Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 265: , the alliance ceremony

Time flies, and it has been almost four months since the war between Yun Ren and Konoha on the surface. After Ai negotiated more and more hastily and gave up some benefits, the two sides finally settled on the secret signing of the agreement.

On this day, Konoha's delegation, led by the second Hokage Tobirama personally, set out for a remote area in the country of the moon.

"Lord Hokage, it's just ahead. Raikage-sama and the others have been waiting for a long time."

Yun Ren's messenger respectfully led the way in front, Tobirama nodded with a calm expression, he signed the agreement as the actual winner.

Along with him were five of Tobirama's disciples, Hizen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, Koharu, Mito Menyan, and Qiu Dao Fengfeng.

Except for Uchiha Kyo, who was killed in action, the other five disciples all wore red ninja armor and walked together, showing sincerity.

At this time, several people were still young and middle-aged, and Sarutobi was full of energy and neat. Mito Menyan wears glasses, like a scholar.

Qiu Dao took the wind and wore a ridiculous hat that looked like a **, but Xiaochun was still a dignified and elegant beauty.

Even Danzo is not that bad old man, but a handsome young man with a gloomy complexion, which is very different from the familiar image from now on.

The death of Kyou Uchiha and Danzo made the group's expression not so relaxed, Danzo kept his face sullen and didn't know what he was thinking.

This is also the reason why the peace talks took so long. For this reason, Ai, who couldn't wait, paid a lot of materials.

In the valley in front, the outline of some buildings appeared vaguely, and the breath of some people gradually appeared.

Qianshou Tobirama stopped, not paying attention to the explanation of Yun Ninja next to him, but carefully and attentively sensing the chakra fluctuations around him.

In the perception field of vision, apart from Ai's incomparably violent and majestic thunder attribute chakra, Tobirama did not find any threat.

Tobirama frowned, widening the range of perception, and the surroundings were still empty.

"Tobirama-sama, Raikage-sama is very sincere, it's impossible..."

"How is it, teacher?"

Danzo said in a low voice, ignoring Yun Ren's persuasion.

"...There seems to be no problem, there are not a lot of people here, but...what about the people from Li?"

Tobirama's gaze was like a sharp sword seeing through Yun Ren, and in his subconscious, apart from a large number of ambush, Li was a threat worthy of attention.

"...Master Li didn't come, he...he's still recovering."

Under Tobirama's gaze, Yun Ren was forced to tell Li's situation. He obviously couldn't bear the suffocating oppression.

"Humph! It doesn't look like he's dead yet?"

Tuanzang snorted coldly, his eyes full of killing intent.

Li was the direct murderer of Kyo Uchiha and Danzo, which made the smell of gunpowder a lot heavier all of a sudden.

Tobirama looked into the distance. In this life, he mostly fought in the country of fire, and he has been to other countries only a few times, and he has only conquered the country of earth.

But that time, the protagonist was Uchiha Madara, who hides the rocks in the water.

He is not familiar with the country of Lei. If the peace talks are successful, he may have the opportunity to go there and take a look.

If everything goes as planned.

"Hokage, you're here."

On the other side, Ai came over with a hat representing Raikage, surrounded by two subordinates.

There were a lot of people around, but most of them were officials from the Kingdom of Thunder, who were sent by the daimyo, just ordinary people.

Although he has just experienced a **** war, the war is only a continuation of politics. Since the peace has been decided, the Kingdom of Thunder cannot go back on its promises.

Now it is no longer a petty fight between families during the Warring States Period. Besides, there are stewards sent by several big families from the Kingdom of Thunder to witness this moment and sign related matters.

"Konoha is really amazing."

Ai's dark face reluctantly squeezed out a smile, her expression was very complicated, and she finally extended her hand.

"Haha, let it go."

Tobirama smiled lightly, living up to the life and death when the two fought before.

The atmosphere finally loosened, and cheerful laughter could be heard from time to time.

Everyone seems to be rejoicing at the regained peace. As for the cause of the war, no one will mention it, with a harmonious appearance.

Afterwards, the second-generation Raikage personally arranged accommodation for Tobirama and the others, and also introduced some of the current situation of Yunyin Village.

The peace negotiation ceremony is a major decision, and there must be a symbolic process, although Ai is the most urgent right now, and the formal agreement will also be signed tomorrow.

Since Raikage had already announced that he was going to shake hands and make peace in person, Tobirama was not afraid that he would cheat. He still had confidence in his own strength, and basically believed in Ai.

It's just that although Ai mentioned a lot of interesting things about the Kingdom of Thunder as a gesture of kindness, he never mentioned when Tobirama could send an envoy. Instead, it was a little awkward.

"I'm afraid you're in a hurry to deal with the golden horn and the silver horn, hum! It's a pity, those people in Uchiha are very honest. It seems that you gave up too?"

Tobirama looked at Ai, who looked very cool on the surface, and smiled lightly, and the two of them knew nothing about it!


"Tobirama is actually very cautious."

In the distant place, Ye Long stood on the top of the tree, and remotely sensed the situation in the direction of the valley.

Around him, the birds were still singing on the branches, and he didn't seem to notice that there was another person beside him.

Using the means of immortality to integrate with the surrounding aura, Ye Long's technique has become more mature, even if it is absolutely impossible to find him.

"It seems that Tobirama will perceive once every hour, the range is really amazing!"

Ye Long's body is even integrated with the tree. In this state, as long as he doesn't make a move, even if others are right in front of him, he may not be able to notice it. He is much stronger than Dahe in the future.

Just now, another subtle chakra ripple spread Tobirama's perception technology, even Ye Long was amazed.

However, he neither found Ye Long in the distance, nor did he realize the lurking golden and silver horns.

Not only him, Lei Ying, but even Ye Long didn't even know where the golden and silver horns were!

"Damn! These two guys aren't coming, are they? Why didn't I notice at all?"

Ye Long frowned slightly. It stands to reason that even if there are some changes in the plot, the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn cannot miss this last chance.

Once Yun Yin and Konoha made peace, at least for a short time, Ai had no worries.

Golden Horn and Silver Horn lost more than Ai in the war. Once Ai Teng made a move, they could only wait to die.

Then, what about them? How did they escape Tobirama, the top perceptive ninja in Hokage, and how did they kill him who possessed the technique of Flying Thunder God?

Ye Long became more and more puzzled.


the next day.

"Master Ai, Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao have been under our surveillance, they have been honest recently, they don't even know about this secret peace talks.

Mr. Li's injury has also recovered, and he has made all preparations, just waiting for the end of the negotiation. "

A Yun Ren whispered to Aihui.

"Okay, it seems that everything is still in the plan."

Ai stood up solemnly and looked at Tobirama opposite.

Tobirama still had a subtle smile on his face, but it exuded the majesty of a strong man.

The five disciples stood beside Tobirama, their faces were a little serious, but they were not afraid, they were all a temporary choice.

The people around were whispering and looking at them from time to time.

"The time has come, the alliance ceremony between Yun Ren and Konoha officially begins!"

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