Chapter 196

“Why haven’t the signal been transmitted yet”

Outside the factory, it was already past 10:10, and the little human race and other human rebels had not seen the fireworks as an offensive signal lift into the air, and couldn’t help but wonder for a while.

But before the action, Longcheng had repeatedly told that there was no signal, no one should act privately, otherwise it would kill all his companions! Therefore, at this time, his heart was full of doubts, but no one acted rashly.

Still lurking, wait for the signal with peace of mind.

“what happened”

Monet was also lurking among the rebels.Before Dragon City was killed, she would never expose her spy status easily.

I didn’t see the signal lift off, I couldn’t help but frown secretly.

Without a signal, these people would not rush into the factory and would not fall into a trap.

Monet couldn’t help but worry, could it be that Dragon City discovered something but it doesn’t matter…

Anyway, until the situation is unknown, she will not do anything.

“Why haven’t you come yet…”

On the other side, among the workers, Pica, Diamanti, and other cadres of the Donquixote Family led the troops and laid ambush everywhere.

The time has come, but no enemy rushes in, everyone is confused.

But in order to avoid exposure, they dare not act, let alone rush out of the factory, so they continue to hide and wait.

In this way, everyone inside and outside the factory, whether it is the Rebels or the Donquixote Family, is lurking, falling into an inexplicable stalemate.

At the same time, in the palace.

“Guangyue Dragon City!”

Doflamingo frowned when he saw the sudden appearance of Dragon City.

“How will you be here!”

“Otherwise, where should I be, the factory?”

Long Cheng smiled and looked at Doflamingo with a playful look.

Hearing this, Doflamingo’s face instantly sank, so his actions have been exposed! “Damn it! Did Monet betray me!”

Doflamingo’s face grew more and more gloomy. All the information was passed through Monet. Since it was exposed, he could only think of this possibility.

Regarding… Doflamingo’s guess, Longcheng just smiled, and didn’t explain it, so let him misunderstand it.

“Since you know my deployment, you still transfer people to the factory, and then come to me by yourself…”

No longer thinking about other things for the time being, Doflamingo looked at the Dragon City in front of him, and suddenly sneered at the corner of his mouth.

“Do you want to kill me with the strength of a person!”

“You deserve to be the middleman in the dark world, your mind is…smart.”(Read more @

Long Cheng nodded and admitted directly.

As a traverser, Longcheng knows the power of Donquixote Family.

Even if all the people of Dresrosa are united, they cannot be their opponents.

Therefore, Dragon City’s initial plan was not a group fight, but a single fight! And the reason why he united the villains, said King Liku, and made so many preparations, it was only to create conditions for the single fight.

Through the fake goal of sugar, and Monet’s mouth, Doflamingo made himself smart and transferred all his troops to the factory.

All of this is actually under the control of Dragon City, “Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

Doflamingo, who figured this out in an instant, couldn’t help but laugh, and looked at Dragon City with gloomy eyes.

“You played so many tricks just to fight with me alone. Could it be that you are so confident that you can defeat me”

“Try it and you’ll know.”

Long Cheng smiled, then suddenly his face became cold, and when he lifted his leg, he directly kicked it with an air blade.

Although the goal was achieved, there has been no movement at the factory, and it is difficult to guarantee that the people of the Donquixote Family will not notice and return to the palace.

So, Longcheng doesn’t have much time! In that case, there is only a quick fight! “Tempest Kick.”

Doflamingo sneered at the corner of his mouth, then raised his hand and released a white line like a spider web to resist.

Doflamingo is a String-String Fruit capable person who can make all kinds of silk threads.

As one of Seven Warlords of the Sea, and a big pirate who has fought against Marine many times, he is very familiar with… Marine Six Styles.

Facing the Dragon City Tempest Kick, he didn’t dodge, but blocked it with a spider web line, just… I wanted to try Dragon City’s attack power.

Shit! But the next moment, what Doflamingo never thought about was that there was a soft sound.

With his Armament Haki attached, the spider web thread, which was several times harder than steel, was cut off instantly! Immediately after that, the Qi blade did not stop at all, but still shot at him.


Doflamingo frowned in an instant. He had fought many Type 6 masters, but he had never seen such a sharp Tempest Kick! At the same time, his body moved to the side and directly avoided this Qi blade.

Sneer! Then there was another soft noise, and the air blade slashed through the palace walls.

It’s like cutting a cake, passing it easily, leaving a narrow and smooth gap.

Doflamingo glanced at the corner of his eyes, and couldn’t help but secretly startled.

Whoosh! And at this moment, with a soft sound, the Dragon City suddenly disappeared from where it was.

Wait a moment: Reappear for a moment, have reached Doflamingo’s side, and then just…a punch.

“One hundred thousand wa Zhengquan!”

“So fast!”

For…Dragon City’s speed, Doflamingo was once again taken aback.

At this time, it was too late to dodge, and there was no way, but a cobweb line was released again to resist.

The fist of Omlong City is in the center of the spider web line.

Although it was blocked by the spider web line, it continued to move forward with its terrifying power.

Bang! The next moment, I heard a muffled sound, hitting Doflamingo’s chest! And under the huge impact, Doflamingo was directly shot out.

Boom! It ran straight into the wall of the palace, and another loud noise knocked the wall out of a big hole.

Long Cheng’s face was serious, and he walked straight to the hole in the wall.

“Bullet String!”

At this moment, with a loud shout, a thread shot out from the hole like a sniper rifle bullet and went straight to Dragon City.

“Finger Pistol!”

Long Cheng’s expression remained unchanged, and he greeted him with one finger.

Peng! Then there was a muffled sound, and under the absolute penetration of Finger Pistol, that…thin thread burst instantly.

“I really doubt that you are from Marine.”

At this time, Doflamingo walked out of the hole and looked at Dragon City with a solemn expression.

With the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, it became more and more hideous.

The punch of Dragon City just now was enough to break 100,000 tiles, even Doflamingo could not bear it head-on.

Fortunately, he first resisted with the spider web line, buffering some of the strength, and then barely withstand it.

But even so, the internal organs were also injured by the impact.At this time, they were secretly using the fruit power to repair them with threads.

Whoosh! Longcheng didn’t speak, but directly expressed it with actions, and his body shook, and he rushed up again.

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