itachi gave up his family, betrayed his clan, and slaughtered Uchiha with the senior officials of Konoha. To be honest, this kind of plot has disgusted me for a long time, and I don't want to watch it again."

Ye Long sneered: "Everyone strives for their ideals, even if there is little hope and they lose their lives.

Those Uchihas, they will indeed fail, but they have to kill the last blood of the Uchiha clan!

It's a pity that Uchiha Itachi felt that the family was bound to lose. In order to reduce the loss of the village, he directly killed the family members who got along with each other day and night, extinguished their blood, and even awakened their power. This script is simply... ..”

Ye Long shook his head, "Wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance. In that field, even if the Uchiha clan is a moth to a fire, it doesn't mean light in itself, but the upper levels of Konoha are definitely dark.

Therefore, in my opinion, their uprising is understandable and tragic.

But Uchiha Itachi became the executioner, just protecting Uchiha Sasuke, well, let him become an avenger, he is called a tragic hero, tsk tsk tsk..." Ye Long's tone was indescribable ridicule.

"You are actually criticizing Uchiha Itachi?! Haha, most people don't think that way! Do you actually want to be an unyielding defender of justice?!"

Orochimaru jokingly looked at Ye Long and was amazed, and even Bei Liuhu was shocked by Ye Long's rant.

"Killing Itachi? Claiming justice? No, no, I won't be so boring. Uchiha's life and death had nothing to do with me." Ye Long sneered.

"Because of the kaleidoscope, Uchiha Shisui's kaleidoscope, I don't want his eyes to fall into Danzo's hands, including Uchiha Fugaku's pair."

"Well, those two pairs of eyes... Indeed, Danzo already has some of Uchiha Lidu's abilities, and Uchiha Shisui's kaleidoscope ability is a different god, you don't want to fall into the hands of others and cause unnecessary Trouble... not right!!"

"No, you just [simple] fell in love with these eyes!"

Orochimaru was suddenly startled, as if he had thought of something, and then looked at Ye Long with a more intense smile on his face.

Bie Tianshen, a pupil technique called a bug, can silently modify the will of others, but he himself cannot detect it.

In the original book, even Itachi, who was controlled by the reincarnation of the dirty earth, asked for control because of this. At the beginning, as the ultimate illusion, like Izanami, it was extremely dreadful.

However, Bie Tianshen is still the power of Yin Evasion to put it bluntly. Although the moves are extremely powerful, they can control at most enemies below the strength of six This kind of invincible pupil technique in the mid-term reaches the shadow level in the later stage and walks all over the ground, **** level. When there were as many as dogs, they disappeared early, and the real bosses all possessed the power of the Six Paths.

For the Liudao level, Liudao Obito, Liudao Mingzuo, Liudaoban, Liudao Immortal, Otsutsuki Kaguya... Even Heijue, the product of Yin and Yang escape, will not work, and the remaining Yelong won't care.

At that time, any bells and whistles would in the end be a competition of yin and yang escape and the power of immortality.

Ye Long is not Uchiha Shisui, and his strength does not need to rely on the ability of other gods. When he can get his hands on other gods, other gods are just a means of making high or low.

As the "strongest physical attack", Amaterasu can easily be extinguished, so how much deterrent does the "strongest" illusion other gods have?

Disappearing sooner, it can be considered to be free from being slapped in the face...

Therefore, Ye Long's purpose is definitely not this. It seems that Orochimaru has been obsessed with Sasuke since the beginning of Sasuke's double gouyu. To get Sasuke's body, he even completely gave up Uchiha Itachi, who has a kaleidoscope, not as he said to get it. Sasuke's eyes and talent are as simple as that.

"That's right, one of my purposes is the eye itself."

Ye Long raised his head, in his left eye, the originally dark golden snake pupil turned into a scarlet, and nine magnificent hook jades were arranged in a spiral, like a nine-leaf clover of fantastic art.

Both he and Orochimaru's kaleidoscopes were obtained from Uchiha Mirror, and by stimulating their own bloodlines to improve exceptionally, the two of them got one each in the cloned state.

And Uchiha Mirror is a direct relative of Uchiha Shisui.

"Of course, that's just a distant plan, a pair of eyes I must get."

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