Naruto training king

Chapter 81 A glimpse of memory

Sealing technique.

Like Uchiha's Sharingan and Hinata's Byakugan, it is the signature method that immediately comes to mind when the Uzumaki clan is mentioned.

The sealing technique used by the sealing class of Konoha Village is also the product of simplifying and reconstructing the things of the Uzumaki clan.

After all, if you don't do this, the sealing technique will never be popularized. The threshold for getting started is higher than the medical ninjutsu.

In fact, strictly speaking, all sealing techniques in the ninja world originated from the Uzumaki clan. Especially after the destruction of the Kingdom of Whirlpool, there have been more and more types of sealing techniques.

But for the vast majority of ninjas, the scope of application of sealing techniques is far less than the traditional three techniques of ninja, body, and illusion.

Therefore, they did not spend too much effort to study it, which resulted in more people who knew how to seal. As a result, after decades of development, they were still not as good as the Uzumaki clan in the past.

Among the things that Itachi Uchiha got, in addition to the sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan he wanted, there was also a basic knowledge of the general sealing techniques of Konoha Village.

"Are you worried that I can't understand the Uzumaki clan's stuff?"

Qingmi complained, and then squatted down to sort these things.

After packing up the pile of scrolls, he lay on the bed, picked up the History of Sealing in the Warring States Period, and read it as a bedtime story.

In Qingsi's previous life, it was around the second year of junior high school.

There is a new history teacher in the school. He is tall and fat. He wears a pair of round glasses and always has a gentle smile on his face.

Unlike all the teachers Qingmi had seen before, he had just graduated from college, he was very passionate in class, and his knowledge was very profound.

This erudition does not refer to the depth of knowledge he possesses, but that he likes to read all kinds of official and unofficial history.

When giving lectures, I can always tell historical stories related to the content of this lesson, as easily as I can pick them up at my fingertips.

There is a light shining in his eyes called interest, which is something only people who really like history can have.

Although this teacher only taught Qingmi for one semester, under his influence, Qingmi gradually fell in love with... reading stories.


Qingmi suddenly frowned and sat up slightly.

You must know that this history of sealing during the Warring States Period records some stories of extremely powerful ninjas being sealed during the Warring States Period.

These people are quite powerful and are either difficult to kill or have to pay a heavy price, so they have to seal them.

And powerful people will undoubtedly have a well-known name.

However, among all the famous people, there is a person named "Unknown" who stands out.


A girl from the Uchiha clan masters the eye technique called "Eight Thousand Spears" and is regarded by the Uchiha clan as a weapon against the Senju clan.

Later, because this pupil technique was too dangerous, Uchiha erased her name and named her "Nameless" in order to better control her.

In a certain war, the Senju clan united with the Sarutobi clan to lure him to the Land of Fire and seal him away...]


Qingsi was stunned for a moment, then jumped up from the bed, put the scroll under the light and read it again.

"What the hell, did I read that right?"

You know, what kind of character is the Uchiha clan?

Born to be strong.

However, when facing this girl named "Nameless", Uchiha did the same disgusting thing as Danzo.

Erasing names, brainwashing, and using fellow humans as weapons.

What kind of pupil technique is this? It actually makes the Uchiha clan afraid of being like this.

"Eight thousand spears..."

A strong curiosity suddenly arose in Qingmi's heart.

So he wrote down the sealing location of "Nameless", and then picked up a pen and erased the information about her from the scroll.

It is best not to let other people know about the pupil technique that can force the Uchiha clan to do this. Who knows what kind of disaster it will bring.

Immediately afterwards, Kiyomi continued reading the following content.

The next day, Ninja School.

As Iruka walked out of the classroom, the lunch break bell rang.

Kiyomi turned around, looked at Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Choji, and asked, "How about going out to eat today?"

Shikamaru put one hand on the table and supported his cheek: "Didn't you bring a lunch box?"

"I slept a little late yesterday and didn't have time to make lunch in the morning."

The volume on the history of seals during the Warring States Period was quite interesting. Qingmi stayed up late reading it last night and didn't lie down to sleep until he finished reading it.

"I didn't bring a lunch box either."

After saying that, Shikamaru turned to look at Choji: "Did you bring a lunch box?"

