Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 580: Enter the pharmacy

Under the waterhole.

In the practice room, Lin Chuan deeply worshiped the place where the old man was sitting, and said respectfully.

"I know that the predecessor's role is to guard the core medicine garden here, but the Bright God Sect no longer exists. During this trip, I only wanted to get the elixir used for the breakthrough, and I hope the predecessor will not be embarrassed in the spirit of heaven!"

The words fell, and Lin Chuan slowly exited the practice room, along with the walking instructor waiting outside, re-entered the pond and sank toward the bottom.

At this time, it is the full moon night, and it is also the time point mentioned several times in the process of the old man and Lin Chuan's recollection. If they still cannot enter the core drug garden at this time, it is estimated that no one can enter it.

The pond is deep, and darkness has become the main color here. Except for the faint aura of light emitted by the two, almost no light can be seen.

Time passed continuously, both of them were silent, sinking continuously to the deepest.

At this moment, they have the illusion of death, endless darkness, icy water, silent world, sinking, eternal sinking, there seems to be no end, and they continue to sink in this strange world until it is destroyed ...

Suddenly, Lin Chuan's eyes moved slightly, and he saw the faint light suddenly shining under the pond, like a matrix method, permeating the pond below three kilometers.

Looking to the side, the trainer's eyes also looked over at this moment, apparently what he felt.

They nodded at each other, and the two speeded up and swam towards the place where the faint light radiated. They knew that this should be the end.

"Sure enough, there is a magic circle ..."

It didn't take long before the faintly glowing golden ray appeared in front of Lin Chuan, in a complex and intertwined pattern, there were terrorizing waves of terror, as if a slight touch could make them instantly disappear.

"Here ... how are we going to ..." Bu Ling asked with an ugly voice.

In her perception, the law array that was standing in front of them was like a cricket, and the surging horror was exactly the same as that of the ancestral shroud that shrouded in Xianfu. Obviously the two are connected here. This level of formation is not at all a problem that they can break through now.

Lin Chuan's brow also wrinkled at this time. What the stepling master could perceive, he could perceive it as close as possible. The power of this formation is really not that they can sting, but the old man Obviously, when talking about the past, he deliberately mentioned the core drug garden, and also pointed out the time point of the full moon night. Could all this be coaxing him?

Lin Chuan is not so boring, and the old man is not so boring. So what went wrong?

Lin Chuan slowly closed his eyes and immersed himself in his thoughts. After a while, he seemed to think of something. The whole body's breath changed slightly, and an inconceivable wave came out.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chuan walked straight towards the formation method dozens of meters away.

"Lin Chuan ..." Master Lian shouted with some worry, but Lin Chuan didn't stop, just shook his head slightly.

When Lin Chuan's right hand was lifted and moved toward the formation of golden light, the time of their heart palpitations was mentioned in their throats.


There was no thunderous thunder and lightning, and there was no scene of flesh and blood. Lin Chuan's right hand went straight through the golden array in front of him. He could clearly feel the atmosphere of the array that destroyed the sky, but These breaths were naturally dispersed beside him, without any threat.

"This ..." Master Lianshi looked at Lin Chuan who slowly retracted his arm, not knowing what to say.

"It is the technique of distracting and controlling the mind! This is the last thing left by that senior!" Linchuan Qingdao said.

His guess is indeed correct. The full moon night and the distracting mind control technique are the keys to the formation method here. If there are no two things, then facing the formation method of the same level as the Xianfu Huzong array, all Everyone has to retreat, there is nothing to do.

"Let's go!"

Lin Chuan waved his hand towards the instructor and motioned for her to come. Then the two of them passed through the circle through the special wave sent by Lin Chuan.

The moment he just passed through the formation, Lin Chuan's look was moving.

"The breath of the Holy Spirit ..."

The breath of the holy spirit dew suddenly thickened in the pool of water on the side of the formation, and even there was a fascinating medicinal scent. Just in this pool of water, the pores of the two bodies could not be opened spontaneously, and they sucked greedily With the medicinal power contained in it.

Without hesitation, the two sank towards the pond below, and soon reached the bottom of the pond.

The depth here is no less than 50 kilometers from the canyon on the ground, and then the entire pond turns slightly upward, and the surrounding area becomes suddenly bright.

"It should be the core drug garden from here!" Lin Chuan said, not excited. It was false, and he could feel that his heartbeat had accelerated a lot without knowing it, as if to jump out.

You know, only two of them are found in the core pharmacy at this moment, that is, if there is any elixir that can be taken away, it is basically their thing.

The Emperor Guangzong collected precious herbs from the entire Nanming continent ~ ~ and it has grown for thousands of years. Such a medicine garden, let alone ordinary people, is estimated that the entire Nanming continent is going crazy.

In fact, many people entering Xianfu are indeed looking for this medicine garden. They want to get the elixir in it. Some people even think that there should be a kind of fairy medicine in Xianfu medicine garden. It's just that long. Time passed, and everyone didn't find any clues in the medicine garden, but in the end, Lin Chuan discovered it by accident, which has to be said to be a chance.

If those people know that the medicine garden is shrouded in the ancestral hall of Xianfu, they don't know how they will feel!

Although they are very excited, they haven't lost sight of it yet, so they don't know how to move up, so they are not going up fast. Instead, they use their white eyes and absolute perception to carefully explore the surrounding situation in case there is any accident. occur.

Many times, disasters often happen when the goal is about to be reached, because at that time, many people will be relaxed and vigilant because of excitement, but eventually they will end in a deadly situation. Lin Chuan and Practitioner will not make such mistakes, not to mention they Don't care about this time.

The light above his head is getting brighter, and the bright moonlight is shining in the pond water, exuding cold and soft shimmer.

Lin Chuan's white eyes were always on, but he found that the core medicine garden seemed to be distorted by huge energy. Although his vision was still there, many things were not real, as if there was a layer of veil on it.

It wasn't until they surfaced that the vision of the two became clear. The first act printed in the eyes of the two was a quaint towering giant tree, and this big tree, Lin Chuan was very familiar!

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(End of this chapter)

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