Naruto training king

Chapter 91 Idiot! 【Please subscribe】

Flame fan.

A weapon passed down from generation to generation of the Uchiha clan.

This fan symbolizes the Uchiha family's proficiency in the fire escape ninjutsu. Therefore, this fan is also the emblem of the Uchiha family.

Since Uchiha Madara took away the flame fan decades ago, the Uchiha clan who lost this weapon can only rely on their imagination.

In the process of imagining, the power of the Homura Fan will inevitably be exaggerated, which makes the Uchiha people who already pursue power increasingly worship the Homura Fan, and then worship the Uchiwa Fan family crest.

Among today's Uchiha clan, the most widely recognized person is what Fugaku said, "the person holding the fan that controls the flames."

Fire escape ninjutsu is a power that Uchiha is proud of, so harnessing flames and controlling power has become Uchiha's belief.

But Uchiha Itachi had a different view. He felt that Uchiha could be the fan that helped Konoha burn like other families.

Different interpretations represent different positions.

But on the other hand, it was precisely because of the different positions of Itachi and Fugaku that their understanding of the family crest deviated.

Uchiha Sasuke didn't know who was right and who was wrong. He couldn't even understand the meaning behind these two sentences, but he could see the conflict between his father and his brother.

"Father, brother..." Sasuke shouted a little at a loss.

He didn't understand why they had conflicts. He also didn't want to see quarrels between relatives.

But fortunately, neither Fugaku nor Itachi had any intention of arguing in front of Sasuke, and both of them restrained themselves.

It wasn't until Fugaku spoke that he broke the silence.

"Itachi, follow me to Nanga Shrine."


Uchiha Itachi nodded and followed Fugaku towards the door of his house.

Sasuke stood up and chased after the two of them, but he was hugged by Uchiha Mikoto after just two steps.

Mikoto left Sasuke at home and looked back before closing the door.

Those black eyes were also full of worry.

Whether it's a family or a village, she can't see such a lofty goal.

That night, Sasuke lay on his side on the bed, opened his eyes, and stared at the empty bed next to him.

It wasn't until he fell asleep that Uchiha Itachi didn't come back.

When Sasuke woke up the next day, the empty home contained only the lunch box left by Mikoto on the table.

He wanted to know why his father and brother were quarreling.

Could it be that... they were really quarreling over the meaning of their family crest?

Is that kind of thing really that important?

Sasuke couldn't understand, but just as he was putting the lunch box into his bag, something suddenly occurred to him.

"Does Qingmi know this?"

He frowned and continued to pack his school bag.

I was hesitating whether I should talk to Hinata Kiyomi or not.

Until the afternoon gymnastics class.

After completing Iruka's target, he walked up to Hinata Kiyomi and Hinata Hinata.

"What's the matter?" Qingmi asked.

Sasuke was silent for a moment, and then spoke with difficulty: "Kiyomi, do you know Uchiha?"

Kiyomi leaned back tactically, then narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Ah? Are you an Uchiha asking me if I know Uchiha?"

Sasuke nodded, and then told him Fugaku and Itachi's different interpretations of the Uchiha family crest.

"Who do you think is right?"

After listening to Sasuke's narration, Kiyomi and Hinata looked at each other. It was obvious that they had thought of something together.

Qing Si pursed his lips and said, "Let me talk first."

Hinata nodded, then looked at Sasuke and said, "Actually, what they said is right."

"Then why are they arguing?"

"It's because of different positions."

Sasuke frowned slightly: "Standing point?"

"Yeah." Hinata nodded, "It's like a sword. Ninjas will think of it as a killing tool, while samurai will think of it as a fighting partner."

"I explain it this way, can you understand it?"

Sasuke said thoughtfully: "I understand, thank you."

Immediately afterwards, Qingmi patted his shoulder and said earnestly: "Sometimes, you should also properly step out of the continuous training."

"Actually, you just need to observe more about the things around you, and you will naturally understand these principles."

Sasuke knocked his hand off his shoulder and curled his lips: "Tch! You'd better recover quickly."

After that, he turned around and left, finding a quiet place to think carefully.

After Sasuke left, Hinata also fell into deep thought.

She will understand a wider range of information than Sasuke, and she will naturally be able to think of more things than Sasuke.

This is not to say that Hinata is more powerful than Sasuke, but their experiences are different.

Sasuke grew up under Itachi's aura. In order to catch up with Itachi, he devoted all his free time to training.

Hinata has been trained by Nizu as the head of the Hyuga family since she was a child. In addition to the practice of Rouquan, she has also been instilled in her by Nizu with a lot of family head-like thinking.

"Qingsi." She suddenly shouted.

"Well, what's wrong?"

She raised her head, her pupils trembling slightly: "What did you and Itachi talk about last time?"

However, Qingmi, who had always had no reservations about her, remained silent on this matter.

He shook his head and said, "I can't say."

Hinata was silent for a moment and looked down at her feet: "When I passed by the study yesterday, I heard my father mention some news about Uchiha."

"I have some knowledge of the tension between Uchiha and the village."

Hinata is not stupid, especially since all the information about Uchiha has been put in her face.

Hinata Hiashi once mentioned that there was tension between the Uchiha and the Leaf Village.

He was thinking about what choices Uchiha would make and what impact it would have on Hinata.

Combined with this information, let’s look at what Sasuke said.

So isn't it already obvious who the Uchiha are practicing cooperating with strangulation combat to deal with?

It's just that she didn't dare to think about "Uchiha planning a coup" before.

"Since Hinata knows everything, then... why are you asking me?"

Hinata straightened her back, looked into his eyes with a serious face, and asked again: "Kiyomi, what on earth did you and Uchiha Itachi talk about?"

"To be precise, I want to know what you did during this change in Uchiha?"

She spoke in a very sharp tone. The last time Qingmi heard this tone was at the clan meeting when Hinata Hanabi was born a few months ago.

Does this have the momentum of a family leader?

Qingmi was stunned for a moment, then continued speaking in a slightly joking tone, pretending to be relaxed.

"Don't worry, Miss Hinata, I will never drag the Hyuga clan into trouble."

However, Hinata's red lips opened slightly and uttered two words.


This chapter does not have 4,000 words, so something unexpected happened.

I originally wrote almost two thousand words about the conversation between Fugaku and Itachi, and this chapter is basically all about Uchiha.

Then I wasn’t satisfied with how to write it, so I struggled for half an hour, so I deleted it all and rewrote it.

I decided to continue reducing the length of Uchiha. As a result, I couldn't finish the four thousand words, so I could only post half of it. I'll make up for it tomorrow.

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