, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the fruit of the Naruto **** tree in the other world!

After everything was ready, Operation Huang Quan officially opened.

The funeral and Mu Yuyi used Huangquan Biranban to send the crowds to the target location, and at the same time maintained the space passage with spiritual power. However, this space passage can only be opened if [Xiao] organized the crowd to procure jade with Chakra. No one else can see.

"Once Huangquan opened, no matter what the result, it must end within Sanxiangxiang time and return to the starting space!" Zero funeral finally spoke to the crowd.

This time has been closely calculated. According to the Mahayana monks, they felt the location of the incident from the location, and the time of Mikasa was almost enough. Therefore, in any case, the battle must be ended within the time of Mikasa. Accidents, such as the Mahayana monks felt ahead of time, or if Mahayana monks were found to exist after the action, then the action must be terminated immediately to return to the starting space.

But after all, this is the first shot of the organization [Xiao] since Xiangu Plaza. The major forces would never think of [Xiao] organization dare to do this, which is why they were unscrupulous before.

Unfortunately, they don't know Lin Chuan too much.

After sending everyone to the intended location, the funeral and the step-trainer arrived at Linghe Island through Huangquan Birangsaka.

Although this is a lake island, it has a very large area. Because of its second-class cultivation power, it is also relatively well-known in the field of cultivation.

In addition to Linghe Cave, where the Mahayana monks and other monks of Linghe are located, Linghe Island is the most famous Linghe city, because the lake here is rich in a precious spirit beast, and the island is rich in elixir. The people in Linghe City are endless, making Linghe City extremely prosperous, and this is also the main source of income for Linghe Island.

The zero burial chose the attack target here. One is because it is the top priority of Linghe Island, and the other is that there are a lot of treasures and spirits on Linghe Island. It is conservatively estimated to be no less than 10 billion!

"The scenery of Linghe Island is pretty good, but unfortunately, the people here are not very good people!" Zero burial looked at Linghe Island and whispered to himself.

The island in front of them is lush, the bright sun falls from the sky, and it shines on the white sandy beach. The rich aura permeates the surroundings, making people feel very comfortable.

The walker closed his eyes and held his hands.


The first time he came here, the Buddhism instructor began to take control. This is the strong field ability that the Buddhism instructor gained after he upgraded to the fit period.

Different from the general field, the exertion of the field of control will not cause any spiritual fluctuations, and even the Mahayana monk cannot detect the existence of the field of control. As long as the step master develops the field of control, it will be covered by her field. All the spiritual powers of her will become her eyes, helping her perceive the actions of all people. In this range, it is true absolute perception. In contrast, the scope of this field is very large. The trainer was almost under her perception with little effort.

Of course, the ability to control the domain is not limited to this. Under the control of the walker, this area also has this very powerful ability to suppress and suppress information, as well as the ability to block information. In short, all actions that require the use of spiritual power will Controlled by a walker.

Such as transmission, such as the use of various secret messages.

This is also the reason why the funeral came to Linghe Island with a step trainer. Although it is not a second-class cultivation force compared to Prince Gong's Mansion, there is no other two Mahayana periods. The monks are still on the island, and the area under the master's control can play a vital role at this time.

Because she can temporarily suppress the perception of these Mahayana monks, making them unable to know what happened in Linghe City, and can also stop Linghe City from transmitting messages to Mahayana monks, as long as the time for the funeral to be burnt , He can turn the city into ruins.

"The domain of control has covered the entire Linghe Island. Two early Mahayana monks in Linghe Cave are practicing. I have suppressed their perception ability. They will not be aware of Linghe Cave outside Sanchaxiang. Any spiritual power fluctuations, in addition, I have cut off all the transmission, what happened to Linghe Island, will not be passed to the outside world in a short time! "Bu Lian Shi said softly.

"Okay, let's go directly to Linghe City!" Zero Funeral nodded.

After the words fell, the space around the two fluctuated slightly, and the figures disappeared directly into the air.

When they reappeared, they were already standing in Linghe City.

"Because Linghe City is very prosperous, there is a special teleportation array built here. We will need to destroy the teleportation array first!" Said the stepling instructor softly, and immediately looked at the center of the city and controlled it. Under the domain, she already knows the position of the teleportation array. "There is a monk in the late period of integration, and there is another monk in the city who has a perfect period of integration, and three monks in the middle period of integration and seven in the early period of integration ! "

In the domain of control, the step trainer does not have to worry about being discovered, and can perceive all people with impunity.

"Although there is no attack power in your field, the role it can play in combat is really unparalleled!" Said Zero Burial softly.

"Compared to your suffocating realm, there is still a big gap!" Said the walker with a smile ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ Let ’s go, let ’s go to their treasure chest and say something! "Zero Burial said.

The two step out and the figure disappears again.

In fact, in places like Linghe City, there are forbidden air formations and defensive formations. It is difficult to cross the urban formations and pass directly in with space capabilities. Even if you enter them forcibly, they will immediately cause formations. The fluctuation of law has attracted everyone's attention.

Unfortunately, these methods are all used to deal with monks. Huang Quan and Liang Liang Zhan, who was cast by burial, are no longer in the space spell. This is originally the ability in Naruto, plus the fusion of the fruit of the **** tree and the origin of the cultivation world, which makes this Ninjutsu is even more impeccable. Now that it is being exhibited, let alone being discovered, it will not cause any spatial fluctuations even if it is performed in front of these people.

The treasure hall of Linghe Island is located on the ground floor. It is an area created by the space array method. It contains the treasures and treasures accumulated over many years in Linghe Island. Above the treasure hall, there is the monk who completed the integration period. Place of cultivation.

The formation method and the presence of powerful monks are here to be solid, but they are meaningless in the face of Huang Quan Biliang Saka, who is buried in the ground.

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