Naruto training king

Chapter 93 Uchiha Itachi who got the Shuangwen script [Please subscribe]

Nanga Shrine.

It’s time for the Uchiha clan’s weekly clan meeting again.

Uchiha Fugaku sat at the front, facing the clan members, with his hands folded on his chest and his head bowed in silence.

The tribesmen talked a lot, and then there was silence again.

After a while, a young Uchiha finally couldn't bear it anymore and stood up and asked: "Master Patriarch, what are you still hesitating about?"

This voice seemed to be a signal, and several clan members followed closely and asked.

"Lord Clan Leader, we have already trained very well in beheading operations. As long as you set a time, the Uchiha will do something great together."

However, no matter how much the clan members urged, "Uchiha Hiruzen" remained silent.

So...what is he hesitating about?

As early as when Uchiha Shisui was still alive, Uchiha Fugaku was also a staunch supporter of the coup.

He believed in the power of himself and Shisui, and in front of two pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan, it was not difficult to launch a coup and seize Konoha.

But with Shisui committing suicide, the Uchiha clan had to temporarily put out the idea of ​​a coup.

Immediately afterwards, Fugaku discovered Uchiha Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Although he lost Shisui's fighting power, Itachi filled the gap perfectly, and that was his son. God bless Uchiha.

However, before Fugaku could be happy, he discovered that Uchiha Itachi did not seem to have the same heart as the Uchiha clan.

Once Itachi is on Konoha's side, the best case scenario is that his and Itachi's combat powers cancel each other out, and a group of Uchihas with three Magatama Sharingan face the Sandaime Hokage.

It is almost impossible to kill the Sandaime Hokage before Konoha's reinforcements arrive.

Without the combat power of Kaleidoscope, Uchiha's coup was not sure enough, and Fugaku had a premonition of failure.

Even though the clansmen proposed ways to release the Nine-Tails and use Sharingan control to make up for the lack of high-end combat power, Fugaku still did not have enough confidence.

His son, Uchiha Itachi, was simply amazing.

He was so good that even he himself was not confident that he could win.

So Fugaku could only appease the clan members and try his best to win over Itachi Uchiha.

The Uchiha tribesmen were determined that they would not fail. During this period of waiting, they almost regarded themselves as the masters of Konoha.

As a master, Uchiha is also more polite and patient with the villagers in daily life. After all, they are all "his own people".

Correspondingly, Uchiha became increasingly dissatisfied with Konoha's top management, and also questioned Uchiha Fugaku's delay in standing still.

Fugaku did have a very high prestige among the Uchiha clan, and it was this prestige that allowed the clansmen who believed in him to delay the coup plan until now.

However, as of today, Uchiha's patience has been completely exhausted. At this clan meeting, Uchiha Fugaku, as the clan leader, must make a decision!

Their ignorant and fearless appearance made Uchiha Itachi, who had been standing at the door of the shrine, taking in all this, no longer able to hold it in any longer.

"Ha, haha, hahaha!!!"

His laughter came in from outside the door and echoed in the empty Nanga Shrine.

Suddenly, the undisguised sarcasm and ridicule reached the ears of every Uchiha.

"Itachi Uchiha!"

An Uchiha shouted through gritted teeth.

They were already unhappy with this "ANBU ninja" who had not participated in a clan meeting for a long time.

Another Uchiha also stood up and said angrily: "So you, an ANBU ninja, still remember that the Uchiha clan has a clan council?"

Immediately afterwards, several more Uchiha stood up and accused him.

Uchiha Itachi didn't want to pay attention to them until someone mentioned Uchiha Shisui.

At this moment, Itachi felt sad. He wanted to curse, but he had never learned any curse words.

Thousands of words came to my lips, and finally turned into a rhetorical question: "You don't... really think you can win, do you?"

Failure is the word that Uchihas least want to mention.

Itachi's words seemed to have stepped on a sore spot for them. The Uchiha who was the first to criticize reacted particularly violently and looked at Itachi with a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes.

"The only ones who can defeat these eyes are the same eyes! The top management of Konoha can only lament that they do not have the power of the Sharingan!"

"Oh?" Itachi's mouth curled up slightly.

The next second, this Uchiha fainted and fell to the ground.

The surrounding tribesmen came over to check on him. When they found out that he was under the illusion, they immediately helped to remove the illusion.

After waking up, he couldn't help but said with some fear: "When..."

It is known that the Mangekyō Sharingan can delay the release of the pupil technique. And he only has a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes, so naturally he won't understand.

Ever since Itachi discovered this little function, he has fallen in love with genjutsu.

Just like a farmer who sows seeds in spring, he doesn't know which seed will sprout, nor does Itachi know which genjutsu will be useful.

But whatever, let’s bury it first.

"It's sad." Itachi Uchiha spat out these words without saltiness.

Suddenly, a question arose in the minds of the Uchiha people.

What's sad?

