"What to do? Wait until we may not even have the chance to enter the Scripture Pavilion!" Said Shen Sheng, a monk who had not yet recovered.

"Can't wait any longer, there will be more and more older generations coming here, and it will be more and more difficult for us to fight with them. This is Xianfu, and we can't use the power of the family to fight against them. Moreover, most of the older generation who are willing to venture into Xianfu are mostly Shou Yuan. They are not afraid of the consequences of provoking great forces! "Said Tianjiao of a Zhao family.

"But the roar of the beast from the Tibetan Pavilion recently was so horrible. If we enter, I'm afraid it will be fierce ..." someone frowned.

"There is no time to hesitate. With our strength, we can at least get a secret book. If you don't enter, you will get nothing!" The monk said earlier, and the next moment, he will no longer care about his companions. In response, he raised his hand and touched the stele, disappearing before the crowd.

"Well, let him do it!" The other monks looked at each other, touched the stele under the teeth and entered the Tibetan sutra hall.

After someone took the lead, everyone acted, and they also knew that there would be no good results if they waited, at least there was the possibility of getting a secret code, and nothing would be left outside.

The fifth floor of the Tibetan Classics Pavilion.

Lin Chuan has recovered at this moment. His consumption is not very large. The main consumption is still on the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. The release at this stage is Zuo Neng Hu, which is really heavy for Lin Chuan's body.

Fortunately, Lin Chuan has the fruit of a sacred tree, and the consumption of kaleidoscope writing chakras will be restored, but it is only a matter of time. Therefore, Lin Chuan got up to check the books on the fifth floor after his body repaired.

"Spirit word, that is to say, the spirit level should be an order that transcends the heavens and earth, and it is no wonder that even the ancient Light Sects are so scarce ..." Lin Chuan said quietly, looking at nearly a hundred bookshelves around him.

Feel free to read some classics, Lin Chuan found that there are all kinds of things, spells, exercises, and some extremely rare physical skills, the power is much stronger than the magical level of the heavens and earth, almost every move They are all devastating, but not all of them can be cultivated, and there are many restrictions.

For example, there is a spell called Huixian that requires practitioners to have at least the talent of the level, otherwise they cannot practice, and there is also a sword trick, which must be achieved in the realm of human and sword unity ...

Such requirements are endless, and almost every requirement can be described as harsh.

Lin Chuan also found a few very exciting secrets in these secrets. For example, there is a technique of imperial thunder refining, which is powerful, can absorb the thunder and greatly increase the strength of the human body, but those who need to cultivate It has thunder attributes, and the process of cultivation is also extremely painful. It is difficult for ordinary people to stick to it, but once they are trained, it is an absolute arrogance and a nearly invincible existence in the same order.

"Spirit-level secrets are really very powerful, but unfortunately this is not my ultimate goal!" Lin Chuan looked at the secrets in his hands, and finally put them back.

This is already the fifth floor of the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion, and this Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion has only seven floors in total, and among the remaining two floors, there must be Lin Chuan ’s highly sought-after rituals. This is what he must get. Once obtained, his multi-attribute power will be fully exerted. By that time, his strength will be more than doubled, compared to all other exercises, it can be put first.

After a lap, Lin Chuan returned to the center, crossed his knees, and took out the blood dragon ball from the storage ring. A fierce fierce power broke out immediately, sweeping away in all directions.

It can be clearly seen that there is a wolf-like creature roaring in the blood-colored essence blood dragon balls, constantly slamming the dragon balls, bursting into horrendous howls, and the coercion of ancient beasts continues to spread, making people There is an impulse to worship the top and bottom.

"Hum! Suppress me!" Lin Chuan snorted, and a large number of black runes poured out of him, suppressing around Dragon Ball, forming a layer of dark rune diaphragm.

Instantly, the loud wailing sound was much smaller, and every time I tried to impact the Dragon Ball, a black rune lit up, printed on the Dragon Ball instantly, suppressing the evil spirits in it.

"The Capricorn Bible is really powerful. It would be great if I had complete hands!" Lin Chuan said softly.

With Lin Chuan's strong eyesight, he can clearly see the fear of the Capricorn rune, this fear is not from strength, but on the order, this is a kind of awe from the soul, unable to Erase.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chuanxi cleared her thoughts and began to try to absorb the essence and blood in Dragon Ball.

The blood-colored beads were suspended in front of Lin Chuan. The next moment, a scarlet light spread out from it, turned into a trickle, and fell towards Lin Tian's Dantian, disappeared into it.


For a moment ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ Lin Chuan felt that something was wrong, his eyes opened immediately, the scarlet color flickered from his eyes, and the terrible killing breath spread in his consciousness.

"It's terrifying and mighty. Even if it only absorbed a little blood, it even affected my mind!" Lin Chuan said in shock.

After a moment of silence, Lin Chuan began to absorb Dragon Ball again, but this time he took a lot of care and directly turned the Capricorn Bible to guard against the attack of killing consciousness, while slowing down the speed of absorption and guiding Dan Tianzhi The fruit of the sacred tree to devour the essence of Dragon Ball.

Soon, Lin Chuan found that this was right. Although the Capricorn Bible could not completely offset the majesty of this ancient beast, it was still possible to filter the madness and killing in it. After the sweetness of the essence and blood, a large amount of purple mist was immediately released, which diffused directly from Lin Chuan's body, enveloping the entire Dragon Ball, and began to draw energy and essence from it.

Lin Chuan only felt that Chakras in his body were surging wildly, and the continuous explosive growth had surpassed his spiritual cultivation. To a certain extent, the amount of Chakras in Lin Chuan had reached an unprecedented level. The degree, even if only the increase, has also made Lin Chuan's strength greatly increased.

At the same time, Lin Chuan ’s pupillary technique is also constantly being enhanced. The damage caused by the previous use of Susano Nuri will soon heal, but this is not the point. Lin Chuan can feel that his pupils in the writing wheel are still strong. It is constantly growing.

I don't know how long it has been.


Lin Chuan's closed eyes suddenly opened, and the scary pupils in the blood-colored eyes were tumbling. Three of them were spinning rapidly, and on the periphery of these three, there was another one slowly emerging at the moment. Its rotation.

(End of this chapter)

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