Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Chapter 37: The main family is in trouble, Hinata takes the lead

“Longing is the emotion farthest from understanding.

The farthest distance...

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟔𝟗𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐱.𝐧𝐞𝐭

Little Hinata asked in a low voice: "Why?"

Longing is the expectation and yearning for something.

And she does have a longing for the mysterious power of that big brother.

"When you admire someone and are obsessed with someone, what you see is only what you want to see, not what he really has."

Ohinata's tone was a little complicated: "Although he is regarded as a god by you, dressed in fine clothes by you, and kissed by you devoutly, you have also forgotten his inner being and his soul, and you have also forgotten to understand his true nature. everything of."

"You can only think about him from your own perspective, but you can't think about the world he looks at from his perspective."

"...It's so difficult to understand."

Little Hinata's two index fingers were intertwined, with a slightly troubled expression on her face.

Hinata also choked for a moment, and said helplessly: "Really, why should I tell this to a little brat like you?"

The reason why she felt deeply about this sentence.

Because she was once both the admirer and the admired.

She admires Menma, and is admired by the cowardly Zong family.

"You obviously don't know anything, but you seem to know me very well, and you forcefully drag me into what you consider to be an intimate relationship."

"This is basically your own need. You don't know what I need at all, do you?"

"And if I really ask you to pay as much as you said, you will only be disappointed, right?"

These were the words Menma said to her himself.

No mercy, no room left.

Ohinata couldn't understand it at first, but she didn't understand until she took on the important responsibility of being the head of the Hyuga family.

——Admiration is just a relationship unilaterally imposed by the admirer on the admired person. It seems weak, but in fact there is no specific obligation.

If I could only stand behind that guy Menma and watch his advancing back with longing eyes.

Then there are only two outcomes in the end.

——Be abandoned by him, or become a burden to his progress.

And this is why Ohinata tried every means to improve her strength.

She wanted to stand by Menma's side, instead of standing there and watching him walk away bit by bit.

Although in the end, I couldn't meet the requirements of Menma. He could only reluctantly follow behind him.

But when Menma wanted to leave secretly, her soul body had met the conditions for crossing the world boundary, and she also let the guy see her determination and will.

"There's really nothing we can do against a young lady like you..."

After Menma's words fell, Ohinata lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he was already in little Hinata's body.

at the same time.

Unknowingly, little Hinata had lowered her head and followed her father's footsteps to Hinata's meeting hall.

Hizu frowned and looked at Hinata who was standing behind him, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "What are you doing standing there in such a daze? You haven't followed up yet."

I'm really convinced, Hinata's sense of separation is too strong.

He didn't even know how to treat his daughter.

Little Hinata's thoughts were interrupted, she came back to her senses and whispered: "Oh..."

The two walked into the meeting hall one after another.

As soon as she walked in, Little Hinata stiffened, and she keenly felt the dullness and depression of the atmosphere.

This was her first Hyuga meeting.

"What do those old men from the Zong family want to do?"

Big Hinata also saw many silent Hyuga clan members through Little Hinata's perspective.

Through this period of understanding, she also understood the difference between this so-called "real world" and her own world.

It was like what Menma said accidentally.

"They are two completely opposite worlds!"

In the world she lived in, the clan was weak and could only be bullied, and could only use the Caged Bird Curse Seal to barely suppress the powerful and violent branch clan.

And she is one of the few members of the clan who is recognized by the branch family.

Otherwise, her cheap father and most of the clan would not place their hopes on her junior.

"According to the current state of the world, a separate family without decision-making power is actually called to attend a family meeting?"

Looking at Hinata Hizashi, who was sitting in front with cold sweat on his forehead, Hinata suddenly became suspicious.

Rizu came to the top of the meeting hall, nodded to the three clan elders next to him, and then sat on the head seat of his family.

His body was straight and his expression was serious, but he had no intention of speaking.

The Hyuga clan members below looked at each other in confusion, and Hyuga Hizashi was even more uneasy.


Hinata Neji on the side frowned and turned his attention to the four members of the clan at the head.


One of the clan elders coughed twice and waited for everyone to gather their attention before speaking: "The theme of today's meeting is to discuss the branch's recent attitude towards the clan."

Separating the family, dealing with the clan...

Hearing the elder's words, the members of the Hyuga branch had different expressions.

Some looked solemn, some showed fear, and some looked disdainful.

The elders of the clan saw the changes in everyone's expressions, with a trace of dissatisfaction flashing in their eyes.

Sure enough, the separated family began to disobey.


The clan elder snorted coldly and turned his attention to Hizashi and Neji again.

"As far as I know, Neji lost to Hinata in the previous sparring match, and then he was so angry that he showed his killing intention to Hinata."

"And recently, someone told me that some people from the branch family were also secretly gathering to discuss some things that should not be seen by others."

The elder of the main family glanced coldly at the members of the branch family, and said sternly, "I am very curious, what are you discussing?"

Under the pressure of the "bird in the cage" for a long time, many people lowered their heads and dared not look at him.

And just at this moment.

Under Neji's astonished gaze, Hizashi suddenly grabbed his wrist that was about to move.


Then he let out a long breath, knelt down and said, "Please rest assured, I promise that this situation will not happen again in the branch family in the future."

"Hizashi sir..."

"Father sir..."

Seeing this, the members of the branch family, including Neji, gritted their teeth, hesitated for a moment, and lowered their heads.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Hizashi's eyes were complicated, but he did not stop it.

The three elders of the main family smiled at each other, with a hint of pride in their eyes.

What killing intentions, what gatherings, are all excuses.

They just want to suppress the arrogance of the branch family, and the main target is Hyuga Hiashi who selflessly dedicated himself some time ago.

This guy has been too popular recently.

If he has other intentions, as long as he raises his arms, it is difficult to guarantee how many branches will choose to rebel against the main family with him.

"Such a weak and vulnerable guy, I guess no one will trust and follow him?"

Just when the three elders were complacent.

"A group of old immortals who rely on caged birds to show off their power are really embarrassing."


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