Naruto training king

Chapter 98 Hinata VS Nizu

After listening to Hyuga Hinata's narration, Uchiha Itachi somewhat understood the current situation of the Hyuga clan.

Unlike the Uchiha situation, Hizu's attitude toward Hinata was not a complete rejection, but more of a test.

Based on this situation, what Hinata needs more is a way to negotiate with Hizu.

So Itachi said: "I understand, if the Hinata family head has a tough attitude, then Hinata-san needs to have an equally tough attitude, or even a tougher attitude."

Hearing this, Hinata recalled her performance at the clan meeting that day.

Because he was worried about Qingmi, he barely thought about it and reached out to squeeze his father's hand.

Could it be said that the attitude at that time was actually the right one?

But my father did not back down because of this.

She couldn't help but asked with some confusion: "Tougher attitude?"

Itachi nodded: "A tough attitude can show your unswerving determination. This is the prerequisite for negotiation."

"Only when this is done can skills come into play..."

The conversation between the two went smoothly, and Itachi also imparted some skills through personal experience.

Ten minutes later, the two ended their exchange, and Hinata saw off the guests all the way to the door of the mansion.

"Thank you for your advice, Mr. Itachi."

Itachi nodded slightly and warned: "It's nothing, but Miss Hinata, please remember. Strength is the foundation of everything. You must not neglect your training."

Without this pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, no matter how many skills he mastered, he would not have been able to suppress all the clan members at yesterday's clan meeting.

Reading is to reason with you; practicing martial arts is to make you sit down and listen to me.

After Itachi left, Hinata raised her right hand and looked at the white palm.

If she wanted to, the phalange of her index finger would shoot out like a bullet, leaving a big hole in the wooden door in front of her.

She couldn't help but murmured: "Power..."

This morning, Hinata noticed something strange about her body as soon as she opened her eyes.

The most intuitive feeling is that my strength has increased, and then I discovered that I can control my bones.

This strange ability shocked Hinata. After she calmed down, she didn't tell anyone, but got up and went to school as usual.

At the end of the day, Hinata discovered another problem.

The lunch box she usually brought was enough to fill her up, but today at noon, she felt the same feeling of not being full again.

When she was thinking about whether to see a doctor after school, she heard Kiyomi and the others chatting about the blood inheritance limits of each ninja village.

For example, the Magnetic Escape and Burning Escape in the Sand Hidden Village; the Dust Escape in the Rock Hidden Village; the Corpse Veins in the Kirigakure Village...

Corpse bone veins, the ability to manipulate bones.

When she heard the name, Hinata's heart twitched.

Could it be that... I have awakened the blood inheritance limit of the Kaguya clan.

But how is this possible?

Just when she was confused, she heard Kiyomi accidentally mention: "It is said that the Kaguya clan in Kirigakure Village was once distantly related to the Hyuga clan."

It was only then that she was half convinced that she had awakened the corpse veins.

But Hinata still concealed the news. After school, she immediately ran to check the clan's information, and finally confirmed Kiyomi's words.

Although this relationship exists, there is very little information about the corpse veins in the Hyuga clan, so Hinata can only go to the library of Konoha Village alone.

In the village, all information about the enemy is basically open to the public.

It didn't take much effort for Hinata to find a lot of information about the Kaguya clan in Kirigakure Village.

These materials recorded many fighting methods of the Kaguya clan in detail. After careful review, Hinata took a fancy to two of the abilities.

One is to generate high-density bone armor under the skin to protect fragile internal organs and flesh.

This kind of defense can greatly increase the fault tolerance rate in close combat. To a certain extent, it is also the nemesis of Rou Quan.

But this move is also an extremely difficult skill to master among the Kaguya clan. Basically only the jounin of the Kaguya clan can master it.

The other is Corpse Veins Ten Finger Penetrating Bullet, which means firing your own finger bones like bullets.

The lethality is very impressive, and it is extremely difficult to guard against. Many Konoha ninjas have died from this move.

Like Kiyomi, who mixed steel fists and ninjutsu into soft fists, Hinata decided to incorporate ten-finger piercing bullets into her own moves.

As the saying goes: seven steps away, the gun is fast; within seven steps, the gun is fast and accurate.

As for the remaining fighting methods such as drawing out the bone knife, Hinata's evaluation is that they are not as good as soft fist.

And this fighting method is too ugly, if Qingmi sees it...

Thinking of this, Hinata couldn't help but shudder and shook her head quickly.

Then she walked towards the training ground in the mansion, ready to test how much her strength had increased.

At this moment, Hinata Hizashi, who received the notice, hurried back.

He saw Hinata standing in the yard and asked quickly: "Hinata, where is Uchiha Itachi?"