However, Uchiha Itachi was no longer in the mood to continue explaining, and then he took steps, crossed the threshold of Nanga Shrine and walked in.

Suddenly, several Uchiha who were closer to him stepped back to make way for Uchiha Itachi.

In a place where power speaks, this illusion alone turned these arrogant and domineering Uchiha into mutes one by one.

They opened their Sharingan and looked at Uchiha Itachi cautiously.

Not only was he afraid that he would fall into a genjutsu, but he also wanted to see clearly how Uchiha Itachi did it, knocking down a three-magatama Sharingan clan member in an instant.

Uchiha Itachi continued to walk forward, passing by the clan members beside him, and walked towards Fugaku who was sitting at the front.

"Only members of the Uchiha clan who have opened their Sharingan eyes can participate in the Uchiha clan's clan meeting. The status within the clan is determined by the strength of the eyes."

His steps were light, and his shoes made only a slight sound when they came into contact with the stone floor.

But in this huge shrine, it was so quiet that every Uchiha could hear the sound of his footsteps on the ground.

"The first magatama clan members are arranged closest to the shrine gate, the third magatama clan members sit at the front, and the second magatama clan members are squeezed in the middle."

As he spoke, he stopped and stood in front of everyone.

The next moment, Itachi's body emitted powerful fluctuations in pupil power, and he slowly turned around, revealing a pair of windmill-shaped Mangekyō Sharingan.

"I wonder...where should I sit with these eyes?"

The tribesmen present were all moved by this. They stared blankly at Uchiha Itachi's pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, and the terrifying eye power contained in them was even more heart-stopping.

The Uchihas, who were born to worship the strong, felt even more fearful in their hearts at this moment.

The Uchiha who was still provoking just now fell silent. He buried his head tightly and couldn't stop cursing in his heart.

Marde, did you tell me you had a kaleidoscope?

It turned out that the phrase "pathetic" was to make him feel sad that his Sharingan was not as powerful as the Mangekyō.

This kind of method of repaying another person with his own way is really humiliating and hard to accept!

At this moment, Uchiha Fugaku's voice came from the stage.

"Itachi, have you had enough trouble?"

Along with these words, there is also a powerful pupil power.

The tribesmen all looked at Fugaku and saw that his eyes were also embedded with a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan with complex patterns.


Uchiha Itachi snorted and turned off his Sharingan.

The reason why he appears here is to finally take advantage of these arrogant guys. There is no need to make the atmosphere too tense.

However, his concession had a different meaning in the eyes of the other Uchiha people.

Since Itachi gave him face, Fugaku also turned off the Mangekyo Sharingan, and then said: "Itachi, since you are here to attend the clan meeting, if you have any opinions, please communicate with the clan members."

Hearing this, Itachi nodded: "Yes."

Seeing this scene, the Uchiha clan members in the audience were even more sure of their suspicions.

Although he is also a kaleidoscope, the young Uchiha Itachi is still inferior to the clan leader Uchiha Fugaku!

So another Sanmagatama Uchiha took courage and jumped out to accuse him: "Itachi, are you, this ANBU ninja, planning to betray the family?"

"So what?" Uchiha Itachi replied calmly, not caring about their reactions at all.

"As expected! I'm afraid you have already betrayed Uchiha's plan to Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

Itachi smiled contemptuously, and then said: "As for your plan that is full of holes, do you still need me to leak it?"

When it comes to Uchiha's coup plan, we have to mention another family that has the same feat as them, the Kaguya clan of Kirigakure Village.

They are purer and crazier militants than the Uchiha.

The reason why they launched the coup was, "Let Kirigakure Village see the power of the Kaguya clan!", so they launched a frontal attack on the village.

Of course, the ending was as expected, the group was wiped out, leaving only a single seedling.

In contrast, although Uchiha is also quite crazy, they know that it is impossible to fight against the entire village with the power of one clan alone.

So from the beginning, their coup plan was actually a beheading plan.

As long as the core executives of Konoha, headed by the Third Hokage, are killed and the power of Konoha is seized, the rest of the ninja clan will naturally compromise with the successful Uchiha.

This plan is quite simple, just like "Qing Jun Side".

Generally speaking, for things like rebellion, the simpler the plan, the easier it is to succeed, such as Emperor Yongle and Zhu Di.

But a large part of the reason Zhu Di was able to succeed was because he was so fast that others didn't even react.

Who would have thought that he could capture Peiping in one night and conquer Nanjing in four years to ascend the throne.

If Uchiha Fugaku didn't think so much and didn't pursue any certainty, but ran alone to give the Third Hokage a sudden surprise.

With his pair of Mangekyō Sharingan that he had always hidden, he might actually be able to succeed.

It's now half past two in the morning, and I have barely finished writing this chapter. My typing speed is really slow...

I am so slow that I am speechless. Mainly because I don’t know why, but I feel constrained when writing.

I always feel like I've made a mistake somewhere, and I have to look back and make corrections after coding a few words.

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