Naruto training king

Chapter 66 Another first time for Hinata

Although Hinata Kiyomi deliberately controlled the power, such an attack was no different from a tickle to Kurama Yakumo.

She didn't even know what was happening.

From this we can see how big the gap in spiritual energy between the two is.

It's not that Kiyomi is too bad, but that no one in the entire Konoha Village can compete with Kurama Yakumo at the level of spiritual energy.

Such huge spiritual energy is extremely rare.

However, success is Xiao He and failure is Xiao He. This huge power has made Kurama Yakumo's innate illusion ability, but it is also the culprit of Kurama Yakumo's "frail and sick".

Her body couldn't bear her soul.

Qingmi opened the door, took out the things in the bag and put them away, and then walked into the bathroom.

To be honest, the first time he used Byakugan·Coercion, he got such a result. Qingmi was more or less disappointed.

However, no matter how difficult it is to use, it is still something that Otsutsuki only has in his skill list.

And most importantly, Kiyomi is very interested in the genjutsu mastered by Kurama Yakumo.

Kurama Yakumo can construct an almost real illusion world according to his own wishes. In a sense, this is no different from the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

The final form of Byakugan Genjutsu conceived by Kiyomi is probably like this, allowing people to be immersed in an infinitely beautiful world forever, and even if he knows that this is a false world, he is unwilling to come out.

After all, everyone wants to marry the person they love most, and everyone wants to see their deceased relatives and friends standing beside them...

What's wrong with the false illusion world?

But it's a pity that Kiyomi doesn't have the bargaining chip to exchange with Kurama Yakumo.

It would be great if she was a target of the girl development system. In this case, this problem could be solved by continuously improving her physique.

He sighed, then returned to the bedroom, lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Before falling asleep, he vaguely felt that he had forgotten something.

On the other side of the Hyuga tribe, Hinata sat on the bed with her legs crossed, staring at the window in a daze.

The long-awaited eyes gradually turned to despair. It was not until late at night that Hinata got into the quilt, put a hand on her belly and slowly fell asleep.

"He must have been delayed for something..."

The next morning, Qingsi gradually woke up in a dazzling light.

He raised his hands to cover his eyes, and after a while he slowly opened them and looked around.

"Did you forget to close the curtains last night?"

I wiped my cheeks, then got up, got dressed and walked into the bathroom.

There were many things on the floor that he had not had time to sort out after buying them yesterday. Looking at the messy room, he gave up his thoughts on making breakfast.

Then I put on my coat and planned to eat a bowl of Ichiraku Ramen.

But as soon as he opened the door, he found an unexpected person at the door.

She stood aside, clasping her hands tightly in front of her chest, as if she was struggling with something.

"Hinata?" Kiyomi shouted.

Qingmi's voice startled her, and Hinata turned around quickly: "Ah? Ah! You, you... you're awake!"

"Just woke up for a while."

Seeing her panic, Qingmi couldn't help but smile, then turned around, closed the door and walked to her side.

"Have you had breakfast?" she asked.

"Not yet, where are you?"

Hinata shook her head and then said, "Let's go together."

"What to eat?"

"I don't know, it's up to you to decide."

"Then let's go eat ramen."

Ichiraku Ramen.

Qingsi opened the curtain and shouted: "Uncle, I'm here, it's still the same."

Shou Da poked his head out of the kitchen to take a look, then wiped his hands and walked out, smiling and asking: "What do your friends eat?"

Hinata looked at the menu, then turned to look at Kiyomi: "What did Kiyomi eat?"

“Tonkotsu ramen, but with lots of chili pepper.”


Hinata paused for a moment, remembering the excitement on Kiyomi's face when she talked about chili that night.

So she said to her opponent: "Then I'll eat tonkotsu ramen too, but I'll put less chili."

The old man smiled and asked again and again: "Little girl, are you sure?"



Hinata and Kiyomi shouted at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the two looked at each other, and then Qingmi was the first to speak: "You have never eaten chili pepper before, so it is better to try it slowly. How about just half a spoonful the first time?"

Hinata nodded obediently: "I heard you clearly."

A few minutes later, Teuchi came out carrying two bowls of ramen.

It was only when he placed Kiyomi's ramen in front of the two of them that Hinata had a concrete idea of ​​the phrase "a lot of chili pepper will be added."

Looking at the bowl of ramen covered with chili peppers, her pupils felt like an earthquake, and her mouth opened wide in surprise.

"Kiomi, is this really tonkotsu ramen?"

At this moment, Hinata suddenly retreated, but then Tejida brought her portion of ramen.

Four pieces of tonkotsu are placed on the noodle soup. Half a spoonful of chili pepper is dotted on the tonkotsu meat. A little red oil flows out and slowly mixes with the tonkotsu oil.

It looked delicious, so different from Kiyomi's prohibitive portion size.

Qingmi picked up the chopsticks and handed them to her: "Stir the chili evenly."

"Yeah." Hinata nodded slightly and took the chopsticks.

She picked up a skewer of noodles with some red oil and swallowed uncontrollably.

Then she put the noodles into her mouth, and the spicy and stimulating taste bloomed the moment it touched her taste buds.

Very spicy!

This was Hinata's first feeling.

But then, she discovered that the spiciness was completely different from the mustard she had eaten before.

After experiencing it for herself, she finally understood what the difference Kiyomi was talking about.

good smell!

This was Hinata's second feeling.

The spiciness of mustard is a very pungent taste. Every time Hinata eats it, her nose and eyes feel like they are burning, so she never likes it.

But this kind of boiled chili oil did not happen. After taking the first bite, Hinata immediately wanted to take the second and third bites...

The spicier it is, the more you want to eat it. No wonder Qingsi likes spicy food so much.

But in just a moment, she finished the entire bowl of noodles.


Hinata arranged the dishes and chopsticks, her back straight and her face flushed.

He took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his forehead, then said impatiently: "Uncle, have another bowl."

"Okay." Shou Da smiled and nodded, then turned and walked into the kitchen.

At this moment, the curtain of the ramen shop was opened, and a crisp sound came from behind the two of them.


Please give me a monthly pass and follow up on my reading.

If nothing else, it should be on the shelves soon, but I'm afraid I'll update it and you guys will run away.

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