Hinata was about to answer Hizu, but suddenly remembered what Uchiha Itachi said not long ago.

So she shut her mouth and punched out the fist that had already accumulated strength in her hand.


The punch hit the wooden stake used for training, and there was an immediate "click". Immediately afterwards, a crack appeared from the place where the fist hit, and then spread to both sides.

Hinata stopped her efforts and said calmly: "Already gone."

Hizu frowned slightly, he always felt that something seemed different about Hinata.

But he didn't pay too much attention to it, but continued to ask: "I heard from the tribesmen that you received him?"


Hinata nodded, and swung out another palm, completely breaking the training stake into two pieces and falling to the ground.

"What did you all talk about?"

"There's nothing important, just some polite words." As she said that, Hinata arranged the wooden piles that were broken into two parts.

Then she turned around, looked into Nizu's eyes, and asked, "Father, are you free now?"

Hidashi narrowed his eyes slightly. No matter how worried he was about Uchiha, he still noticed something was wrong with Hinata at this moment.

He asked in a deep voice: "I'm not in a hurry, what do you want to do?"

"I have gained a lot from my practice recently. I want to see how much progress I have made. I would like to trouble Father to take action."

It wasn't until she finished saying this that Hizu finally realized what had changed in Hinata.

Her voice was half a beat slower than before, her words were clearer, and her voice was also slightly lowered, but she couldn't be ignored.

As the saying goes, when the voice is low, it has magnetism; when the speaking speed is slow, there is an audience.

If you show some calm and leisurely momentum, you will have a slight sense of oppression.

This is the way the superior speaks.

Although he didn't know who taught him, Rizu not only didn't feel offended, but was very satisfied.

In his opinion, Hinata will be the head of the Hyuga clan in the future.

As the head of the family, in addition to the humility that has been taught in daily life, a little arrogance is also necessary. Only in this way can the tribesmen be frightened.

"Sparring or actual combat?" Rizu asked again.

"Of course it's actual combat." Hinata said very simply, she seemed quite confident.

Naturally, Rizu would not refuse: "Okay, then let me see what your confidence is."

After saying that, father and daughter raised their hands to form the seal of opposition.

As soon as the battle began, Hinata chose to attack and slapped Hizu's chest with a straight palm.

If the two people are the same height, this palm should be aimed at the front door, and it can also play a role in blocking the field of vision while starting the hand.

For Hizu, the purpose of sparring with Hinata is to test her strength, so it is impossible for him to choose to avoid it.

So he also assumed a soft fist posture, waved a palm, and faced Hinata.

However, the moment his hands collided, Rizu's expression changed instantly.

so hard!

It's like being photographed on an iron plate.

What is going on?

Before Hizu could think about it, Hinata's attacks came towards Hizu like a violent storm.

"Father, don't underestimate me." She said softly, and her attacks became faster and faster.

Rizu had to raise his hands to keep blocking, but every collision was like fighting with an iron plate, and his hands were numb from the shock.

In fact, Hinata has just awakened the Corpse Veins and can't do anything except piercing bullets with her fingers.

As for the hardness Rizu felt, it was just the passive skill of Corpse Bone Pulse.

After the density of the palm bones increases, they are already harder than steel. Otherwise, why would the Kaguya clan use bone knives instead of kunai?

On the other side, Hizu mobilized his chakra and suddenly threw out a soft fist technique and empty palm to interrupt Hinata's offensive.

It knocked her staggering, destroying her body's balance.

Then Rizu quickly moved forward and pointed out.

Hinata was naturally unable to dodge, and was hit on the acupuncture point without any suspense.

But the next second, before Hinata could inject the chakra, Hinata was enveloped in a burst of smoke.

When the smoke dissipated, Hinata's figure had long disappeared, replaced by a wooden stake cut in half.

Ninja Technique and Substitution Technique.

Under Byakugan's field of vision, Hizu also caught Hinata's figure.

She stood behind Hinata, and the moment the stand ended, Hinata threw several shurikens at him.

This distance is too close, there is no time to turn around and block!

Hizu thought for a moment, then released a large amount of chakra to wrap himself up, and at the same time, his whole body spun rapidly.

"Soft Boxing Technique: Return to Heaven!"

Kaiten, the Hyuga clan's unique skill, has a reputation for absolute defense.

Facing the Nizu who was using Kaitian, not even the Go Fireball could break its defense, let alone the shuriken thrown by Hinata.

Although Hinata failed to cause any effective attacks, Hizu was very satisfied.

The battle had just begun, and Hinata forced Hizu to use his empty palm and Kaiten.

If it were just a test of strength, the answer would already be available.

But Hinata didn't call to stop, and the battle would continue.

There is another update in the early morning, I am working hard to write, no pigeon.

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