Naruto training king

Chapter 59 The first mission in your career

"Hahaha..." Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled happily.

The fireworks in the sky are gradually becoming sparse, and the New Year Festival is coming to an end.

He stretched out his hand to rub Qingmi's head and praised, "It's really amazing, Qingmi."

"I just like to think on the bright side of everything. I can't stand such praise."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head: "No, people should think more about beautiful things when they are alive. Otherwise, they will always be immersed in the dark world, and the only one who will be tortured is themselves."

When he said this, he didn't know who he was thinking of, and he sighed with regret.

"...You are a very smart child. It would be great if he could think like this at the beginning."

After that, he put out the cigarette in his hand, put his hands behind his back, and looked towards the Konoha Village under Shadow Rock.

"Grandpa Third Generation, who are you talking about?" Uzumaki Naruto asked curiously.

"My most proud disciple..."

The cloudy eyes gradually blurred, and people like to recall the past when they get older.


The fireworks exploding in the sky brought his memory back to the present. Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head, then changed the subject and said, "Naruto, what do you think of the ninja school?"

Naruto nodded vigorously: "I feel great, because I have made so many friends because I came to school!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed, and then said: "What I mean is...forget it, let's just say it directly."

"Teacher Iruka submitted an idea for the expansion of the Ninja School. After inspection, the Ninja School will be demolished and expanded after the New Year. Naruto, you will be able to see a bigger school soon."

Naruto opened his mouth wide, unable to tell whether he was more happy or surprised.

"Oh! Will there be any new classmates?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's hand trembled slightly: "Well... well... not at the moment."

"Since the school has expanded, why not recruit more students? This way I can make more friends."

Sarutobi Hiruzen explained helplessly: "Because Konoha Village no longer has enough students, we can't lower the admission standards just to recruit more students."

Naruto nodded thoughtfully: "That's right."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled, then felt his mouth was a little dry, so he lit the pipe again and took a pleasant puff.

At this moment, Qingmi suddenly interrupted: "Third generation adults, all school-age children in the village have participated in this year's... no, should it be last year's admissions exam?"

"Yes." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded.

"That's it." Qingmi nodded slightly, seeming to be thinking about something, "Then... where is the orphanage outside the village?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned for a moment and was silent for a while before he opened his mouth, but in the end nothing came out.

Outside the village...

Sarutobi Hiruzen held the pipe in his hand, looked at him seriously, and shouted: "Qingmi."

"I'm here, Third Generation-sama."

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around and took out a stamped blank scroll from under his robe: "Can I leave this task to you?"

Kiyomi didn't rush to pick up the scroll, but said: "Sandaime-sama, I'm not a ninja yet."

He was slightly surprised: "Oh? So, you refused this task?"

Kiyomi shook his head: "I mean, reward. Third Generation-sama, missions are rewarded. Don't give me money just because I'm not a ninja."

"Hahahaha..." Hiruzen Sarutobi breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile, "I will give you a reward equivalent to a B-level mission, how about it?"

B-level mission! The minimum is 150,000 taels!

Qingmi's eyes suddenly lit up, he immediately stretched out his hand to grab the scroll, and sincerely praised: "Hokage-sama is so generous, I will set off tomorrow!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head helplessly, but he didn't find it strange when he thought that this child could write "salary increase" on the test paper.

"You should still remember the admission criteria for Ninja School." He reminded.

"Of course I remember. Don't worry, Hokage-sama. This is my first mission. I guarantee it will be a complete success." Kiyomi patted his chest and said with assurance.


The first mission in your career, is this an achievement?

Thinking of this, Qingmi quickly raised his head and asked: "Sandaime-sama, can I call two helpers?"


"Then..." Kiyomi turned around and looked at Hinata and the others, "Hmm? Where's Shikamaru?"

"You ran away when I heard you said you were looking for help."

"He really understands me..." Qingmi smacked his lips, "In that case, please ask Hinata and Naruto to help me."

One is used to catch system bugs, and the other is used for work, perfect!

Regarding the two people he chose, Sarutobi Hiruzen also felt that there was no problem: "Okay, it's not too late, let's go home quickly."

"Well, goodbye, Hokage-sama!"

"Haha..." Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled, turned around and walked into the woods.

Itachi stretched out his finger and flicked Sasuke's forehead, then took out the mask and put it on, and then disappeared into the shadows.

After leaving Shadow Rock, Sarutobi Hiruzen was not in a hurry to rush back to the office, but took a leisurely walk in the deserted forest.

"Itachi, do you know about the orphanage set up outside Konoha Village?"

Itachi shook his head and replied: "I have never understood."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of cigarette: "The director of the orphanage was once the ace spy of the Roots. Later, she quit the Roots and established a place for war orphans outside Konoha Village."

"Root origin?"

Itachi was slightly surprised. Today, he was no longer the Itachi who knew nothing about roots. was precisely because he knew the roots that he was surprised by Nono U who could withdraw from the roots.

"This can be regarded as her ability." Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and continued, "I have talked with her before, but Nonoyu does not want these children to become ninjas, which is why she chose to build the orphanage in Mu Reasons outside Ye Village.”

"I respect her idea, but I still propose to put this orphanage under Konoha's name, so that it can avoid many potential threats."

Itachi nodded and asked with some confusion: "Hokage-sama is right to do this, but why doesn't the dean want these children to become ninjas?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi exhaled a puff of smoke and sighed: "She came from the roots. She has seen too much death, betrayal and darkness. She is afraid that those children will also become part of this darkness."

"I see." Itachi nodded slightly, "If this is the case, then Qingmi's mission may not be easy. No wonder Lord Hokage set it to B level."

"He will succeed." Sarutobi Hiruzen said with certainty.

After lunch, my stomach hurt for three hours. I ran to the toilet two or three times and I still have lingering fear.

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