Naruto training king

Chapter 47 Game

In the Hokage's office, Hiruzen Sarutobi was reviewing the test papers sent by Iruka.

With the idea of ​​treating everyone equally, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not directly turn out Hinata Kiyomi's test papers, but looked through each test paper one by one from the beginning.

Like he said, he remembers the name of every student in the ninja school.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Hiruzen Sarutobi put down the test paper in his hand and took out the crystal ball from the cabinet.

Injecting chakra to connect to the barrier that enveloped Konoha, and then through the telescope technique he developed, he could see everything happening on the ninja school playground just by sitting in his office.

In the field, the battle has not yet begun.

Sasuke put his hands behind his back and pretended to organize his ninja bag, but Sarutobi Hiruzen noticed his little movement.

"At this age, have you already mastered the shuriken technique passed down from generation to generation in the Uchiha clan?" he said in surprise.

In just a short while, Sasuke secretly wrapped a few small steel wires around his wrists, and then stood up with his back straight.

The already handsome face, coupled with a pair of cold and confident eyes, looks quite imposing.

"Sasuke, you are so handsome!" Outside the court, a girl couldn't help but sigh.

"That's right, Sasuke is the most handsome!"

Among the group of girls cheering for Sasuke, only Hinata looked closely at Kiyomi.

With her eyes full of admiring people, she didn't realize that in the teaching building behind the playground, Hinata Hiashi was standing in front of the window observing the place.


The battle broke out the moment the words fell.

Sasuke took out three shurikens and shot them towards Kiyomi's body from three directions.

In this way, the only choice left to Qingmi was to retreat or sprint forward. But no matter what he chooses, the route of action is only in a straight line.

While shooting the shuriken, Sasuke took out two more kunai and threw them straight ahead.

It should be noted that the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. Faced with Sasuke's temptation, Kiyomi didn't show any confidence at all and opened his eyes directly.

There is no doubt that whether it is a shuriken or a kunai, he can easily dodge it. Sasuke should not do such useless tricks.

Thoughts are like lightning, flashing through the battle.

Immediately afterwards, Qingmi kicked hard, and the ground beneath his feet sank in an instant, splashing up a large amount of soil, and his whole body rushed forward like a bullet.

Looking at the oncoming kunai, Qingmi adjusted his body shape slightly, and two kunai passed him by.

Next, there will be no obstacles on the road between him and Sasuke, so his speed does not slow down at all and he rushes straight towards Sasuke.

Seeing Kiyomi dodging shurikens and kunai one after another and rushing towards him, Sasuke was not nervous at all.

At this moment, a sound of metal and iron came from behind Qingmi.

The kunai and shuriken fired by Sasuke collided, changing each other's trajectories. And at this moment, everyone noticed that there seemed to be some thin threads reflecting light around Qingmi.

"This is……"

Before everyone could see clearly, the trajectories of the two kunai and shurikens changed one after another, and the steel wires tied to them were also exposed.

But these steel wires have already wrapped Qingmi, and as long as he waits a moment, as the kunai and shuriken continue to move, these steel wires can tie him tightly.

Hinata Kiyomi, there is no possibility of escape.

Then without any hesitation, Sasuke formed a seal with his hands.


"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A huge fireball spit out from his mouth.

In an instant, they arrived in front of Hinata Kiyomi. It was not easy to escape from this distance, let alone Kiyomi who was already blocked by the wire!

"What! At this age, he has mastered such a powerful ninjutsu?" Iruka said in surprise.

But seeing Qingmi in danger, he had no intention of taking action.

"How can this be?!"

Mizuki, who was standing on the sidelines watching the battle, was also shocked, and even gritted his teeth in surprise.

At this age, he can learn the art of powerful fireballs, have superb shuriken throwing skills, and have such amazing fighting wisdom.

Is this a child from the Uchiha clan?

Driven by jealousy, Mizuki clenched his fists, and a desire for power emerged in his heart.

He no longer wanted to indulge in that false and low-level taste. He should have a greater goal.


In the flash of lightning, Hinata shouted worriedly.

The next second, a huge fireball engulfed Qingmi.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Sasuke took a breath and stood quietly waiting for Iruka to declare victory.

However, not only did Iruka make no move, but even after the fireball disappeared, Kiyomi's figure also mysteriously disappeared.


A burst of white smoke rose, and Kiyomi appeared beside him in an instant, clenched his fist and hit Sasuke in the face.

With a "bang" sound, Sasuke received the punch with his face, and his body flew straight away.

But he ignored the pain, adjusted his position in the air before landing, and shot a shuriken in Kiyomi's direction, stopping him from continuing to pursue.

Sasuke stood up straight despite the pain and asked Kiyomi in front of him: "How did you do that?"

Qingmi smiled with a teasing look on his face: "This is not a sparring session after school. Do you think I will tell you?"

Sasuke's eyes flickered, looking at the dirt on the ground, he suddenly understood everything.

"It's the art of cloning and transformation..."

As one of the three basic ninjutsu, the essence of the clone technique is to use chakra to create a shadow that is exactly the same as the original body but has no entity.

Although he has no body, being a shadow can still block Sasuke's sight to a certain extent. This also gave Kiyomi the opportunity to use the transformation technique, turning himself into dirt and flying towards Sasuke.

Sasuke's eyes were sharp as he took out two kunai and resumed his fighting stance.

"I won't fall down twice with the same trick."

To be honest, although the two often sparred after school, this was the first time that Sasuke had used his shuriken-throwing technique.

There was no chakra reaction on these steel wires, and the Uchiha clan had already done some processing, so Kiyomi didn't see it even with his Byakugan open.

But the essence of fighting is gaming!

He believed that Sasuke must be hiding some trump card, so he chose to cheat first.

The result was as expected, Kiyomi only hit a flat A, and Sasuke used a set of skills including the ultimate flash.

So next...

Qingsi also put on a soft fist posture and grinned: "You must be sweating profusely."

The battle will officially begin next! !

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