Choji nodded: "I brought it, but I'm not full. I can take this lunch and go out to eat with you."

"Then let's go."

Shikamaru stood up using the tabletop and stretched.

Then the three of them walked out of school together and went to Ichiraku Ramen for lunch.

When Kiyomi came back and walked into the classroom, he happened to see Hinata Hinata and Kurama Yakumo seeming to be chatting secretly.

The two buried their heads and whispered, Hinata's face still showed a bit of anticipation and nervousness, while Yakumo looked a little worried.

So Qingmi walked over and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Hearing his voice, Hinata and Yakumo straightened their backs at the same time, both of them looking a little guilty.

Especially Hinata, whose white eyes didn't dare to meet his gaze at all.

Yakumo turned around and shouted to Qingmi: "It's nothing!"


Qingmi's tone became slightly more serious, and then he asked, "Then why are your eyes so erratic?"

"Ahem! Forget it, let's just say it directly."

Yakumo coughed lightly, opened his backpack, took out a painting and handed it to Kiyomi.

"Didn't you save me last time? I've been thinking about giving you some gift, and finally after thinking about it, I drew a picture for you."

"If you think my painting is ugly, you can say so, anyway..." Yakumo crossed his arms, turned his head to the side, and snorted, "I won't change it anyway!"

Seeing her like this, Qingmi couldn't help but laugh, and reached out to take the painting.

"Hey, I'm not the kind of person who values ​​the value of gifts. As the saying goes, affection is more important than courtesy. As long as it's a gift from a friend, why would I dislike it?"

As the saying goes, if you drive Wuling Hongguang to pick up girls, the girls will say ours are inappropriate.

But if you drive Wuling Hongguang to pick up your brother, he will just let you roll into the back seat and he will drive two.

After laughing twice, Qingmi held both sides of the drawing paper with both hands, and then spread it out on the table.

On the drawing paper is a beautiful scene at sunrise. The bright golden light exudes vitality under Yakumo's brushwork. One glance at it can make people feel relaxed and happy.

But his attention was all focused on the drawing paper, and he didn't notice that Yakumo and Hinata were looking at him secretly, a little nervously.

He continued to admire the painting carefully, silently, while Hinata and Yakumo's breathing became a little heavier at the same time.

Finally, Qingmi raised his head and praised: "Isn't this a very good painting?"

Yakumo breathed a sigh of relief and said to him: "Then... you just like it."

"Thank you very much."

Qingmi nodded, put the scroll away and put it on the table, then took out two books and put them under his arms, and started to take a nap.

As he gradually fell into sleep, Yakumo sitting aside nodded towards Hinata, then put his hands together in a seal.

Immediately afterwards, she also lost consciousness and fell into Hinata's arms.

This is exactly the genjutsu developed based on the "bold idea" Hinata said.

The human brain is a complex treasure house. So far, human research on the brain has only scratched the surface.

Even Kurama Yakumo, who was born with the ability to control the five senses, had some troubles before using this genjutsu.

After all, she had just researched it, and it was still very rough in all aspects. Compared with the mature illusion technique that had been iterated by countless people, there were too many problems.

For now, this illusion can only be called a dream spell.

It allows one person to enter another person's dream, but cannot control the dream like a lucid dream.

So Kurama Yakumo thought of a trick, using that painting as a medium to perform illusions, planting a subconscious in Kiyomi's brain.

And this subconscious mind will guide the content of Qingmi's dreams, thereby indirectly controlling the dreams to a certain extent.

For example, the hint planted by Kurama Yakumo in this painting is her name. In this case, Kiyomi who sees this painting will dream of Kurama Yakumo when he dreams.

Dreams are unimaginable and unpredictable, but they are also close to reality.

Dreams in the human brain will not reveal things that the person does not know, so as long as this illusion is successful, Kiyomi's dream will be a certain memory related to Kurama Yakumo.

This kind of memory is mutual, and when Yakumo enters this memory, he can directly replace himself in the dream.

As long as she completes this test, she can continue to improve the illusion.

Soon, the darkness gradually faded away, and Yakumo gradually saw the light.

At this moment, there was a drawing board in front of her, and she was creating this painting in her dream.

[Very good, I successfully entered the dream! 】

Kurama Yakumo smiled proudly and was about to stand up to see where Kiyomi was, but found that he couldn't move at all.

She could only be like a spectator, watching herself in the dream continue to complete the painting.

[Why can’t I move? It shouldn't be... Is there something wrong with my technique? 】

Kurama Yakumo was puzzled. You know, for this test, she had prepared for several days and repeatedly verified this illusion.

Logically speaking, such a problem shouldn't occur?

Even if there is a problem, it should be due to the type of dream. The subconscious she planted did not work.

At this moment, Kurama Yakumo suddenly noticed something was wrong.

The self in the dream, "Kurama Yakumo", was waving a paintbrush meticulously.

On her drawing board, it was exactly what Konoha Village looked like, but...

[One, two...five! Why are there five shadow rocks? ! ] Kurama Yakumo shouted in surprise.

As the "Kurama Yakumo" in the dream continued to paint, the painting in front of him became more and more wrong.

The world outside was clearly painted with clear skies and clear winds and beautiful sunshine, but on the paper in front of "Kurama Yakumo", the sky of Konoha was painted with dense clouds.

Immediately afterwards, a yellow-haired boy wearing an orange vest and a forehead protector walked from the forest behind him and walked behind "Kurama Yakumo".

He looked at the painting with some confusion. It was obvious that he was also wondering why the sky in this painting was foggy.

"Kurama Yakumo" saw someone coming, and after taking a look, he continued to paint.

Following her moving gaze, Kurama Yakumo, who was staying in this body, also saw the young man's appearance clearly.

[He is...Uzumaki Naruto? Why does he have a forehead protector on his forehead? 】

【Wait a moment! He seems to be...a little older than the Naruto I know. He looks about thirteen or fourteen years old. 】

Kurama Yakumo's confusion increased.

She couldn't help but wonder, was this really Hinata Kiyomi's memory?

But before she could continue thinking, she in the dream had already picked up a white paintbrush and touched the dark clouds.

Then with a swipe of her hand, a white line fell under her pen, hitting the Hokage Building in the painting.

Immediately afterwards, the clear sky outside the painting panel was replaced by dark clouds. In an instant, the dark clouds that oppressed the world angrily struck a thunderbolt, just like the scene shown in the drawing, hitting the Hokage Building.

Suddenly, billowing smoke rose from the top of the Hokage Building, and the ANBU stationed nearby formed water escape seals and began to extinguish the fire.

A woman wearing a green windbreaker with the same appearance as the fifth Kageyan rushed out of the Hokage building and directed the firefighting efforts.

【How could I do such a thing? ! 】

Kurama Yakumo looked at what happened in front of him in shock.

Uzumaki Naruto standing aside also opened his mouth in surprise. Before Naruto could ask, "Kurama Yakumo" had already put away his brush with a calm expression and left here.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Uzumaki Naruto shouted to her.

But "Kurama Yakumo" didn't seem to hear it and just continued walking out of the forest.

Immediately afterwards, Uzumaki Naruto ran forward and stopped her, asking, "What's your name? What happened just now?"

"Kurama Yakumo" glanced at him, and then said coldly: "It has nothing to do with you."

[Uzumaki Naruto, don’t you recognize me? 】

Kurama Yakumo looked at this scene and felt that there were more and more question marks in his heart.

【What the hell is going on! ! ! 】 She shouted in collapse.

At this moment, two masked ANBU rushed out of the nearby forest, one on the left and one on the right, and forcibly took "Kurama Yakumo" hostage.

The masked ANBU said: "Kurama Yakumo, come with me to see Lord Hokage."

"Let me go!" Yakumo struggled hard in the dream.

But "Kurama Yakumo"'s body seemed to be very weak, and he almost fainted after struggling for a while.

Immediately afterwards, a feeling of anger spread from the bottom of his heart.

Kurama Yakumo who stayed in this body couldn't help but shuddered and hugged himself with both hands.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a monster with blue flames spitting out of its mouth appearing in front of her.

Ninja school, in the classroom.


Kurama Yakumo suddenly raised his body, breathing heavily, with cold sweat on his forehead.

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